Thursday, August 23, 2018

Tom Watson weight loss: Labour MP lost six stone using this bizarre diet trick []

Tom Watson weight loss: Labour MP lost six stone using this bizarre diet trick []

Tom Watson, 51, is known for his political career, being a Labour MP and the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party.

However, the MP is now known for something else, his impressive weight loss.

The 51-year-old has lost almost six stone since last summer, after realising how much his weight could affect his long-term health.

The politician is now in better shape than ever, and it’s all down to one strange diet trick.

In October last year, Tom revealed in a newsletter that he had been on a diet, writing: “Did I tell you I’m on a diet? I know you’re not supposed to call them that anymore, to be on message they have to be a ‘lifestyle change’.”

He then went on to reveal the unusual method he had been using, a bizarre technique called the “nudge theory”.

Tom claimed the theory helped him shed the pounds, with the principle of the diet plan being rewarding “good” behaviour.

Rewarding good behaviour supposedly encourages you to continue with it, with Tom revealing that he would buy himself small gifts on his weight-loss journey.

Talking about the theory, Tom explained: “Using rudimentary ‘nudge theory’ every time I reach a weight target, I treat myself to a gadget for the bike.

“It’s going well so I purchased a device for the handle bars that allows you to attach your iPhone this week.”

Nudge theory aside, Tom has also overhauled his diet, cutting out sugar, eating better and exercising.

Talking to ITV’s Peston, he revealed: “I basically stopped taking sugar, refined sugar, and then I started walking 10,000 steps a day and walking up staircases and when a bit more weight came off I started to jog and cycle.

“I kept reading about Labour politicians that died early in their 50s and 60s and I want to get healthy, and actually for me, the journey’s been very interesting because what I realise is there’s a lot more we can do in public health to deal with the obesity crisis.”

On top of rewarding himself and cutting out sugar, Tom also uses one aspect of the famous keto diet – adding butter to his coffee.

Writing about his weight loss in his New Statesman column, the 51-year-old detailed: “This morning started with what the LA set call a ‘bulletproof coffee’.

“It’s basically butter from grass-fed cows blended with fresh coffee – the idea is to get saturated fats into your diet so that you’re not as hungry during the day.

“Does it taste nice? It tastes like milky coffee, as you’d imagine when you think about the source of butter.”

Adding high-fat products to coffee such as butter or coconut oil is a typical method used by followers of the keto diet, and works to control the appetite and increase energy levels.

The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that works by putting the body into a state of ketosis. 

When in ketosis, the body burns stored fat for every instead of glucose, which is found in carbohydrates.

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[]Tom Watson weight loss: Labour MP lost six stone using this bizarre diet trick

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