Monday, November 12, 2018

Weight Loss: How many calories are in your favourite alcoholic drinks? []

Weight Loss: How many calories are in your favourite alcoholic drinks? []

Weight loss is best achieved through eating healthily as well as doing exercise.

But it’s important to remember that drinks can ruin a weight loss plan if they contain lots of calories.

Are you aware of exactly how many calories alcoholic drinks can contain?

A survey by revealed that two-thirds of Britons have no idea how many calories are in common alcoholic drinks.

People often think alcohol does not contain as many calories as it actually does.

For instance, 2.7 million people believe there are fewer than 40 calories in a pint of lager, despite the correct figure being over 200.

The average Briton consumes 21 units of booze a week, with a unit being an average of 85 calories, adding up to an extra 1,750 calories a week.

By minimising alcohol intake or cutting it out entirely, the average person could lose 27 pounds in a year.

A pint of lager topped the calorie count list with a whopping 230 calories per pint, with 65 per cent of Britons having no idea of the calorie count.

Cider and Guinness were closely behind lager, with 216 and 218 calories, respectively.

Wine was also placed in the top 10 most calorie-packed drinks.

A medium glass of wine (175ml) has around 159 calories in it, with 59 per cent of those surveyed unaware of the calorie intake.

One of the drinks with lowest number of calories found was gin, with only 52. But served as a double measure with tonic, the amount significantly rises to 160 calories.

It’s key to make savvy choices when it comes to choosing alcoholic drinks while wanting to lose weight.

Drinking gin neat with a squeeze of fresh lime is much better for weight loss than mixing the spirit with tonic water as there’s lots of sugar in the popular mixer.

Another method is to avoid drinking drinks which include more than one type of alcohol.

Frozen drinks are also packed full of sugar and should be steered clear of by those wanting to lose weight.

The truth behind juice and detox diets has also recently been revealed.

“In truth, the idea that we need to give our system a ‘rest’ and follow a juice or cleansing diet to reboot, detoxify or improve our health and wellbeing is complete nonsense,” said Sarah Ballis, specialist dietitian at The Harley Street Clinic, part of HCA Healthcare UK.

According to Ballis, the body already has a ”sophisticated, complex and intricate” inbuilt system to remove chemicals and unwanted substances.

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[]Weight Loss: How many calories are in your favourite alcoholic drinks?

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