Thursday, October 26, 2017

Weight loss: Woman shed SIX stone after pregnancy with THIS diet plan []

Weight loss: Woman shed SIX stone after pregnancy with THIS diet plan []

Louise Yates, 34, ballooned to a size 22 and had “no energy”, but decided to overhaul her lifestyle and slim down.

Speaking about her life before the weight loss, Louise said: “Before losing the weight I felt so sluggish and my feet used to burn if I used to go shopping or walk for a while. 

“I had no energy and used to dread being invited out socially due to the stress of having to find something to wear, I felt self-conscious and shy, and pretty much miserable.”

Describing the turning point that spurred her weight loss, Louise said: “March 2012 I was feeling miserable, I realised I was getting bigger and bigger and things had got out of control. I decide enough was enough, and it was time to make a lifestyle change.

“At the time I was choosing quick fix meals like takeaways maybe four times a week, I have always enjoyed my food and would eat huge portions – enough for two people.”

Louise decided to try a combination of SlimFast and exercise to lose weight.

She explained: “I decided to give SlimFast a go because I had tried every other diet going and I was unable to stick to any of them.

“SlimFast was a great option because I needed to be able to quickly grab things for lunch and breakfast rather than having to think about it. SlimFast took away all the hassle of deciding what to eat and when but it still gave me the opportunity to have things I enjoyed for snacks and dinner whilst sticking within my calories. 

“I was shocked me at first to see how many calories I was consuming in some of my favourite foods.”

Revealing her exercise plan, Louise said: “I’ve shocked myself by taking up running and I’m so proud of myself. I can now run 5k thanks to my perseverance.

“I also go to Clubbercise (cardio in the dark with glow sticks – great fun!) and Poundfit (drumming cardio using weighted drum sticks), which since losing weight I have been even more confident go to.”

Starting out at 17st 5lbs, Louise got down to 11st albs in June 2014 – but gained five stone whilst pregnant.

After turning her life around with a sensible diet and exercise plan, Louise has now lost six stone, and is a dress size 12.

She said: “I never imagined I would be a size 12, I’m now comfortable in my own skin and feel fantastic. 

“I still follow the SlimFast plan and have the occasional treat at weekends, which allows me to have a balanced life style.

“Family have noticed my weight loss, my partner met me when I was a size 22, and now I’m a size 12 he feels like he’s dating a new person as I look so different.”

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[]Weight loss: Woman shed SIX stone after pregnancy with THIS diet plan

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