Friday, July 28, 2017

What is the HGC diet: Dieters INJECT pregnancy hormone in popular diet plan []

What is the HGC diet: Dieters INJECT pregnancy hormone in popular diet plan []

The diet is described as using natural hormones to trigger the system to release stored fat.

The hormone is thought to cause the body to rely on fat already stored in the body for energy instead of storing new fat. The claim is that even those who aren’t pregnant will effectively unlock fat that has been stored for years in the body.

However, experts condemn the diet for being very dangerous.

Zoe Martin nutritionist for Discount Supplements said: “Previously, the HCG Diet was defined by a 500-1,000-calorie diet paired with daily injections of HCG to produce rapid weight loss results. 

“The risk factor associated with the diet far outweighs the positives of the weight loss results, as a caloric intake of under 1,000 calories could lead to serious malnutrition in the average person, especially those with an active lifestyle.” 

The diet has been condemned by both the FDA and the American Medical Association as dangerous and inappropriate.

Most companies selling HCG supplements have confirmed that the majority of their products are hormone free, according to Zoe, showing that the hormone itself isn’t what produces the weight loss results, but the reduced calorie intake. 

Mr Omega 3, Tom Oliver, feels strongly about the diet. Telling the “Safe, no! Sustainable, no! Lose weight – absolutely! 

“Anyone under-eating by 75 per cent of RDI will lose weight! Five hundred calories per day is not enough, making this diet not only unsustainable, but also very unsafe and not recommended.”

Followers of the diet are sold drops to use on the tongue, but according to one expert this has no effect on the body what so ever. 

Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at said: “It is worth noting that HCG in injection form is the only way that has been shown to raise blood levels of HCG.  

“Other ways such as drops and pills do not raise blood levels of HCG and would therefore be ineffective. 

“The other reason that this diet may be successful is due to the severe calorie restriction.  This is therefore unsustainable and the weight will just pile on again when you come off the diet – you cannot stay on this diet longterm.”

It has recently been found that almost one in five children thinks that skipping one meal a day is a “healthy thing to do”, according to research published today.

Three quarters of children aged between 11 and 14 said they did not set a limit on the amount of sweets and chocolates they eat each day.

A total of 58 per cent also said they had “no limit” when it came to scoffing fried food – like chips or fried chicken – and ate until it was all gone rather than when they were full up.

The NHS provides a free weight loss guide to those hoping to shed some pounds.

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[]What is the HGC diet: Dieters INJECT pregnancy hormone in popular diet plan

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