Thursday, August 31, 2017

Trump’s NASA Budget Would Cancel These 4 Earth Science Missions []

Solar Eclipse Fever! Outreach Activities Aim to Spur Celestial Excitement []

NASA Tests Life-Detecting Mars Rover Tech in Brutal Chilean Desert []

REVEALED: THIS tribe found to have healthiest arteries of ANY population []

Geminid Meteor Shower 2017: When, Where & How to See It []

Spring Skywatching Treat: See Saturn and the Moon Together Early Monday []

Buzz Aldrin: Pence Offered Few Details of Space Policy in White House Meeting []

SpaceX Dragon Capsule Returns to Earth with Ocean Splashdown []

Jonah Hill weight loss – actor looks unrecognisable after ditching THIS from his diet []

Jonah Hill weight loss – actor looks unrecognisable after ditching THIS from his diet []

The 33-year-old, who shot to fame for his appearance in Superbad in 2007, was unrecognisable appearing at the 23rd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in LA, California on January 29. 

And this week he debuted an even slimmer figuere as he left a personal training session at the gym. 

As well as making a name for himself for his comedic roles in other films such as Knocked Up, 21 and 22 Jump Street and Wolf of Wall Street, Jonah has spoken publically in the past about his fluctuating size. 

He’s revealed he was thin in high school but gained weight as an adult. 

But his weight loss journey began in 2011 when he was filming Moneybag with Brad Pitt. 

While rumours circulated Brad was the driving force behind his fitness overhaul, Jonah later came out and said his weight loss was simply triggered by a new diet and looking after himself. 

He told ABC News: “It was just mostly diet. 

“I wish there was some crazy thing that I did, like a pill or a genie or something, but I went to see a nutritionist, and he told me what to eat and to change my habits and stuff. 

“I found that Japanese food was very helpful to me.” 

Jonah has also revealed the key to his weight loss was giving up beer. 

He told a radio station: “I went to a nutritionist and I said, ‘I’ll lost weight, I’ll eat healthier and whatever, but figure out how I can drink beer’. 

“It’s so annoying because when I don’t drink beer, I get really really thin. Then when I drink beer, I get a little bigger.” 

Two years ago, Jonah put weight back on for his role in the movie War Dogs, which he starred in with Channing Tatum. 

When he appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon he said: “I gained weight for this movie War Dogs, and then I wanted to get in better shape, so I called Channing Tatum, and said, ‘Hey, if I eat less and go to a trainer, will I get in better shape?

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Jonah Hill weight loss – actor looks unrecognisable after ditching THIS from his diet

[]Jonah Hill weight loss – actor looks unrecognisable after ditching THIS from his diet

Weight loss – size 22 woman drops eight STONE by cutting THIS out of her diet []

Weight loss – size 22 woman drops eight STONE by cutting THIS out of her diet []

Laura Jarvis shed eight stone and bagged herself a boyfriend after cutting certain foods out of her diet. 

The 31-year-old from Belfast, Northern Ireland, weighed a whopping 18st and wore a size 22 dress after her addiction to pickled onion crisps left her piling on the pounds. 

Due to her bulging waistline, Laura’s confidence plummeted and she spent years alone without a partner to share her life with – as she could never hold on to a relationship beyond a couple of weeks. 

But determined to find love before she hit the big 3-0, Laura ditched the takeaways and junk food, and lost a staggering eight stone in just eight months. 

And after joining dating site, Plenty of Fish, her self-confidence soared and she met Matthew Baird, 29, and the pair have been together ever since. 

Laura, a child care assistant, said: “Without losing the weight I would never have had the confidence to date again and I would never have met Matthew.

“I couldn’t believe how big I had let myself get, I was turning 30 and I didn’t have much going on in my life. “I had been single for quite a while, I had been on dates before but nothing was ever serious.

“When I was younger I would hide away in my room and would scoff my face with sweets whilst watching TV.

“Soon it turned to comfort eating, I was depressed about my size but was stuck in a vicious cycle.

“My addiction to food was out of control, crisps were my weakness and I could easily eat four bags in one go, my favourite flavour was pickled onion or flame grilled. 

“But after I reached my goal weight I suddenly realised I had my confidence back and I decided to join an online dating site.

“I had only been on the site for a matter of weeks when I started talking to Matthew, we clicked instantly and have been together ever since.

“Mathew never saw me when I was at my biggest but I have shown him all of the photos, he is constantly saying how proud he is of me.” 

In 2014, Laura began suffering with stomach pains and doctors told her that she needed to have her gall bladder removed. But, in order to have the operation, Laura needed to lose three stone.

She added: “That really gave me the kick I needed and so in January 2015 I joined Slimming World and began exercising at home using workout DVDs. 

“A few months later I had lost just over five stone and was finally able to have the operation to remove my gall stones. “I stopped eating rubbish and have stuck to my diet plan ever since, I have now lost eight stone.” Laura reached her goal weight of 10 stone in the summer of 2016 which finally gave her the confidence to socialise again. 

Laura said: “Some of my friends suggested that I should join a dating site, I had previously been on Plenty of Fish and so decided to update my profile. 

“I had just turned 30 and realised I didn’t have anything to lose, I didn’t want to be alone forever. 

“From the moment I met Matthew I knew he was just perfect and nearly a year later we are still together. 

“At the moment we are living separately but we are always talking about and planning our future together.

“Before losing the weight I was always the biggest amongst my friends, I wanted to look nice and fit into the clothes they were wearing but I never could.

“But now that I’m a size 8-10 I can finally shop in the places they shop in and I can even borrow their clothes, it feels amazing.” 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss – size 22 woman drops eight STONE by cutting THIS out of her diet

[]Weight loss – size 22 woman drops eight STONE by cutting THIS out of her diet

OneWeb Breaks Ground on a Florida Factory That Will Build Thousands of Satellites []

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mesmerizing Space Spiral Surrounds Binary Star System in New Views []

Small Rocket Launched From Edge Of Space | Video []

Japanese Spy Satellite Launches to Watch North Korea []

In Photos: SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Huge EchoStar 23 Satellite []

Sleeping in Space: How Astronauts Get a Good Night’s Rest []

Valentina Tereshkova, First Woman in Space, Celebrated in London Exhibit []

Enormous Dust Storms on Mars Highlight the Red Planet’s Weather Mysteries []

Blastoff! SpaceX Launches EchoStar XXIII Satellite Atop Falcon 9 Rocket | Video []

Dark Matter Was Likely a Minor Ingredient in Early Galaxies, Study Finds []

What Should NASA’s Jupiter Probe Photograph? Cast Your Vote! []

Trump Budget Proposal Axes NASA’s Europa Lander Project []

Trump Budget Proposal Axes NASA’s Europa Lander Project []

The (fictional) aliens spoke, and President Donald Trump apparently listened.

The president’s 2018 federal budget blueprint, which was released today (March 16), would end work on a proposed NASA mission to put a life-hunting lander down on the surface of Jupiter’s ocean-harboring moon Europa.

“To preserve the balance of NASA’s science portfolio and maintain flexibility to conduct missions that were determined to be more important by the science community, the Budget provides no funding for a multibillion-dollar mission to land on Europa,” the blueprint reads. [Europa May Harbor Simple Life-Forms (Video)] 

This directive is in keeping with the one issued by advanced aliens in famed sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke’s 1987 book “2061: Odyssey Three.”

“All these worlds are yours — except Europa,” the aliens say in a message sent to Earth. “Attempt no landing there.”

The blueprint does fund continued development of NASA’s $2 billion Europa Clipper mission, which will launch in the 2020s and investigate the habitability of the Jovian moon — widely regarded as one of the solar system’s best bets to host alien life — during dozens of flybys. (The lander concept was an add-on requested by Congress in late 2015; the space agency has been working since then to determine the best way to make a surface mission happen.)

The budget blueprint also cancels NASA’s Asteroid Redirect Mission, an effort to pluck a boulder off a space rock and tow the piece to lunar orbit, where it would be visited by astronauts. And the proposal axes four NASA Earth-science projects: The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite, which would monitor Earth’s oceans and atmosphere; the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 (OCO-3), which would track atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels from the International Space Station (ISS); the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) pathfinder, another instrument that would be installed on the ISS; and, finally, the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR).

PACE, OCO-3 and CLARREO are all scheduled to launch in the next few years. But DSCOVR, a joint mission of NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, lifted off in February 2015 and is currently studying the Earth and space weather. 

NASA receives $19.1 billion in the proposed budget, a 0.8-percent cut from 2017 funding levels, according to the federal Office of Management and Budget.

The newly released blueprint is just a proposal, and a rather skeletal one at that. (Trump administration officials said they will unveil a more fleshed-out version in May.) It’s unclear at the moment which parts of the proposal will survive the inevitable back-and-forth with Congress and actually become law. 

You can read the Trump administration’s 2018 budget blueprint here.

Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Trump Budget Proposal Axes NASA's Europa Lander Project

[]Trump Budget Proposal Axes NASA’s Europa Lander Project

Fizzy Titan! Saturn Moon’s Mysterious ‘Magic Islands’ May Be Nitrogen Bubbles []

SpaceX Wins Its Second GPS 3 Launch Contract []

Goodbye, Mimas! Saturn Moon Stuns in Cassini’s Final Photo Shoot []

Dark Matter Took Much Longer To Condense Than Normal Matter, New Study | Video []

Zero 2 Infinity Conducts First Flight Test of Bloostar Balloon-Assisted Launcher []

Ursid Meteor Shower 2017: When, Where & How to See It []

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Smallsats Could Help US Mitigate Losses in Space Conflict, Experts Say []

Satellites Track Huge Snow Storm’s Approach to US East Coast (Video) []

April Full Moon 2017: When to See the ‘Pink Moon’ []

Rocket Issue Delays Orbital ATK’s Next Cargo Launch for NASA []

Mission to Venus: NASA and Russia May Explore Hellish Planet Together []

NASA Seeks Information on Commercial Mars Payload Services []

Major Winter Storm Seen From Space – Set To Wallop East Coast | Video []

Why Space Travel Can Be Absolutely Disgusting []

A Birthday Surprise! Astronaut Reunited with Saxophone in Space []

Terrifying ‘Life’-Form Revealed In New Red Band Trailer []

Terrifying ‘Life’-Form Revealed In New Red Band Trailer []

Warning: Graphic Imagery – A long dormant life-form from Mars lays waste to the International Space Station and has its ‘eyes’ set on Earth. The new sci-fi thriller ‘Life’ premieres on March 24, 2017. New ‘Life’ Trailer Brings Terrifying Thrills from Mars

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Terrifying 'Life'-Form Revealed In New Red Band Trailer

[]Terrifying ‘Life’-Form Revealed In New Red Band Trailer

SpaceX May Launch EchoStar 23 Satellite Early Thursday: Watch It Live []

Kepler Telescope Sees Pixelated View of 7-Planet Star System []

Neil Armstrong Biopic ‘First Man’ Gets 2018 Release Date []

‘Asteroid Hunters’ Look to Defend Earth: Q&A with Author Carrie Nugent []

Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ Moon Mimas Shines in New Photo []

Binary Star System’s Observations Reveal ‘Exquisitely-Ordered 3D Geometry’ | Animation []

In Photos: Arianespace Soyuz Rocket Launches Hispasat 36W-1 Geostationary Satellite []

How a Future Mars Lander Could ‘Crush It’ on the Surface []

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Mission Invades SXSW 2017 []

This Viscoelastic Putty Will Swallow Magnets Whole [Sponsored] []

White Dwarf Star Orbits Black Hole In Less Than Half An Hour | Video []

Weight loss before and after transformation of fizzy drink addict mum will SHOCK you []

Busy Road to Mars Opens in 2020 []

Flight-Sized Boeing Capsule Dropped From Balloon – On-Board Camera Video []

Flight-Sized Boeing Capsule Dropped From Balloon – On-Board Camera Video []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

The parachutes of the CST-100 Starliner were tested after it was dropped from an altitude of 38,300 feet. Multiple parachute deployments were captured by an on-board camera. Flight-Sized Boeing Capsule Dropped From Balloon – On-Board Camera Video

[]Flight-Sized Boeing Capsule Dropped From Balloon – On-Board Camera Video

Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein! []

Weight loss TRICK will make sure your healthy eating plan works EVERY time []

Weight loss TRICK will make sure your healthy eating plan works EVERY time []

But there are simple ways to trick the brain into following a new diet regime that are simple to do and proven to have a positive effect.

Forget counting calories or weighing out strict portions – the secret to success in healthy eating requires more unusual methods.

Professor Charles Spence and chef Josef Youssef shared what they believe to be the most effect methods for sticking to healthy eating goals with the Guardian.

Top of their list was tricking the brain into believing you are more full than you are.

They explained: “Research shows that using smaller crockery tends to trick our brains into believing we are eating more.

“If you put two identical portions of food on a big plate and a small plate, the portion on the bigger plate will look smaller, and vice versa: our brains can’t help but be fooled by this effect, even when we know they are the same.

“We also know that serving food in a bowl instead of on a plate can give the food a greater sense of volume and depth, yet again tricking our brains into thinking there is more there than is actually the case.

“The latest research shows that the weight of cutlery and crockery has a significant effect on our appreciation for meals we eat; with heavier plates and knives and forks offering greater levels of satiety.”

As well as changing what you serve your food in, you should make it more difficult to actually eat your meal.

Not by hiding food from yourself – but by changing how you actually eat it.

Prof. Spence and chef Youssef said: “Try using creative ways to enjoy interacting with your food, such as using Japanese soup spoons to eat your soup, or chopsticks for other foods – anything, in fact, that stops you from simply shovelling food into your mouth.”

Next, serious dieters have to ditch the TV. Research has shown people will eat up to 30 per cent more food when they are eating while distracted.

The experts advised: “TV, messaging and checking social media are surefire ways to ensure you’re not focused on the food you are eating; you’ll appreciate it less, which inevitably results in both a reduced sense of satiety and overeating.”

Finally, they advised eating “with all your senses”. Explaining why this is important, the duo said: “At the core of what we do is the idea of helping people to be truly mindful of the dishes that they are presented with.

“At home this can be as simple as taking a moment before eating to sniff your food and really appreciate the aromas. (Many researchers believe that up to 90 per cent of what we perceive as flavour comes from our sense of smell.)

“Holding a warm bowl in your hand also helps, as does chewing properly and exhaling as you chew – this stimulates the olfactory receptors and further enhances the flavour of food.

“Finally, focus on the texture. It’s interesting to note that we consume fewer calories when eating apples than we do with apple puree, and fewer calories with apple puree than apple juice because we get more sensation information from the puree than the juice, more still from the actual apple. In other words, our brains use the amount of sensation we receive from texture as one of the cues to tell us when to stop eating.”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss TRICK will make sure your healthy eating plan works EVERY time

[]Weight loss TRICK will make sure your healthy eating plan works EVERY time

‘Alien: Covenant’ Android is ‘For Sale’ in New Movie Promo Video []

Monday, August 28, 2017

Are Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts Propelling Alien Spacecraft? | Video []

Long Lost Indian Moon Probe Found by Earth-Based Radar []

Gwyneth Paltrow drank an unpalatable animal product for eight days to get THIS body []

Gwyneth Paltrow drank an unpalatable animal product for eight days to get THIS body []

Gwyneth Paltrow admitted to drinking goat’s milk for eight days for a detox before posing for this month’s Women’s Health cover.

The super slim blonde is notorious for the the bizarre lifestyle hacks she credits her body to.

It won’t be long before fans are trying their own version of Gwyneth’s goat milk cleanse.

The actress believes the cleanse rids her body of parasites.

“I think they’re two of the biggest culprits in terms of why we feel bad,” she told the magazine.

“I’m knee-deep in figuring out ways to clear them from the body, looking at all sorts of potentially weird modalities,” the 44-year-old added.

“I have a pretty healthy diet, so when I’m eating processed foods and not watching my alcohol intake, I feel it.”

Gwyneth might be on to something, according to other fans of goats milk.

Goat’s milk is a metabolism booster, according to website Organic Facts.

The website says that the milk is more nutrient-dense than cow’s milk and provides 40 per cent of our daily intake of calcium in one cup.

They also claim goat milk has less “bad” fats than cows milk – although it has more fat in it.

It also causes less of the common inflammation and upset stomachs that cow milk does.

Bloating may be another reason you don’t look quite like Gwyneth in her amazing Women’s Health pictures.

Although it is not always obvious what causes a bloating stomach, you can reduce bloating with this expert tip.

If you are feeling the unpleasant symptoms of bloating try cutting down on carbohydrates and dairy.

“Something to try to reduce bloating is decreasing your carbohydrate and dairy intake,” said Dr Akbar Consultant, Gastroenterologist at St Mark’s Hospital.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Gwyneth Paltrow drank an unpalatable animal product for eight days to get THIS body

[]Gwyneth Paltrow drank an unpalatable animal product for eight days to get THIS body

Time Crystals Created, Suspending Laws of Physics []

Godspeed the SS John Glenn: Cargo Ship Named for Late Mercury Astronaut []

Weather Controlled From Space Wreaks Havoc In ‘Geostorm’ Trailer []

Weather Controlled From Space Wreaks Havoc In ‘Geostorm’ Trailer []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

The film hits theaters in Oct. 2017. Weather Controlled From Space Wreaks Havoc In ‘Geostorm’ Trailer

[]Weather Controlled From Space Wreaks Havoc In ‘Geostorm’ Trailer

‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’ Doc Warps Way Beyond Crowdfunding Goal []

Learn How Darth Vader Got His Lightsaber in New Star Wars Ongoing []

Oculus’ MissionISS is a ‘True-to-Life’ Simulation | Video []

Oculus’ MissionISS is a ‘True-to-Life’ Simulation | Video []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

The simulation is available in the Oculus store. Oculus' MissionISS is a 'True-to-Life' Simulation | Video

[]Oculus’ MissionISS is a ‘True-to-Life’ Simulation | Video

See Earth Fly Through Meteor Showers’ Wandering, Warped Paths (Animation) []

Space Image of the Day Gallery (October 2016) []

Space Image of the Day Gallery (October 2016) []

Monday, October 31, 2016: Expedition 49 crew members safely returned to Earth after spending 115 days aboard the International Space Station. NASA astronaut Kate Rubins, Russian cosmonaut Anatoly Ivanishin of Roscosmos, and astronaut Takuya Onishi of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) touched down near the town of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan on Sunday (Oct. 30). — Hanneke Weitering

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Space Image of the Day Gallery (October 2016)

[]Space Image of the Day Gallery (October 2016)

Third of British drinkers cut down on alcohol in last year []

Third of British drinkers cut down on alcohol in last year []

And the latest research shows that almost half of them say they have cut back on booze in order to save money while others want to avoid piling on the pounds.

While the majority of Brits enjoy a tipple, it seems today’s consumers are taking a more conservative approach towards their alcohol consumption.

A new study from consumer analysts Mintel reveals that as many as one third (32 per cent) of all Brits have reduced or limited their alcohol intake over the past 12 months in comparison to what they would usually consume.

What is more, half (51 per cent) of the nation’s beer, wine and cider drinkers say they are drinking less alcohol than a few years ago, confirming Brits are actively moderating their drinking habits.

While many glasses may now be half empty, it is economical factors which are encouraging consumers to cut back.

Over two in four (44 per cent) Brits who have reduced their alcohol have done so in order to save money, while 41 per cent of those choosing to limit alcohol intake have done so to lose or avoid gaining weight.

Improving personal health (39 per cent) is also a notable trigger for cutting down and a further 30 per cent have cut-back to reduce the risk of disease.

Additionally, some 14 per cent of all those who have cut back on alcohol have done so because they are worried about becoming dependent on alcohol and the same proportion (14 per cent) have cut back to stay within current NHS and government guidelines.

