Thursday, October 13, 2016

From frumpy to glam ma: Granny’s AMAZING transformation after losing 12 stone []

From frumpy to glam ma: Granny’s AMAZING transformation after losing 12 stone []

Grandma-of-three Natalie King, 47, always dreamt of being a pin-up, even modelling her teens, but this all changed after she gave birth to her first child aged 18.

Mrs King said: “When I was younger I did glamour modelling for around 12 months. It was more of a hobby than anything but I really enjoyed it. 

“I went to London agencies for photo shoots and they wanted to take me on, but then I had my eldest daughter and gave it up.”

Putting her dreams aside, she gained weight with each of her six children Kelly, Nick, Craig, Sophia,  Isabelle, and Jacob.

She was soon plagued by anxiety and felt uncomfortable leaving the house, after tipping the scales at 25 stone.

She said: “Before my weight loss I was a size 28-30 and I was depressed. I didn’t go out, I wouldn’t go out of the car. 

“I just wanted to hide because I felt as though people were looking at me.”

When doctors warned she was at risk of a stroke, she decided to overhaul her diet for good, and with a little help from husband Roy, she joined Slimming World.

She said: “I started getting a pain in my side and the doctor told me I had a fatty liver and a gallstone. 

“I was at risk of having a stroke I also started suffering from arthritis in my knees as a result of my weight. I wanted to be healthy for my children.”

Mrs King, who used to eat up to six donuts a day and spend £100 a week on takeaways, said she did;t go to the beach for 20 years because of fears over her weight.

Swapping her crisps and chocolate for a bacon and egg sandwich and fruit, she lost over 12 stone and went down from a size 30 to a svelte 12-14.

Following her incredible weightloss, husband-of-24-years Roy treated her to a dream op to boost her bust to a G cup.

Now Mrs King is determined to follow her modelling dreams again.

She told the Daily Mail: “Now I’ve got my body back I want to start making the most of myself again. I would love to try modelling again now I’ve got my confidence back. I don’t have to hide away anymore.

“I finally feel like the old me again.”

Her amazing transformation comes after told how Monica Perez lost half her bodyweight after once tipping the scales at 25 stone.

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[]From frumpy to glam ma: Granny’s AMAZING transformation after losing 12 stone

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