Sunday, September 30, 2018

Weight loss: This is the best time to eat breakfast to help you lose weight []

Weight loss: This is the best time to eat breakfast to help you lose weight []

Breakfast might not be the first thing on your mind when you wake up but it is undoubtedly essential as part of a healthy lifestyle – but could you be getting the timings all wrong?

When you eat your breakfast is as important as what you eat in the morning to kick-starting any healthy-eating regime.

To maximise your chances of weight loss you should eat your breakfast within one hour of waking up.

By eating your first meal early you can help maintain your circadian rhythm and boost your metabolism.

Studies have shown eating breakfast early can prolong time between meals, meaning hunger strikes later in the day and cutting out snack temptations.

Hopefully, this means dieters won’t go on to make bad eating choices for lunch and dinner.

A study from the University of Illinois at Chicago and published in the journal Diabetic Medicine showed that people who had type two diabetes were more likely to have a higher BMI if they eat breakfast later.

Participants who ate breakfast between 7.30am and 9am had a lower BMI by 0.37 kg/m2.

Dieters wanting to slim down should also be aware of eating enough protein at breakfast, no matter how tempting is it to just eat toast.

“Eating a breakfast rich in protein significantly improves appetite control and may help women to avoid overeating later in the day,” Kevin C. Maki, a lead researcher in a University of Missouri, Columbia weight loss study said.

People who eat protein-rich breakfasts tend to have improved appetite ratings, the study found.

This means lower hunger, more fullness and less desire to eat – all important for weight loss.

Getting enough protein in your breakfast also means you’ll eat fewer calories at lunch.

Tricking your brain into feeling full is another top tip for boosting weight loss.

Research has shown by opting for cereals with a larger flake size you will consume fewer calories and are thereby more likely to lose weight.

A study at Penn State showed people eat more breakfast cereal by weight when flake size is reduced. 

They observed when flakes are reduced by crushing, people pour a smaller volume of cereal into their bowls, but still take a greater amount by weight and calories.

In short, it’s easy to underestimate how many calories you are eating when you pour a smaller-flake cereal into a bowl.

However, if you eat a cereal with bigger flakes you’ll eat less cereal by weight and consume fewer calories without even noticing.

By reducing your calorie intake in this nifty way you’ll be off to a healthy, weight-loss-promoting start before the day even really begins.

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[]Weight loss: This is the best time to eat breakfast to help you lose weight

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing way to lose weight. To get more better results start taking Weight Loss Medication. I tried and it is really good.
