Friday, August 24, 2018

Weight loss: 5 easy ways to curb your appetite and help you lose weight FAST []

Weight loss: 5 easy ways to curb your appetite and help you lose weight FAST []

The feeling of hunger is the brain telling the body it is hungry, leading to stomach rumbling and day-dreaming about food.

However, being constantly hungry can be a problem, especially when it comes to losing weight or trying to get into shape.

Luckily, there are several effective ways that your diet and lifestyle can be tweaked in order to give the feeling of being fuller for longer.

Top nutritionist Liam Mahoney, from leading Active Nutrition and protein brand Grenade, shared his top five tips to combat hunger and help regain control of weight loss.

Eat more protein

Protein is a staple of any healthy diet, with numerous studies showing that protein is the most filling and metabolism boosting of all the macronutrients.

To get more protein into the diet, and curb hunger cravings it is important to try and consume protein at every meal, and even as a snack.

Packing in more protein really helps to keep hunger at bay, so opt for lean meats, lentils, eggs and oats to up your protein intake at meal times.

When it comes to snacks, Liam recommends a low-sugar, low-carb protein bar such as the Carb Killa bars from Grenade, with each packed with over 20g of protein, and at just 220 calories.

Get more sleep

When sleep is interrupted or shortened, ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates appetite, often referred to as the ‘hunger hormone’ increases, and leptin, the hormone that suppresses the appetite decreases.

To keep the body’s levels of ghrelin down, aim to get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night, and avoid foods and meals high in sugar before bedtime, as they will cause a surge in blood sugar and increase energy, which in turn will disturb sleep, making you feel cranky and hungry the next day.

Eat fibre rich foods

Foods high in fibre are known to boost fullness and suppress appetite. Fibre-rich foods also lower levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone insulin.

Since high-fibre foods generally take longer to eat, it gives your body time to register when you’re no longer hungry.

Eating more fibre will elongate the feeling of being satisfied and feeling full. Fibre also takes longer to leave the stomach, adding to the feeling of satiety without adding calories.

There are many ways to boost your fibre intake, but the easiest would be to ensure a variety of wholegrain products are included in your diets, as well as upping your portions of fruit and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Slow Down

It is important to take time when eating, as eating too fast can cause overindulgence. It takes at least 20-30 minutes for gut hormones to kick in and signal fullness in the brain.

Eating slowly helps then body to feel full and satisfied and helps eliminate the chances of having seconds.It also helps to be “in the moment” when eating, as distractions, such as the television, may cause you to eat more without realising it. Take time, relax, and enjoy a meal with friends and family.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

An ideal day should be made up of eating three meals a day, and one snack. The body also shouldn’t go more than four hours without being fed.

Eating breakfast, and eating every four hours is important when it comes to avoiding hunger pangs because it will keep blood sugar levels and hunger hormones stable.

Most importantly, eat breakfast. It’s been said many times, but it is the most important meal of the day, and eating a hearty, healthy breakfast helps reduce levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin.

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[]Weight loss: 5 easy ways to curb your appetite and help you lose weight FAST

1 comment:

  1. Nice post and the tips are also useful. But to get more effective results weight loss supplements is good.