The consumers most likely to have cut back at some point are those aged 25-34 (35 per cent) and 35-44 (36 per cent); meanwhile, geographically this peaks at 41 per cent in the North East and dips to 27 per cent in the South East/East Anglia.

Today, one fifth (19 per cent) of adults report they do not drink alcohol, with a slightly higher proportion of women (22 per cent) than men (17 per cent) being teetotal.

Richard Caines, a Senior Food & Drink Analyst at Mintel, said: “As many as a third of all Brits have limited or reduced their alcohol consumption at some point in the last year. While this includes consumers cutting back for shorter and longer periods of time, it is a strong indicator that steps to moderate alcohol consumption are now widespread. Reducing alcohol consumption to save money reflects the discretionary nature of drinks and how they can add significantly to outgoings.”

The fact that Brits are reducing the amount of alcohol they drink presents a significant opportunity for low-alcohol and alcohol-free beers, ciders and wines.

Today, lower-alcohol beer, cider or wine is drunk by around one quarter (23 per cent) of alcohol drinkers, while overall, just 14 per cent of Brits drink non-alcoholic or alcohol-free beer, cider or wine.

Usage of lower-alcohol drinks is higher among men (26 per cent) and significantly above average for 18-34-year-olds (41 per cent).

Pubs and bars are proving popular venues for low alcohol brands, as a night out (26 per cent) and a casual drink at the pub (22 per cent) are when low-alcohol drinks most appeal to consumers if they are limiting or reducing their alcohol intake.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Third of British drinkers cut down on alcohol in last year

[]Third of British drinkers cut down on alcohol in last year

Friday, August 25, 2017

Test Track for Ultra-Fast ‘Hyperloop’ Transit System Unveiled []

House Passes NASA Authorization Bill []

House Passes NASA Authorization Bill []

WASHINGTON — For the first time in nearly six and a half years, Congress has passed a NASA authorization bill with the approval of such a bill March 7 in the House of Representatives.

The House approved on a voice vote the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017, S.442, after a brief discussion on the House floor where no members spoke against the bill. The same bill passed the Senate by unanimous consent Feb. 17.

The bill authorizes $19.5 billion in spending for NASA in fiscal year 2017. More importantly, it includes a number of policy provisions directing NASA’s activities. They range from development of a detailed plan for NASA’s human exploration programs, with the long-term goal of sending humans to Mars, to giving NASA the ability to establish long-term medical monitoring of former astronauts.

“This bipartisan and bicameral bill grew to maturity through many long and serious discussions about the future of our nation’s space program,” said Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), chairman of the House space subcommittee, during discussion about the bill on the House floor. “I’m encouraged by the bill’s persistent emphasis on the continuity of purpose and stability.”

The bill is nearly identical to a bill the Senate passed in December, just after the House adjourned for the year. The new version includes a few provisions not found in the earlier one, including language directing NASA to study the use of the Orion spacecraft as a crew transfer vehicle for the International Space Station as a stopgap if commercial crew vehicles suffer additional delays.

While the bill had broad support, some members highlighted areas of concern that may become issues in later legislation. “It is not a perfect bill,” said Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), ranking member of the House Science Committee. “It does not directly address all of NASA’s science programs, mainly Earth science and heliophysics.” She said she was also critical of authorized funding levels for NASA’s science, aeronautics and space technology accounts, but added she supported the bill overall.

“The NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017 reaffirms our support for the bold visions and commitments that will shape America’s future in space,” Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Science Committee, said in a statement after the bill’s passage. “This bill reiterates the importance of maintaining NASA’s continuity of purpose to ensure America remains a leader in space exploration.”

The bill is the first NASA authorization to pass both houses of Congress since the NASA Authorization Act of 2010, which the House passed in September 2010 nearly two months after it cleared the Senate. The House worked on several authorization bills in subsequent years, including some which passed the full House, but none made it through the Senate.

This bill had a smooth ride through the House and Senate because of work behind the scenes to address issues before the bill was introduced in the Senate last month. In a January interview, Smith said he and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), chairman of the Senate space subcommittee, had been working to “pre-conference” the bill to resolve any problems before its introduction, allowing for a streamlined passage through both Houses. The bill also has the support of the White House, according to congressional sources.

The space industry welcomed the bill’s passage. “Today’s approval of the NASA Transition Authorization Act by Congress sends a clear message to the American people and our international partners that our nation remains committed to NASA’s space exploration program,” Mary Lynne Dittmar, executive director of the Coalition of Deep Space Exploration, said in a March 7 statement.

Dittmar cited the support the 2010 authorization bill provided for human exploration programs, such as the Space Launch System and Orion, as well as space science programs. “This new authorization will provide the framework for continued progress towards these national commitments,” she said.

This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) House Passes NASA Authorization Bill

[]House Passes NASA Authorization Bill

Blue Origin’s Giant New Glenn Rocket in Pictures []

Old Stardust in Young Galaxy Sheds Light on the First Stars []

Trying to lose weight fast? Controversial diet guru Steve Miller says an AFFAIR will help []

Trying to lose weight fast? Controversial diet guru Steve Miller says an AFFAIR will help []

The health pundit has claimed most obese people are comfort eating because they are in a dead relationship.

The majority of overweight people who are single, he says, are too fat to attract a partner.

Hypnotherapist Mr Miller, host of Fat Families on Sky1, says an affair with a new healthy partner could be exactly what they need to slim down. This comes after he said in an interview with that he thought fat shaming was a good thing.

Shockingly, he thinks an affair will not only help them to lose weight but also to regain their self esteem and health – and he warns against the many diseases that are associated with being obese.

He believes many overweight people would find health benefits through cheating on their partners. 

Turning the attention to the partners of overweight people, he also claims many obese people don’t even realise they are in dangerous relationships with ‘feeders’ who encourage them to eat fatty junk food in a bid to make them gain even more weight.

Mr Miller thinks many of these so-called feeders are actually chronically insecure themselves and secretly want their partners to become obese so they become more dependent upon them. 

Now he is calling on fat people to dump their partners and start a new relationship instead – but warns that their new partner mustn’t be overweight.

This is because, he says, the health benefits of having an affair will only come by choosing a slim person to have a love affair with.

He said: “I see a lot of clients who are fat because they are in a relationship that is dull, habitual and sex free.

“A lot of the reason we get fat is because we are in relationships with those we shouldn’t be. We turn to food to fill the void. 

“Partners can also become feeders because they are controlling bullies living in fear we may leave them for someone else.

“Yes the dreary partner you are with is a killer in disguise because feeding yourself to create comfort will probably trigger cancer, stroke and heart disease. 

“I am calling on the people of Britain to get ballsy, have an affair and take steps to end a dead relationship for the sake of becoming fat free. 

“Don’t feel guilty for having an affair, go create excitement with a new lover and see yourself depending less on food for comfort. Tell the feeder you live with that it’s over immediately and make arrangements to leave them. 

“But be choosy as you move on and find new love. If they are fat then beware as they will probably be a feeder. Instead seek out the slim alternative.”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Trying to lose weight fast? Controversial diet guru Steve Miller says an AFFAIR will help

[]Trying to lose weight fast? Controversial diet guru Steve Miller says an AFFAIR will help

Blue Origin Signs OneWeb as Second Customer for New Glenn Reusable Rocket []

Cassini Reveals Changing Conditions at Saturn’s Massive Polar Vortices []

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Chanel ‘Launches’ Rocket at Paris Fashion Week []

‘Developing an Icon’: Former Space Shuttle Engineer Details Program in New Tome []

Sugar free diet – why eating THIS food will help to minimise cravings []

Sugar free diet – why eating THIS food will help to minimise cravings []

Eating wholegrains is one way to control a need for sugar. This is because complex carbohydrates that are rich in fibre, such as wholegrain breads and pasta, brown rice, whole oats and quinoa, help to slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, avoiding the sharp spike in blood sugar levels.

Refined ‘white’ carbohydrates, such as white bread, cakes, biscuits and sugary breakfast cereals, cause a short pick-me-up before the sugar crash sets in.

When starting a sugar free diet, it is important to understand that a craving is not the same as hunger.

A craving is not the body calling for energy, it is the brain calling for something that releases a lot of dopamine in the body. Dopamine is in charge of our pleasure-reward system and allows us to have feelings of enjoyment, bliss and euphoria.

Some of the most common cravings are linked to snacks such as chocolate and cakes which contain a lot of sugar, which result in a massive amount of dopamine being released.

However, the health risks of a diet high in sugar are well documented and include weight gain, diabetes and high blood pressure.

As well as eating wholegrains, there are other ways to transition into a sugar free diet painlessly.

Firstly, eat little and often, as when you skip a meal the temptation to eat a sugary snack is higher. Aim for three meals and two snacks spread out throughout the day, with a good quality protein source in each.

Eat fresh, unprocessed foods as much as possible as these contain added salt, sugar and fat and are high in calories.

Drink plenty of water, as often, hunger is confused with thirst – drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes when you feel hunger pangs, as this will tell you whether you are truly hungry.

Try to drink six to eight glasses of water every day, and keep water interesting by mixing it up with a slice of fruit or cucumber, or drinking herbal teas.

A supplement containing chromium, such as Lepicol Lighter, contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.

This particular supplement also contains seven strains of live bacteria to help keep the digestive system healthy, as well as glucomannan, shown to reduce the hunger hormone grehlin..

The specific strains of live bacteria also help to balance blood sugar levels, as well as aiding weight loss.

Finally, get plenty of exercise as it will release feel good chemicals called endorphins, which make you feel happy, energised and act as natural stress busters, leaving you better equipped to face the challenge of cravings.

One good diet to try which is low on sugar is the Mediterranean diet, as it is rich in good fats, vegetables and wholegrains.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Sugar free diet – why eating THIS food will help to minimise cravings

[]Sugar free diet – why eating THIS food will help to minimise cravings

This Student Film of a NASA Earth Science Mission is Simply Adorable []

This Student Film of a NASA Earth Science Mission is Simply Adorable []

A new animated movie created by student filmmakers shows the journey of an adorable little photon who is sent on a long journey as part of a NASA science mission. 

