Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rick Stein weight loss: Padstow fish and chip chef ate this food to lose weight []

Rick Stein weight loss: Padstow fish and chip chef ate this food to lose weight []

Rick Stein, 71, is the chef famous for his Padstow fish and chips restaurant.

In fact, he owns four restaurants, with three more in Falmouth, Porthleven and Newquay.

The father of three who is married to his partner Sarah Burns, was born in Oxfordshire and was Oxford educated.

His frame has shrunk over the years, how has Rick Stein lost weight? 

The chef has lost weight over the years, and revealed he used one specific diet trick to do so.

While many reach for eggs or bacon first thing in the morning, Rich has a different preference.

Instead, the chef eats chilli first thing in the morning.

He told the Guardian: “I find that the heat from chilli counteracts hunger pangs, which I believe is why it’s so popular in the developing world.

“So I have a very spicy Vietnamese pho for breakfast.”

The chef, who is almost six foot, revealed his ideal weight would be 14st.

“I’m classed as ‘overweight’ but I’m not that fussed as I take enough exercise,” he told Daily Mail.

“I eat a lot of meat and veg and cut out the carbohydrates.”

He also revealed details of his exercise regimen.

He told the paper: “I make a point of not using escalators. I don’t go to the gym, but swim virtually every day in the sea in Cornwall, winter and summer.”

Rick has a number of awards including 14th most influential chef in UK in 2005 and The Good Food Award Television and Radio Personality in 1995 and 1996.

He won an English Seafood Restaurant of the Year Award 2002 from AA.

Johnny Vegas weight loss has impressed many and the comedian has shed three stone.

Johnny has slimmed down in recent months, first shocking fans with his new physique in July.

Appearing on ITV’s This Morning, Johnny revealed even more secrets behind his impressive weight loss.

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[]Rick Stein weight loss: Padstow fish and chip chef ate this food to lose weight

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