Monday, November 28, 2016

Is a change in diet the key to curing your acne? Rid yourself with THIS claims expert []

Is a change in diet the key to curing your acne? Rid yourself with THIS claims expert []

With a survey from Eau Thermale Avène revealing an estimated 4.8 million women suffer with adult acne long past their teenage years, the problem appears to be a primary concern for many women.

But according to Harley Medical Group nutritionist Christine Bailey, what you put inside your body is one of the “easiest and cheapest ways to make improvements to your skin.” 

This comes after it was revealed why food labelled ‘healthy’ isn’t always the best option.

Dermatologist Justine Hextall, also on behalf of The Harley Medical group, describes how she often has patients coming to her having recently developed acne for the first time in their adult lives.

Dr Hextall said: “It is now quite common to see patients with acne in their 30s who may have had clear skin in their teens.”

Stress and hormonal changes in adulthood are common triggers for acne, but it can be hard to pin down the initial cause of the condition.

But many sufferers are now taking a holistic approach in treating the condition – considering lifestyle factors such as their diet and stress levels – before taking medication.

Christine Bailey reveals het top spot fighting foods to help you achieve a clear complexion.

Go for whole foods

Base your diet around unprocessed whole foods to help reduce blood sugar levels, insulin and growth factors which influence sebum production. A diet rich in wholegrain such as rice and quinoa, nuts, lean protein and antioxidant saturated vegetables protects the skin, supports healing and lowers inflammation.

Oily fish

Nourish your skin with plenty of anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats. Omega 3 fats are beneficial to overall skin health and are found in oily fish and also some seeds such as wallets, chia seeds and flaxseed. Try to eat oily fish three times a week and two tablespoons of seeds daily.


The much-loved avocado is rich in anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fats and plenty of vitamin E to keep skin glowing. This humble fruit is a great source of vitamin C which supports the production of collagen, helping to improve the texture of your skin.

Fermented foods

An unbalanced gut can promote inflammation and poor detoxification, worsening the condition of skin. Fermented foods rich in beneficial bacteria can in turn help improve digestion and the complexion. Examples include natural yoghurt, miso and kimchi.

Green tea

Green tea, especially matcha green powder, is packed with antioxidants known as catechins, known for their powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Topical applications of green tea extract may also have potential in treating acne.


Berries are loaded with antioxidants that protect skin and lower inflammation plus vitamin c which is essential for collagen production. They are also packed with soluble fibre to support digestion. Try to include at least one cup of greens daily in your diet.

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[]Is a change in diet the key to curing your acne? Rid yourself with THIS claims expert

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