The star of the new animated short is Pho the Photon, a particle of light who wears goggles and propels himself forward by moving his arms in a swimming motion. Real photons don’t have eyes or arms, of course, but the film does capture some of the real science behind NASA’s upcoming Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2, or ICESat-2, mission.

The movie, called “Photon Jump,” was made by a team of students at Georgia’s Savannah College of Art and Design, or SCAD, in collaboration with scientists from the ICESat-2 mission. The movie shows Pho, along with a cavalcade of photon buddies, traveling from an Earth-orbiting spacecraft down to the surface of the planet and bouncing back up to the spacecraft. The duration of Pho’s journey reveals the elevation of that particular spot on the Earth’s surface. [Climate Change Impact: NASA’s 21st Century Predictions (Video)]

ICESat-2, scheduled to launch in 2018, will use laser light to measure the elevation of Earth’s surface, with a focus on regions like Greenland and Antarctica, where snow and ice levels are changing, according to a statement from NASA. 

The outreach project began with a course at the school’s Collaborative Learning Center. Enrolled students heard presentations from ICESat-2 scientists, and some students later visited NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center to learn more about the mission. A few selected projects moved on to development, which included pitching the ideas toICESat-2 scientists and making changes based on feedback. 

“Once the students developed and pitched ideas during the course, several went on to customized paid internships with the ICESat-2 project to bring selected products to life,” according to the statement from NASA. 

“Working with the students was a fantastic experience,” Thorsten Markus, ICESat-2 project scientist, said in the statement. Markus originally proposed the idea to involve art students in an outreach project. “I was stunned by their interest in the scientific as well as technological details, by their ability to quickly grasp the major concepts, and, obviously, by their creative thinking.”

The movie debuted at the Polar Science Weekend at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, and will play at several science museums.

Follow Calla Cofield @callacofield. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

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[]This Student Film of a NASA Earth Science Mission is Simply Adorable

White House Wants to Slash Budgets of Top Climate Science Agencies []

ULA Delays Launch of Air Force Satellite Due to Delta 4 Booster Issue []

Briny Ice Oozes in Dwarf Planet Ceres’ Ice Volcanoes []

Occultation of Aldebaran – Astrophotographer Captures Star Peek Out From Behind Moon | Video []

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station []

NASA Releases Latest Software Catalog to Public to Spur Tech Innovation []

NASA Releases Latest Software Catalog to Public to Spur Tech Innovation []

If you’ve ever wanted to get your hands on the codes that run the Mars rover Curiosity, New Horizons Pluto probe or other NASA spacecraft, here’s your (latest) chance.

The space agency has released its 2017-2018 software catalog to the public, allowing anyone to access NASA codes free of charge.

“The software catalog is our way of supporting the innovation economy by granting access to tools used by today’s top aerospace professionals to entrepreneurs, small businesses, academia and industry,” Steve Jurczyk, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) in Washington, D.C., said in a statement.

“Access to these software codes has the potential to generate tangible benefits that create American jobs, earn revenue and save lives,” Jurczyk added.

“Access restrictions” do apply to some of the software packages, however, NASA officials wrote in the same statement.

You can search the 2017-2018 NASA software catalog, and download the 154-page PDF version, here:

NASA first released its software catalog in April 2014. The latest edition marks the third such public release for the space agency.

Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on

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[]NASA Releases Latest Software Catalog to Public to Spur Tech Innovation

Small Asteroid Flies Within 9000 Miles of Earth | Video []

NASA Rockets Launch to Unveil Mysteries of the Northern Lights []

Joe McElderry weight loss: X Factor winner got hot body doing THIS before shows []

Joe McElderry weight loss: X Factor winner got hot body doing THIS before shows []

Joe McElderry, the 2009 winner of the X Factor, stunned his fans by posting a topless shot showing off his phenomenal weight loss on Instagram.

The 25-year-old singer wore nothing but a loin cloth – his costume from Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, in which he is currently starring.

Joe has worked hard to get back in shape over the last two years after he appeared on ITV’s Lorraine in 2015 sporting a fuller figure.

He achieved his new sculpted physique by training with a former Miss Universe, Caroline Dixon, and following a strict diet.

“Most of the stuff we do is killer, but in a weird way I really enjoy it,” he told Fabulous magazine last year.

“I’m a really active person and I’ve done lots of charity bike rides.

“It’s a massive part of my life and I think it’s a necessary part of my life for stamina when I’m on stage.”

Joe has kept the weight off by hitting the gym regularly and keeping active with two performances of Joseph a day.

The performer unveiled his new and improved figure in January, with a topless shot snapped in the bathroom.

He posted it to Instagram with the caption: “Well and truly back to spending my days with no top on now!”

Fans were keen to share their enthusiasm for Joe’s new look, with his latest loin cloth clad selfie receiving 1,210 likes.

One follower commented: “Joe you always look amazing, you should be proud in your own skin – you’re perfect.”

Another wrote: “All your hard work has paid off. Looking good!”

This comes after reported on a nurse who shed a whopping 11 stone.

Vanessa De Bartolo, 28, from Ferntree Gully, Victoria, Australia, weighed 152kgs (24st) at her heaviest and was a size 26, thanks to a diet laden with fast food and fizzy drinks. 

It was only when she was forced to wear a seatbelt extension on a plane because of her size and was continually humiliated by her patients who made cruel comments about her weight, that she was finally motivated to change. 

After joining her local Fernwood Fitness and cutting junk from her diet, she’s spent the last six-years losing a huge 70kgs (11 stone) naturally, and has slimmed to a svelte size 12.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Joe McElderry weight loss: X Factor winner got hot body doing THIS before shows

[]Joe McElderry weight loss: X Factor winner got hot body doing THIS before shows

NASA Signs Agreement with Boeing for Soyuz Seats []

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Good for Life? Megatelescope Will Probe Newfound Worlds’ Atmospheres []

Food Unwrapped: THIS is why eating supermarket ready meals could make you gain WEIGHT []

Food Unwrapped: THIS is why eating supermarket ready meals could make you gain WEIGHT []

Channel 4’s Food Unwrapped investigated how the size of supermarket ready meals has changed over the last 50 years – and the results might surprise you.

Presenter Jimmy Doherty wanted to know how much portion sizes have grown since the 1960s.

“Big portions used to raise a few eyebrows,” he said. “Now portions seem to be getting bigger.”

To hunt out the food packaging of yesteryear, Jimmy headed to a museum displaying memorabilia from the 20th century celebrating British brands.

He took a range of ready meal food packages to compare to their modern day equivalents.

Jimmy then asked a team of people to go out and buy the same products from a variety of supermarkets to see how portion sizes had altered.

A cottage pie from 1999 weighed 230g, whereas a modern day one was a whopping 450g – an increase in size of 73 per cent in just 17 years.

A chicken curry had grown too, increasing from 300g to 400g over the last 15 years.

The same was true of the other ready meals – all had grown on average by 20 per cent or more.

The average weight and size of adults in the UK has increased significantly since the 1960s.

At the end of the 1950s, the average man weighed 10.2 stone (65kg) and the average woman 8.7 stone (55kg). Today the average weights are 13.2 stone (83.6kg) and 11.1 stone (70.2kg) respectively.

However, Food Unwrapped found that ready meal size might not be the only contributing factor.

Plate size could also be to blame. The average plate width in the 1960s was eight inches. In 2017, plates have grown by a third to 12 inches.

Professor Theresa Marteau, director of the behaviour and health research unit at the University of Cambridge, said: “Evidence tells us that plate size does make a difference.

“If we could get rid of those increased portion sizes and bigger tableware, we could reduce average calorie intake in adults by 279 calories a day.”

And professor Marteau isn’t the only one who thinks so. Apparently, at least 10 studies have shown larger plates make you eat more.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Food Unwrapped: THIS is why eating supermarket ready meals could make you gain WEIGHT

[]Food Unwrapped: THIS is why eating supermarket ready meals could make you gain WEIGHT

6 Awesome ‘Star Wars’ Lego Sets Coming This Year []

Strange New Nebula Is Missing Its Light Source []

Weight loss – nurse too big for 5XL scrubs sheds a whopping 11 stone doing THIS []

Weight loss – nurse too big for 5XL scrubs sheds a whopping 11 stone doing THIS []

Vanessa De Bartolo, 28, from Ferntree Gully, Victoria, Australia, weighed 152kgs (24st) at her heaviest and was a size 26, thanks to a diet laden with fast food and fizzy drinks. 

At 18 she began training to become a nurse and got a part time job in McDonald’s, where she ballooned eating the fatty burgers and fries throughout her shifts. 

By the time she landed her first job, she was too big to fit into the standard nursing scrubs and had to order them in 5XL online to fit oversee bulging frame. 

It was only when she was forced to wear a seatbelt extension on a plane because of her size and was continually humiliated by her patients who made cruel comments about her weight, that she was finally motivated to change. 

After joining her local Fernwood Fitness and cutting junk from her diet, she’s spent the last six-years losing a huge 70kgs (11 stone) naturally, and has slimmed to a svelte size 12. 

Vanessa said: “It was tough being a nurse that was extremely overweight. My patients would often look at me funny or question if I was qualified to be giving health advice, considering I had my own obvious issues. 

“I was even called ‘fat’ by a few people I was trying to help and it was really disheartening. I knew I ate way more food than I should but I’d just shrug off the mean remarks and eat more. 

“Even though I’d always been ‘bigger’ as a kid, my issue with food had really spiralled when I got a part-time job at Macca’s while studying. 

“I’d graze on the greasy burgers and fries throughout my shift and guzzled heaps of coke. If I closed up at night, I’d even take a few Big Mac’s home. 

“By the time I qualified, I was a size 26 and was riddled with health issues. I knew I couldn’t go on any longer.” 

At the higher of her issues with food, Vanessa confesses to sneaking out at night to get her greasy fix. 

She said: “I’d go home after a shift and eat dinner with my family, then I’d make up an excuse to go out just so I could grab a Macca’s or some other sort of junk. I also loved fizzy drinks and could easily get through two to three litres a day. I was out of control and had no will power.” 

