Wednesday, May 24, 2017

New weight loss tea could help you shed the pounds FAST []

New weight loss tea could help you shed the pounds FAST []

Try swapping these Christmassy drinks for an alternative winter warmer using three simple ingredients you’ll probably already have in your kitchen cupboards. 

Some diet experts say that drinking hot water with lemon, honey and cinnamon could help you achieve your weight loss goals. 

All three ingredients have been reported to have significant health benefits, mainly linked to digestion. 

Cinnamon is said to hold anti-inflammatory properties while being packed full of antioxidants. 

Limited evidence has also shown that cinnamon can lower cholesterol in people with type-2 diabetes. 

A study published in the Journal of Preventative Medicine revealed that people who add cinnamon in their diet lose more fat than those who don’t. 

Honey also holds antibacterial properties and is often used as an alternative to refined sugar. 

As well as giving your immune system a boost, lemon has also been proven to aid digestion, reduce inflammation and help people lose weight. 

While each of the ingredients hold a host of health benefits, the main reason this drink is so effective is it provides a sweet, spicy and warming alternative to the more calorific drinks you would be drinking otherwise. 

“Hot water with lemon in and of itself does not cause any actual weight loss,” registered nutritionist Alissa Rumsey, of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told Women’s Health magazine. 

She added that drinking lemon and honey can reduce bloating, and therefore the size of your belly. 

But while honey is considered a healthier alternative to refined sugar, it does still contain a large number of calories. 

If you want to drink your way to weight loss and try this cosy tipple, acquire one tablespoon, one tablespoon lemon, one teaspoon cinnamon and mix all three together in a cup of hot water. 

If you  are struggling to lose weight it could be because of THESE simple reasons. 

The first problem is usually speed – it takes a long time to gain weight, so it makes sense it would also take a while to lose it. 

Experts advise a loss of one pound per week, as those who lose weight slowly and steadily tend to keep it off more successfully that those who don’t. 

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[]New weight loss tea could help you shed the pounds FAST

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