Thursday, March 29, 2018

Weight loss: Obese women lost six stone by doing this – despite being a CAKE maker []

Weight loss: Obese women lost six stone by doing this – despite being a CAKE maker []

Weight loss is a part of many people’s goals when trying to become healthier and slim down, and was for one woman who had struggled with her weight.

Jennie Hudson, 26, knew she had to try and lose weight after becoming a size 20 and weighing 18 stone.

Earring three meals a night, she would regularly ear 5,000 calories a day – two and a half times the recommended daily intake for women. This included sharing bars of chocolates and packs of cakes.

It was during her time at university that she realised she needed to do something about her body.

She admitted: “I remember being at a party, surrounded by slim girls and I couldn’t stand it.

“I felt disgusting, as everyone looked gorgeous, except me. I’d struggled to find anything to wear that night and felt so uncomfortable, I just left.”

Her secret eating meant she would often buy “two meal deal [and] eat one on my own,” as well as spending up to £90 a week on her food shop.

Her weight gain was made harder having had surgery to remove her gallbladder at 19-year-old, and gain the five stone that she had lost before this.

However, after meeting her now husband Lewis, 28, in 2013, and becoming engaged the following year, she knew she needed to lose weight.

Weighting 15 stone, she vowed not to be a “fat bride,” and wanted to lose the weight before the wedding in 2016.

By joining Weight Watchers along with her partner, she lost over six stone and became a healthy size 12.

“On my wedding day, I wore a stunning ivory strapless gown and, while I’d once felt more like Shrek, I felt like a princess,: she admitted.

Her new diet consists of much smaller portions, as well as healthy baked oats, salads and soups, although one temptation remains.

Jennie currently works as a cake maker, something she admits is difficult.

She said: “I can’t trust myself when it comes to sampling my own cakes.”

“It’s all or nothing, so I just have to make sure I don’t start, or I’ll polish off the lot!”

One woman lost over half her body weight after getting stuck on a rollercoaster.

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[]Weight loss: Obese women lost six stone by doing this – despite being a CAKE maker

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