Things only took a dramatic turn for the young healthcare professional when she was called out on the sustainability to be giving health advice. 

Vanessa said: “There was no denying I was unhealthy and overweight. I had to order 5XL scrubs as regular ones didn’t fit and just walking from one side of the hospital to the other left me breathless. 

“If ever I was advising a patient about their nutrition, I could always see their eyebrows raise in disbelief. One even asked me how I could be qualified to give advice when I clearly didn’t follow it myself.” 

Vanessa decided to become a member of her local Fernwood Fitness and made changes to her diet, cutting out fast food and fizzy drinks. 

She’s now lost 70kgs (11 stone) and wears size M scrubs to work, which has left her feeling copletel at ease around her patients. 

She said: “My cravings for food still come and go, but I’ve learnt to control them and I feel better than ever as a result. 

“My weight loss has left me with some saggy skin, but because my weight loss was slow and steady, it’s really not too bad. 

“Being healthy has made me a better nurse and a happier person. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Steve Miller wants ‘Fat Causes Cancer’ labels on junk food after obesity was linked to the disease. 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss – nurse too big for 5XL scrubs sheds a whopping 11 stone doing THIS

[]Weight loss – nurse too big for 5XL scrubs sheds a whopping 11 stone doing THIS

‘Star Wars Rebels’ Renewed For Fourth Season []

‘Star Wars Rebels’ Renewed For Fourth Season []

Disney XD has renewed “Star Wars: Rebels” for a fourth season, according to Deadline.

Star Wars: Rebels follows Kanan, the “last padawan” of the Jedi on adventures that take place between “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith” and “Star Wars: A New Hope.” 

“The team behind Star Wars Rebels delivers epic storytelling that has captivated fans of all ages across the globe,” said Marc Buhaj, senior vice president, Programming and general manager, Disney XD. “We’re excited to continue sharing the journey of these fan-favorite Rebels with our audience in the fall.”

The series is currently in its third season. No details or projected premiere date has been set for season four.

This story was provided by’s sister site Newsarama.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) 'Star Wars Rebels' Renewed For Fourth Season

[]‘Star Wars Rebels’ Renewed For Fourth Season

What is the Mediterranean Diet? Why you should be eating THESE foods to CUT risk of cancer []

What is the Mediterranean Diet? Why you should be eating THESE foods to CUT risk of cancer []

The Mediterranean diet has been touted for years as a way for people to live longer and stay healthier.

Inspired by the traditional healthy living habits of those living in the Mediterranean – including Italy, France Greece and Spain – the diet has a range of definitions.

However, it’s largely based on eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, cereal grains, olive oil and fish.

The diet has some well-publicised benefits, such as reducing the risk of strokes and heart disease.

The most recent study found that it may reduce the risk of contracting breast cancer by 40 per cent.

Conducted by the World Cancer Research Fund, the study examined 62,573 women aged 55 to 69 over two decades. 

It found that a Mediterranean Diet could significantly reduce the chances of women getting oestrogen-receptor-negative (ER-negative) breast cancer. 

This is a postmenopausal form of breast cancer that can’t be treated with hormone therapy. 

“Our research can help to shine a light on how dietary patterns can affect our cancer risk,” said the study’s lead researcher, Prof Piet van den Brandt.

“We found a strong link between the Mediterranean diet and reduced oestrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women, even in a non-Mediterranean population. This type of breast cancer usually has a worse prognosis than other types of breast cancer.”

Here are some easy ways of incorporating the Mediterranean Diet into your lifestyle.

Oil up

Replace butter and margarine with healthy oils, such as olive oil, as often as possible. These are a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Go for lean protein

Swap red meat for skinless chicken, turkey, fish, beans and nuts for a healthier source of protein. These foods have less saturated fat than red meat, and fatty fish in particular provides a great source of omega 3s.

Load up on vegetables

Aim to eat lots of veg – three to eight servings a day. Opt for vegetables in a range of colours to ensure a variety of vitamins and antioxidants.

Whole grain heaven

Eat whole grains, rather than refined. Try quinoa, barley and oatmeal, and swap white bread and pasta for wholegrain alternatives.

Snack well

Change your snacking habits, choosing almonds, walnuts or sunflower seeds over processed foods packed with refined sugar. Keep your sweet tooth in check by eating fresh fruit, especially oranges and grapefruits which are crammed with vitamin C.

Don’t cut out dairy

Include some milk and dairy foods, such as cheese and yoghurt. These are great sources of protein and calcium.

Take your time

Finally, people in the Mediterranean take time over their food, savouring every bite instead of shovelling it down. Giving yourself time to enjoy a meal can help you feel full up and reduce the urge to snack.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) What is the Mediterranean Diet? Why you should be eating THESE foods to CUT risk of cancer

[]What is the Mediterranean Diet? Why you should be eating THESE foods to CUT risk of cancer

NASA Telescope Recovered In Antarctica 1 Year After Parachuting Down | Video []

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

SpaceX Isn’t First Private Company to Offer Trips Around the Moon []

March Full Moon 2017: When to See the ‘Full Worm Moon’ []

Constellations and Planets In March 2017 Skywatching – Where to Look | Video []

Constellations and Planets In March 2017 Skywatching – Where to Look | Video []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

The Gemini and Cancer constellations make great targets this month. Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are you’re evening planets, while Saturn makes its presence known in the pre-dawn hours. Constellations and Planets In March 2017 Skywatching – Where to Look | Video

[]Constellations and Planets In March 2017 Skywatching – Where to Look | Video

New Jupiter Images: Do You See Cotton Candy or Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’? []

Solar Orbiter: Joint Mission to Study the Sun []

Solar Orbiter: Joint Mission to Study the Sun []

Solar Orbiter is a planned European Space Agency (ESA) mission that will study the surface of the sun. It is expected to launch in October 2018 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. NASA is providing a launch vehicle, as well as an instrument and a sensor.

After launch, the spacecraft will do several gravity-assist maneuvers at Earth and Venus to save fuel as controllers move it into its operational orbit. Once these maneuvers are complete, the spacecraft will have a 168-day orbital period and will get as close to the sun as 0.28 astronomical units, much closer than Mercury. (For comparison, one astronomical unit is the Earth-sun distance.)

“At nearly one-quarter of Earth’s distance from the sun, Solar Orbiter will be exposed to sunlight 13 times more intense than what we feel on Earth. The spacecraft must also endure powerful bursts of atomic particles from explosions in the solar atmosphere,” ESA said in a statement.

“To withstand the harsh environment and extreme temperatures, Solar Orbiter must be well equipped. It will exploit new technologies being developed by ESA for the mission BepiColombo to Mercury, the planet closest to the sun. This includes high-temperature solar arrays and a high-temperature high-gain antenna.”

Solar Orbiter is expected to last seven years, orbiting with an orbital inclination of about 25 degrees relative to the sun’s equator. If the mission is extended, more gravity assists at Venus will be used to change the spacecraft’s inclination to 34 degrees. This will allow the spacecraft to pursue different science goals in the extended mission, ESA said.

The spacecraft’s high inclination will allow close-up views of the sun’s pole for the first time. Also, ESA said, the spacecraft will have a nearly identical rotation period as the sun for several days, allowing scientists to — for the first time — see solar storms developing from the same viewpoint. 

The origins of Solar Orbiter can be traced at least as far back as 1998, when European scientists created a report called “A Crossroads for European Solar and Heliospheric Physics.” According to ESA, two mission ideas from the report were combined into a single mission, which is now called Solar Orbiter. 

One mission concept called for imaging the sun in visible and ultraviolet wavelengths and taking pictures of the sun away from the equator. The other suggested getting close to the sun — at 0.15 AU, or half the distance of Mercury — to get images of the sun in high resolution. Solar Orbiter, which was first envisioned as a single mission in 1999, had some design compromises to meet the goals of the two missions, including having a further distance from the sun (0.30 AU).

In October 2000, ESA’s science program committee selected Solar Orbiter for launch between 2008 and 2013. As is common with launch dates, however, the timeline was pushed back; in 2006, an ESA release said that Solar Orbiter’s launch would take place no earlier than 2017 due to financial considerations.

By 2007, ESA and NASA had partnered under a program called Heliophysical Explorers, and the missions of ESA’s Solar Orbiter and NASA’s Solar Sentinels were designed to complement each other.

ESA’s current planning cycle for missions is called Cosmic Vision 2015-2025. In 2007, ESA put out the first call for mission proposals, which resulted in 50 proposals competing for either a medium-class (M-class) or large-class (L-class) launch opportunity in 2017 or 2018, respectively. 

In 2009, ESA announced that it would move forward on its missions independently of NASA, citing concerns about NASA’s funding and that NASA’s own long-term vision (the Decadal Survey) did not prioritize the joint European missions. It made several changes to its M-class and L-class missions, including changing the 2017 and 2018 launch dates to M-class missions. Solar Orbiter was also reclassified as an M-class mission candidate for one of these two launch opportunities.

Then in February 2010, ESA further winnowed down the M-class candidates to Euclid, PLATO, and Solar Orbiter. Following a competitive definition phase, Solar Orbiter and PLATO were selected in October 2011 for the first two M-class mission launches, in 2017 and 2020 respectively.

Astrium UK was selected as the prime contractor in April 2012. Three years later, the launch — targeted for July 2017 — was pushed back to October 2018. “The decision to postpone the launch was taken in order to ensure that all of the spacecraft’s scientific goals will be achieved, with all the system’s components adequately tested prior to sending the spacecraft to the launch site,” said Philippe Kletzkine, ESA’s project manager for Solar Orbiter, in a statement at the time.

The main objective of Solar Orbiter is to figure out how the sun creates and controls the heliosphere, or the solar atmosphere, according to ESA. 

Because the sun influences the Earth’s weather, understanding how the sun works can help predict phenomena caused by charged particles from the sun, such as auroras and satellite breakdowns. At worst, these events can damage satellites or even power lines; the worst recent example was the Carrington event, a geomagnetic storm in 1859 that reportedly set telegraph lines on fire.

