Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Aurora Experiment Streaks Into Alaska’s Sky on Small NASA Rocket (Photos) []

Aurora Experiment Streaks Into Alaska’s Sky on Small NASA Rocket (Photos) []

NASA’s PolarNOx experiment launched on a Black Brant IX sounding rocket Jan. 27, 2017, from the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska.

A sounding rocket flew successfully into the Alaskan sky Jan. 27 to track down nitric oxide, a byproduct of auroras (northern lights) that form in the region.

The Polar Night Nitric Oxide experiment (PolarNOx) lifted off from the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska and flew almost 176 miles (283 kilometers) high. 

The mission’s goal was to see how much nitric oxide there is in the atmosphere, and how high it goes. Nitric oxide is generated during an aurora but is not “significantly destroyed” during the polar night, and under certain conditions it could make its way into the stratosphere and destroy ozone, NASA officials said in a statement. The ozone changes could in turn change stratospheric temperature and affect wind circulation on the Earth’s surface.

PolarNOx reached an altitude of almost 176 miles (283 kilometers) during a sounding rocket launch Jan. 27, allowing it to investigate the levels of nitric oxide in the atmosphere.

PolarNOx reached an altitude of almost 176 miles (283 kilometers) during a sounding rocket launch Jan. 27, allowing it to investigate the levels of nitric oxide in the atmosphere.

Credit: NASA/Jamie Adkins

“The rocket team did a great job of pointing us at the star and our spectrograph saw it clearly throughout the flight,” Scott Bailey, the principal investigator for PolarNOx from Virginia Tech, said in the statement. “We got plenty of data to work through.”

Auroras are created when charged particles streaming from the sun (also known as the solar wind) energize gases in the magnetosphere, which is a region of the upper atmosphere. When the gases release this added energy, they also emit light particles (photons) in specific wavelengths, which are visible as different colors in auroras.

Another stunning view of NASA's PolarNOx experiment and its Black Brant IX sounding rocket launching from from the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska on Jan. 27, 2017.

Another stunning view of NASA’s PolarNOx experiment and its Black Brant IX sounding rocket launching from from the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska on Jan. 27, 2017.

Credit: NASA/Jamie Adkins

PolarNOx is the first of three missions that will launch from the range between January and March. The others, which will include two sounding rockets each, will further probe the nature of auroras, including “the interaction of the solar wind, the magnetosphere, Earth’s upper atmosphere and the structure of the resulting aurora,” NASA said.

The other missions are expected to fly between Feb. 13 and March 3.

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[]Aurora Experiment Streaks Into Alaska’s Sky on Small NASA Rocket (Photos)

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