Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Weight loss: Diet plan used by woman to lose five stone in JUST five months revealed []

Weight loss: Diet plan used by woman to lose five stone in JUST five months revealed []

Sharing her before and after transformation to Reddit, poster ‘imakebadpuns_’ explained she had lost five stone in the same number of months.

At 27 years old and five foot seven inches, this scale of weight loss is an impressive feat.

Writing about how she did it, the poster said: “It took me five months to lose the weight and I’ve been maintaining and focusing on becoming stronger since!

“I lost the weight with keto and moderate exercise and have been maintaining with CICO and weight lifting.”

Her post quickly went viral with hundreds of comments asking for more detail on how she achieved her goals.

Responding to questions on calorie counting, she said: “I didn’t really track calories but I was good about hitting my protein goals and always ended up under for fat and carbs.

“I still am pretty restrictive with carbs because I hate feeling hungry and keto foods keep me feeling full longer.

“But if I want to cheat I let myself as long as I’m under my caloric goal for the day.

“No more than 1500 calories a day. I typically stay closer to 1300 but I allow myself more wiggle room now that I’m in maintenance.”

Going into more detail on her diet, she wrote: “I eat lean meats, green leafy vegetables, avocados, cheese, and eggs. I stay away from most nuts.”

The keto diet is a popular plan for losing weight, and another woman shared her transformation to Reddit after following keto for four months.

Poster ‘cfabriziostanton’ explained she lost 50lbs (three stone five pounds) in just four months.

Her images garnered lots of comments on the social media site, with most asking her how she did it.

Responding to one commenter, cfabriziostanton said: “I follow a ketogenic diet. I feel like it has a bad reputation but it doesn’t need to be super greasy and fat laden for most who are trying to lose weight.

“Once my body switched to using fat as fuel I had TON of excess fat already attached to my body to fuel it.

“I eat protein of all kinds (fish, meat, eggs) fat (avocados and cheese mainly) and low-carb veggies (broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, lettuce, spinach and zucchini) but my portion sizes are significantly smaller since being in ketosis- because my appetite is suppressed and my thinking of what “normal” is has been completely rewired.”

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[]Weight loss: Diet plan used by woman to lose five stone in JUST five months revealed