The mission’s work is broken down into four top-level scientific questions, which concern:

  • The origins of the solar wind (the constant stream of charged particles from the sun) and the magnetic field from the corona, the hot upper atmosphere of the sun;
  • Looking at transient events on the sun, such as jets, and seeing how they influence variability in the heliosphere.
  • How solar eruptions (solar flares and the associated coronal mass ejections of charged particles) produce energetic particle radiation in the heliosphere.
  • Information on how the sun’s magnetic field (also called the solar dynamo) influences connections between the sun and the heliosphere.

Solar Orbiter will be so close to the sun that it will produce images showing details as small as 111 miles (180 kilometers), a tiny fraction of the sun’s visible disk of 860,000 miles (1.4 million kilometers). “Not only scientists, but also the general public will be enchanted with the frenzied activity on the Sun, which looks so calm to the naked eye,” ESA stated.

Instruments on the spacecraft include:

  • An energetic particle detector (EPD);
  • A magnetometer (MAG);
  • A radio and plasma wave (RPW) experiment to measure magnetic and electric fields;
  • A solar wind plasma analyzer (SWA) to measure the charged particles in the solar wind;
  • An extreme ultraviolet imager (EUI) to look at solar atmospheric layers;
  • A coronograph (METIS) to image the corona;
  • A polarimetric and helioseismic imager (PHI) to give information about the solar interior, particularly the convection zone where heat is transferred;
  • A heliospheric imager (SoloHI) to look at flow of and disturbances in the solar wind;
  • Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE), which will look at plasma in the corona;
  • An X-ray spectrometer/telescope (STIX) that examines plasma and accelerated electrons, mostly in association with solar flares. 

Given the sun’s massive influence on Earth’s client, dozens of missions to study it have been launched over the past few decades. Some of the more recent missions are highlighted here.

Ulysses was a joint mission between NASA and ESA that launched in 1990 and remained operational until June 2009. Its goal was to perform measurements of the region of space above the sun’s poles, for the first time, as well as to study the sun and the solar wind. The spacecraft, like Solar Orbiter, had a higher orbital inclination that was modified by a gravity assist maneuver around Jupiter. It also performed studies of several comets.

The long-running NASA/ESA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) was launched in 1995 to study the sun’s entire environment, from its interior to its corona. Due to its vantage point and instruments, the spacecraft coincidentally turned out to be an excellent observer of sun-grazing comets; it has found more than 2,000 to date.

Hinode is a spacecraft launched in 2006, which is a collaboration among NASA, ESA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). It studies how magnetic energy is generated in the sun’s photosphere (the “surface” of the sun) and transported through the atmosphere to the corona, and beyond.

NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) launched in October 2006. Originally it had two spacecraft, dubbed STEREO-Ahead (STEREO-A) and STEREO-Behind (STEREO-B). The goal was to do stereographic imaging of the sun and to learn more about the nature of coronal mass ejections. Communications were lost with STEREO-B in 2014 during a routine reset of the spacecraft. Controllers briefly made contact in 2016 with STEREO-B, but lost it again.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory launched in 2011 to look at the causes of solar variability, and the resulting effects on Earth. It focuses on the solar interior, the sun’s magnetic field, the corona and the flow of charged particles.

NASA’s Solar Probe Plus is expected to launch in 2018, and will get as close as four million miles (0.04 astronomical units) from the sun. Its goal is to examine energy flow that leaves the sun and affects the solar corona and the solar wind.

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Let’s block ads! (Why?) Solar Orbiter: Joint Mission to Study the Sun

[]Solar Orbiter: Joint Mission to Study the Sun

Private Pick for Germany’s First Woman in Space Includes Second-Gen Astronaut []

Martian Winds Carved Giant Mountain in Red Planet’s Gale Crater []

Earth’s Mantle Is More Than 100 Degrees F Hotter Than Scientists Thought []

Earth’s Mantle Is More Than 100 Degrees F Hotter Than Scientists Thought []

How hot are Earth’s scorching insides? A sweltering 2,570 degrees Fahrenheit (1,410 degrees Celsius), a new study finds.

The discovery reveals that the mantle under Earth’s oceans — the area just below the crust that extends down to the planet’s inner liquid core — is almost 110 degrees F (60 degrees C) hotter than scientists previously thought, the researchers said. The finding will help scientists more accurately model Earth’s many geodynamic processes, including plate tectonics, they said.

“Having such a hot mantle could mean that the mantle is less viscous (flows more easily), which could explain how tectonic plates are able to move on top of the asthenosphere,” the upper layer of Earth’s mantle, said study lead researcher Emily Sarafian, a doctoral student in the Geology and Geophysics Department at a joint program run by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. [Photo Timeline: How the Earth Formed]

The temperature’s effect on the asthenosphere isn’t very different from that of hot temperatures on honey, she said.

“If you put honey in the fridge for an hour, it will barely flow when you take it out,” Sarafian said in an email to Live Science. “If, instead, you put honey on the stovetop, it will flow very easily, because it’s hotter.”

There are many clues that the mantle under Earth’s oceans is blazing hot. For instance, it generates the lava that bursts out of underwater volcanoes. However, for obvious reasons, scientists can’t travel to the mantle and directly measure the temperature at which it melts.

Instead, scientists create mantle rocks in laboratories by combining powders of mineral building blocks, Sarafian said.

“Once they have a synthetic mantle rock, they then subject the rock to mantle pressures and temperatures to determine the temperature at which the rock melts at a given pressure,” she said. By increasing the temperature in small intervals and at different pressures, scientists can note exactly when their synthetic mantle rock melts — a condition known as mantle solidus.

But there’s a major problem with this experiment: water.  

Mantle rocks contain a small amount of water, but it’s incredibly challenging to ensure that the correct amount of water is in these laboratory samples, Sarafian said. Moreover, the atmosphere contains water, “so your experiments are adsorbing some unknown amount of water, and they aren’t completely dry,” she said.

Scientists are aware of this problem, “but they were never able to quantify how much water was in their experiments because the mineral grains that grow during an experimental run at mantle pressures and temperatures are way too small to measure with current analytical techniques,” Sarafian said.

Understandably, scientists need to account for water in these experiments, as water in rocks can lower the rocks’ melting temperature. In the past, researchers opted to do their experiments on dry synthetic rock, and then mathematically add water to the equation, she said.

But, as Sarafian and her colleagues later found out, because of the water in the atmosphere, these “dry” experiments were not actually dry; rather they contained roughly the same amount of water that is in the mantle, she said. Thus, correcting the results by mathematically adding water was unnecessary and made the results inaccurate.

You live here, so we figure you ought to be well grounded in Earth facts. But you might find these questions a little tough and tricky. Good luck!

The image of Earth in space like a blue marble highlighted the planets fragility and the beauty of Earth.

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Earth Quiz: Do You Really Know Your Planet?

You live here, so we figure you ought to be well grounded in Earth facts. But you might find these questions a little tough and tricky. Good luck!

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The image of Earth in space like a blue marble highlighted the planets fragility and the beauty of Earth.

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A mineral called olivine helped Sarafian and her colleagues solve the puzzle another way. Olivine grains are about the size of fine sand, and large enough that researchers can accurately measure water within the grains. In addition, olivine is a good candidate because it occurs naturally in the mantle, Sarafian said.

“We performed melting experiments the same way that previous scientists did, putting a synthetic rock to high pressure and temperatures, but by adding these grains to our experiments, we were giving ourselves a target that was large enough to analyze for water content,” she said. [50 Interesting Facts About Earth]

Conveniently, the sample ended up having the same amount of water as the mantle does, Sarafian said. This meant they didn’t have to use any equations to correct their data, she said.

Their results suggested that the mantle melts when it is relatively close to the Earth’s surface. That runs counter to another recent finding, which showed that the mantle actually melts deep beneath the Earth’s surface.

“This had to mean that the accepted mantle temperature estimate was too low, and actually, the mantle is 60 [degrees] C (about 110 F) hotter,” Sarafian said. “That’s a very significant jump!”

The discovery is “an appreciable correction” for the temperature of the mantle under the ocean, Paul Asimow, a professor of geology and geochemistry at the California Institute of Technology who was not involved with the study, wrote in an accompanying commentary in the journal Science.

The finding “will change interpretations of geophysical observations of the asthenosphere worldwide,” Asimow wrote.

The study and commentary were published online today (March 2) in the journal Science.

Original article on Live Science.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Earth's Mantle Is More Than 100 Degrees F Hotter Than Scientists Thought

[]Earth’s Mantle Is More Than 100 Degrees F Hotter Than Scientists Thought

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VSS Unity’s Latest Glide Forum For Branson’s Spaceflight Optimism | Video []

“By the end of this century I hope that hundreds of thousands of people will have had the chance to become astronauts,” says Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson on Feb. 24, 2017, the date of the latest glide flight of the SpaceShipTwo space plane. [See Unity’s First Flight]  

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[]VSS Unity’s Latest Glide Forum For Branson’s Spaceflight Optimism | Video

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Bupa experts slam ‘restrictive’ vegan diet and raise concern at ‘nutritional deficiencies’ []

Bupa experts slam ‘restrictive’ vegan diet and raise concern at ‘nutritional deficiencies’ []

Speaking exclusively to, Valerie Maclean, health coach dietitian at Bupa UK raised concerns for those thinking over turning vegan.

Veganism has spiked in popularity in recent months, but Valerie had warnings for those following a vegan diet.

She said: “There is no denying that veganism can be restrictive.

“Another factor to consider is the nutritional deficiencies associated with a vegan diet. Traditionally, we’re able to get some of our “essential” nutrients from animal and dairy products.

“A vegan diet may lack essential amino acids, iron and omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 so it’s important to keep a varied diet.”

She also warned that it wasn’t just the health implications of eating this way people should be wary of – there could be social issues too.

She continued: “Despite its popularity, it can be time consuming initially to read food labels that you are purchasing to ensure they are vegan friendly. It can also be difficult in social situations, such as when dining out or eating at someone else’s home.

