Friday, November 2, 2018

The 25 Greatest Spaceships of Science Fiction []

The 25 Greatest Spaceships of Science Fiction []

The beautiful Infinity base in Halo is not only pretty to look at, but also a useful vessel for getting places. It’s equipped with sublight and translight power, and able to avoid enemy attacks with the use of energy shields, according to Halopedia. The crew on board has the latest in entertainment, including a biosphere (said to rival natural parks on Earth) and a bar, called the Full Moon. To communicate with allies across long distances, Infinity even has superluminal communications capabilities. Now, if only there wasn’t a war to fight, we could really enjoy a nice vacation on this ship.

NEXT: A machine with hidden depths

Let’s block ads! (Why?) The 25 Greatest Spaceships of Science Fiction

[]The 25 Greatest Spaceships of Science Fiction

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