“Planning vegan meals may be challenging initially as you need to consider the overall balance and nutritional content of meals. Nutritional requirements vary between individuals and are dependent on a person’s height, weight, age and levels of activity.”

However, Valerie did note some health benefits of following a vegan diet, mostly linked to reduced intake of fat.

She explained: “The saturated fats in our diet that raise blood cholesterol levels come primarily from animal products. Avoiding foods which are typically high in saturated fat, such as red meat and cheese, can have a positive impact on blood cholesterol levels.

“Vegan diets can be generally lower in calories than non-vegan diets due to meat and dairy products being excluded from the diet. This can decrease the likelihood of diseases that are associated with being overweight such as diabetes, high blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease.”

But she also stressed it was important not to forget there is plenty of fat in a vegan diet too, and said: “It is still important to consider weight management as all types of fat, whether healthy like nuts, or unhealthy, still have the same calorific value.”

Instead of going fully vegan, Valerie suggested incorporating some of the more positive aspects of the diet into your lifestyle.

She suggested: “Try to limit red meat to once or twice a week and be mindful of quantity; a portion size of meat should be no bigger than the palm of your hand or replace red meat with chicken or fish which are leaner sources of protein or consider non-meat protein such as chickpeas, lentils and kidney beans.

“Consider alternative methods of cooking such as baking or grilling instead of frying.”

The vegan diet is not the only eating plan that Bupa health professionals raised concerns over – Rachel Eden, a Bupa dietitian, slammed the Paleo eating fad.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Bupa experts slam ‘restrictive’ vegan diet and raise concern at ‘nutritional deficiencies'

[]Bupa experts slam ‘restrictive’ vegan diet and raise concern at ‘nutritional deficiencies’

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‘Alien: Covenant’ – Xenomorphs Continue To Terrify In New Trailer []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

The latest film in the franchise hits theaters in May 2017. 'Alien: Covenant' – Xenomorphs Continue To Terrify In New Trailer

[]‘Alien: Covenant’ – Xenomorphs Continue To Terrify In New Trailer

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Steve Miller wants ‘Fat Causes Cancer’ labels on junk food after obesity linked to disease []

Steve Miller wants ‘Fat Causes Cancer’ labels on junk food after obesity linked to disease []

Alongside the NHS staff badges campaign, the presenter of Sky 1 TV show Fat Families also wants to champion restaurants having a warning on their menus, which reads ‘If you are fat, think before ordering’. 

Steve told in February what he believes is causing the nation’s obesity problem. 

“Promoting ‘big is beautiful’ (AKA fat and proud) is plainly wrong,” he said. 

“Endorsing such a mantra opens up the floodgates for millions to potentially suffer severe medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer and stroke.

“I like to think most humans are attractive on the inside and I would champion a cause for that. However, how on earth can we endorse overweight as attractive?” 

He says “pussy footing” around and using euphemisms like ‘overweight’ and ‘big boned’ is killing people and the message ‘fat is acceptable’ need to be more clear. 

Reacting to the report published today, Steve has recommended a number of shock measures he believes will tackle the problem head on. 

His first suggestion is junk foods should carry a warning sign that reads ‘Fat Causes Cancer’.

He also believes fat TV presenters should be put on an immediate body improvement notice. 

“These people are often worshipped by the viewers,” he said. “If Tv presenters are fat it’s basically saying ‘yeah it’s ok to be fat!’” 

His suggestions also include a ban on fat acceptance campaigns, as these are “cancer contracting”, dismissals of fat dieticians who are “normalising fat as acceptable”, and “fat” models to be replaced by those who are size 12/14. 

Dairy Milk, Mars bars and Kit Kats could be about to shrink in a bid to tackle child obesity.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Steve Miller wants 'Fat Causes Cancer' labels on junk food after obesity linked to disease

[]Steve Miller wants ‘Fat Causes Cancer’ labels on junk food after obesity linked to disease

How to lose belly fat – nutritionist reveals what YOU need to do for a flat stomach []

Real Tatooines? Evidence Found of Rocky Planet Formation Around Double Star []

Real Tatooines? Evidence Found of Rocky Planet Formation Around Double Star []

Astronomers have found evidence of shattered asteroids orbiting a pair of stars, a strong new sign that rocky worlds with twin suns like Luke Skywalker’s fictional home world Tatooine are possible.

This finding also suggests that rocky planets may be able to survive the deaths of their stars, the new study’s researchers said.

Although Earth orbits a single star, nearly half of sun-like stars are in binary systems, which are made up of a pair of stars orbiting each other. In fact, there are many three-star systems, and even some that are home to up to seven stars. [Tatooine Found? – Planet with Twin Suns Discovered (Video)]

Worlds that orbit binary stars, like Tatooine from the “Star Wars” universe, are known as circumbinary planets. In 2011, researchers discovered the first real-life alien world around two stars, Kepler-16b: a gas giant orbiting the star Kepler-16 about 200 light-years from Earth.

So far, all known circumbinary planets are gas giants, similar to Jupiter. Scientists have debated whether rocky circumbinary planets like Tatooine are possible. 

“Building rocky planets around two suns is a challenge because the gravity of both stars can push and pull tremendously, preventing bits of rock and dust from sticking together and growing into full-fledged planets,” Jay Farihi, the study’s lead author and an astrophysicist at University College London, said in a statement.The research team discovered the remains of shattered asteroids orbiting a binary system, which suggests that rocky planets might exist there, Farihi said. Moreover, these findings suggest that circumbinary planetary systems with rocky worlds can even “survive the death of one of the stars,” said study co-author Boris Gänsicke, an astrophysicist at the University of Warwick in England.

The astronomers examined a system called SDSS 1557 located about 1,000 light-years from Earth. They initially thought it contained only a white dwarf, which is the dim burnt-out remnant of a star. The sun and more than 90 percent of all stars in the Milky Way will end up as white dwarfs, which have masses 40 to 90 percent that of the sun but only about the same diameter as Earth.

Using the Gemini Observatory South telescope and the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope, both located in Chile, the researchers analyzed the spectrum of light from SDSS 1557. The wavelength of light seen from a star can yield insights on its chemistry and surroundings. 

The researchers detected excessive infrared light, suggesting that SDSS 1557 possessed a disk of planetary debris loaded with silicon and magnesium about 1.3 million miles (2.1 million kilometers) from the white dwarf. Moreover, they calculated that about 110 billion tons (100 billion metric tons) of dust has rained onto the white dwarf since its discovery in 2010, equal to the remains of an asteroid-size chunk of rock, or planetesimal, at least 2.5 miles (4 km) in diameter.

“Fairly recently, a rocky planetesimal got too close to the white dwarf, torn apart by its enormous gravity, and formed the debris ring we see,” Gänsicke told

But then, study co-author Steven Parsons at the University of Sheffield in England noticed that the white dwarf was regularly wobbling back and forth. “This immediately implied that we were not looking at a single white dwarf, but a white dwarf with a companion star,” Gänsicke said.

The white dwarf moved at speeds of about 89,500 mph (144,000 km/h). The strength of the gravitational pull causing this wobbling was too much for the companion to be a planet, but too little for it to be a proper star, Gänsicke said.

Instead, the researchers suggest the white dwarf’s companion is a brown dwarf equal in mass to about 65 Jupiters. “Brown dwarfs are halfway between stars and giant gas planets,” Gänsicke said. “They are too small to start hydrogen burning, the process that powers the sun and most other stars. However, they do manage to burn deuterium, another flavor of hydrogen, and so differ from planets that do not produce any energy by themselves.” [Brown Dwarfs: Strange Failed Stars of the Universe Explained (Infographic)]

In the solar system, the asteroid belt holds leftover building blocks from the formation of Earth and the other rocky planets. “With the discovery of asteroid debris in the SDSS 1557 system, we see clear signatures of rocky planet assembly via large asteroids that formed, helping us understand how rocky exoplanets are made in double star systems,” Farihi said in the statement.

“We weren’t even remotely thinking about the possibility that we could find a circumbinary planetary system,” Gänsicke said. “Now that we found the first one, we will have a closer look at other white dwarfs in close binaries to see if this is a one-off, or if these systems are more common.”

The researchers suggest this binary system had a turbulent past. They calculated that the two members of the binary system were once significantly farther from each other than they are today. However, when the progenitor of the white dwarf finished burning its hydrogen fuel, it swelled to become a red giant star, “engulfing the brown dwarf and drawing it closer towards it because of the friction in its gas envelope,” Gänsicke said.

Now the two members of the binary system “are about 300,000 miles [482,000 km] apart,” Gänsicke said. “That’s not much more than the distance between the Earth and the moon.”That rocky debris orbits this binary system is a hint that rocky planets might as well, and that such planetary systems may have survived the death of at least one member of a binary system: “SDSS 1557 adds another dimension to the possible architectures in which planetary systems can exist,” Gänsicke said.

Although these new findings suggest that rocky planets are forming or have formed around SDSS 1557, “detecting planets that are likely orbiting this binary further out is going to be very, very difficult,” Gänsicke said. One common method used to find planets — looking for tugs on the star by a planet’s gravitational pull — “is not really possible here because the white dwarf is so faint,” he explained. “The other method, looking for periodic dimming as a planet crosses the star, might in principle work, but only if the orbit of such a planet is finely aligned with our line-of-sight towards the system, which is unlikely, and even then, it might take years or decades of data.”

“However, there is still a lot we can learn about the planetary system at SDSS1557,” Gänsicke added. The researchers plan to use the Hubble Space Telescope to analyze ultraviolet light from the white dwarf, “from which we will be able to measure very accurately the chemical composition of the planetesimal that got shredded,” he said. “That will tell us if it was similar to asteroids in the solar system, maybe if it had some water left, or maybe if it had a much more exotic chemical setup. And once the James Webb Space Telescope is launched, we can study the composition and size of the dust grains.”

“Besides that, there is a lot of theoretical work to be done — all the models for evolved planetary systems around white dwarfs were so far developed for single white dwarfs,” Gänsicke said. “Now we need to ask, ‘How does a planetesimal get flung near the white dwarf within the binary? How did the disruption occur? How did the dust we see now get to its location?'”

The scientists detailed their findings online yesterday (Feb. 27) in the journal Nature Astronomy.

Follow Charles Q. Choi on Twitter @cqchoi. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Real Tatooines? Evidence Found of Rocky Planet Formation Around Double Star

[]Real Tatooines? Evidence Found of Rocky Planet Formation Around Double Star

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Edge-On View of Spiral Galaxy Reveals ‘Odd Twists’ | Video []

A new view of galaxy NGC 1055 captured by the Very Large Telescope’s FOcal Reducer and low dispersion Spectrograph 2 (FORS2) instrument shows galactic structure twists that were likely caused by interactions with other galaxies. 

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Virgin Galactic Unveils Spin-Off Virgin Orbit for Small-Satellite Launches []

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Monday, August 21, 2017

Jennifer Hudson weight loss: How the Dreamgirls star dropped FIVE dress sizes []

Jennifer Hudson weight loss: How the Dreamgirls star dropped FIVE dress sizes []

The 35-year-old Oscar-winning singer and actress has been open about her weight loss over the years, and between 2010 and 2014 was even a spokeswoman for Weight Watchers. 

Jennifer’s weight loss journey began with her decision to slim down after her pregnancy. 

But rather than crash-dieting, she chose portion control and exercise to sensible lose the pounds. 

After becoming a Weight Watchers spokesperson in 2010, she said: “It’s a lifestyle change, not a diet.” 

She ended her partnership with Weight Watchers in 2014, after saying in 2012 she’d reached her goal weight, but she revealed revealed to Yahoo! Style her secret behind her portion controlled diet. 

She said: “I don’t let the food intimidate me. If it’s too much, I just get rid of it, but I make sure to watch what I put in my body. And I make sure I know what it is. 

“I always have to have chocolate around – it’s my cigarette. I don’t smoke but it calms me so well. 

“I don’t like too much junk in my dressing room because I have to watch what I eat, so I put everything else out of the room.” 

She reportedly dropped 80 pounds with Weight Watchers after going from a UK size 18 to 8. 

But she’s admitted it’s not all about the number on the scale or the dress tag. 

Appearing on Ellen DeGeneres, she said: “I liked who I was then and I like who I am now.” 

In terms of her exercise regime, Jennifer trained with Harley Pasternak, who’s known for whipping his celebrity clients into shape with strict workouts, including his 25-minute 5 factor workout.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Jennifer Hudson weight loss: How the Dreamgirls star dropped FIVE dress sizes

[]Jennifer Hudson weight loss: How the Dreamgirls star dropped FIVE dress sizes

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Go Green! Smoothies make COMEBACK as going green sparks sales surge []

Go Green! Smoothies make COMEBACK as going green sparks sales surge []

For smoothies have been given a big comeback boost as the latest research shows that they are shrugging off the slump in demand after warnings of products with high sugar content thanks to the launch of new ranges of souped-up blends packed with virtuous greens and added vitamins.

Data from Kantar Worldpanel shows that after suffering losses a year ago, smoothies have bounced back with double-digit growth as Britons splashed out almost £100 million on them in 2016 – an extra £15.4 million from the previous year.

Kantar analyst Polly Barr reported that smoothies were one of the comebacks of 2016 with value sales up 18.2per cent fuelled by new shoppers, with 4.8 million households buying a smoothie.

Trade magazine The Grocer said yesterday: “Kermit was wrong: it is easy being green, when it comes to smoothies at least. Adding a healthy dose of kale, spinach and avocado is certainly generating brighter sales for the struggling juices and smoothies category.”

The magazine says that the sales increase is impressive, especially considering the ruling of health chiefs in March last year that smoothies – like fruit juices – can only count towards one of the recommended five daily servings of fruit and veg due to their “high sugar content” and advising people to limit consumption to 150ml a day.

The report says the surge in demand comes amid a wider health shift in Britain, with smoothies and coconut water joining avocados, almond milk and fortified water as some of the fastest growing products in 2016 as clean eating gathers pace.

Eager to take advantage of this, juices and smoothie brands are innovating, according to James Logan, commercial director of Refresco UK, who noted that consumers are seeking drinks with functional added benefits.”

New product development is a key driver for this sector with green products, such as those with spinach and kale ingredients, proving the most popular,” he said.

But the report says that not all drinks were as fortunate as smoothies. The overall juices and smoothies market saw losses of £26.9 million, driven primarily by juice drinks and from-concentrate.

A strong performance by not-from-concentrate was not enough to cushion the blow, but the losses at least represent a huge slowdown from the £75 million lost a year previously.

Alex Lai, co-founder and managing director of Simplee Aloe said: “While the backlash on sugar temporarily demonised fruit juices and smoothies, consumers are beginning to come back to the category.

“However, where once they would have chosen a juice or smoothie based on taste alone, consumers are now much more likely to scrutinise the ingredients.”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Go Green! Smoothies make COMEBACK as going green sparks sales surge

[]Go Green! Smoothies make COMEBACK as going green sparks sales surge

Ultraluminous Object Is Brightest and Farthest Neutron Star Ever Discovered []

Ultraluminous Object Is Brightest and Farthest Neutron Star Ever Discovered []

Astronomers have discovered the brightest neutron star ever found. This extremely dense object is 1,000 times brighter than researchers previously thought was possible for neutron stars, which are the remnants of star explosions, a new study finds.

The extreme brightness of this neutron star can be explained only if it has a complex magnetic field with more than two poles (rather than a simple magnetic field with just a pair of poles), the scientists behind the new work said.

The neutron star, NGC 5907 X-1, was first identified as an ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX). Previous research found that ULXs detected in nearby galaxies can pump out far more X-rays than anything in the Milky Way galaxy; each blazes out at least about 1 million times more energy in X-rays per second than the sun does in all wavelengths of light. [The Top 10 Star Mysteries]

Prior work suggested that the most likely engine driving ULXs are black holes ripping apart tons of gas and dust that are falling or accreting onto them, perhaps off a nearby ill-fated star. Researchers suggested that these black holes had masses ranging from about 100 to 10,000 times that of the sun, according to the researchers.

Still, in the past three years, astronomers have discovered neutron stars capable of giving off up to about 10 million times more energy in X-rays per second than the sun does in all kinds of light, suggesting that some ULXs may have neutron stars at their hearts. Neutron stars, like black holes, are remnants of stars that died in catastrophic explosions known as supernovas. When a star goes supernova, material will collapse down into a dense core. If the core is massive enough, it may form a black hole, which has such a powerful gravitational pull that not even light can escape. A less massive core will form a neutron star, which is less dense than a black hole and can radiate light. 

Although neutron stars are typically small, with diameters of about 12 miles (19 kilometers) or so, they are so dense that a neutron star’s mass may be about the same as that of the sun. Neutron stars, like black holes, can give off huge amounts of energy as their powerful gravitational fields rip apart material accreting onto them, which may be how a ULX creates those incredible bursts of X-rays.

NGC 5907 X-1 is the brightest neutron star discovered yet, blasting out up to about 55 million times more energy than the sun per second. In one second, it emits the same amount of energy released by the sun in 3.5 years, the researchers said.

The researchers used the European Space Agency’s X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) and NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) space telescopes to examine a ULX known as NGC 5907 ULX (the object now known as NGC 5907 X-1). This X-ray beacon is located about 55.7 million light-years away, in the relatively nearby spiral galaxy NGC 5907, also known as the Knife Edge Galaxy because of the way it is oriented edge-on compared to Earth.

ULXs that are black holes are expected to give off constant streams of X-rays. Instead, NGC 5907 ULX emitted X-rays in a pulsating manner. These pulsations “are an unambiguous signature of the presence of a pulsar, a magnetized, spinning neutron star,” study lead author Gianluca Israel, an astrophysicist at Italy’s National Institute for Astrophysics in Rome, told

Each pulsar shoots out two narrow beams of light in opposite directions, and if aligned with Earth, these beams act as a lighthouse beacon, appearing to flash on and off as the pulsar rotates. This new ULX is the most distant pulsar discovered yet, the researchers said.

Archival data suggested that this ULX is accreting material so fast from a companion star that the rate at which it spins has accelerated at an astounding rate.

The amount of time it takes for this ULX to spin once on its axis has shrunk by 300 milliseconds over 11 years, from 1.43 seconds in 2003 to 1.13 seconds in 2014.

“If you think of this in terms of Earth’s rotation, it’s like the duration of the day reduced by 5 hours in the same amount of time, 11 years,” Israel said.

At its peak, the luminosity of this ULX exceeds the theoretical maximum set by the balance of the energy radiating outward and the gravitational force acting inward — the so-called Eddington limit — by about a whopping 1,000 times what would be expected for a neutron star. Standard models of neutron stars that assume a simple magnetic field with two poles cannot explain these findings, the authors of the new work say.

Instead, the scientists’ computer model suggested that a strong, complex magnetic field with more than two poles could help a neutron star accrete more matter onto it than previously thought. “This matter, falling on the neutron star, ultimately produces the emission that we detect as X-rays,” Israel said. 

It remains uncertain just how many poles NGC 5907 X-1 possesses, and how exactly they are arranged, Israel said. Future research can further examine this neutron star and its companion star to learn more about why this pulsar is so luminous, Israel said.

“Our results are already prompting new models able to account for the formation of ultraluminous X-ray pulsars and understand in detail the physics beyond their incredible energy emission,” Israel said.

It remains unknown how many ULXs host neutron stars, as opposed to black holes. 

“This is one of the questions the scientific community needs to answer in the next years,” Israel said.

The scientists detailed their findings online Feb. 19 in the journal Science.

Follow Charles Q. Choi on Twitter @cqchoi. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Ultraluminous Object Is Brightest and Farthest Neutron Star Ever Discovered

[]Ultraluminous Object Is Brightest and Farthest Neutron Star Ever Discovered