Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Weight loss tips: Doing THIS exercise burns MORE fat than going for a run []

Weight loss tips: Doing THIS exercise burns MORE fat than going for a run []

Weight loss is going to be at the top of most Brits’ list as January’s ‘New Year, New You’ season approaches.  And with these five key exercises you won’t have to swap your social life for the gym. 

The barbell rollout is said to be the best exercise for burning fat and fast. explains how to do a barbell rollout and four other key fat-burning exercises. 

Barbell rollouts

A study at the Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education revealed this gym move burns fat stored in the body faster than ‘traditional’ cardio exercise. 

That doesn’t mean you should ditch your 20 minute warm-up jog for a barbell rollout but combining the two will hit your body where it really matters. 

You must take care to do this move properly, however, as this core killer risks the shoulders and lower back if performed without due care.

According to Muscle and Fitness magazine, this is how you should undertakes a barbell roll out: 

  • Place a barbell on the floor and grab it with an overhand grip, your hands shoulder-width apart
  • Your shoulders should be directly over the barbell. This is your starting position
  • Keeping your knees in a fixed position, roll the bar out in front of you until your arms fully extend in front of your body

It comes after exercise was revealed not to be the most important factor in slimming down. 

Amie Richmond, weight loss expert and nutritionist at, said: “When embarking on a fat or weight loss programme the first question you should always ask yourself is ‘do I want to be thin or do I want to be healthy?’


A weight training exercise that intimidates many – but an important one to master for your health and fitness regime. The deadline involves picking up a loaded barbell or bar form the ground to the hips, then lowered back to the ground. 

The ‘powerlifting’ exercise may seem daunting but it’s one of the best ways to kick-start any weight loss regime. 

The impressive move targets the quads, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, lower back, traps, and forearms – really working your whole body in one fail-safe move and it’s the best for building total-body strength, size and athleticism.

Push ups

It might seem like a no-brainer but push-ups are the easiest way to kick-start your fitness for 2017. And with no gym or equipment required, there’s no excuse not to get involved. 

Doing a push-up, or press up as they’re sometimes called, activates your latissimi dorsi muscles. It also strengthens the chest, shoulder and arms all at once. 

How will this help you burn fat? Well, the more muscles you activate, the more calories your body burns during a work-out. 

Bent Over Row

It’s important to get the bent over row technique correct or you risk hurting your back. advises holding a barbell with your palms facing down, bend the knees and keep the back straight until it is almost parallel to the floor. 

Breath out and lift the barbell up toward yourself, keeping your elbows close to your body. Breath out as the bar comes up toward 

This exercise incorporates the lats, rhomboids, rear delts, traps, and even the biceps.


Doing thousands of sit-ups isn’t the best option for pin-pointed weight loss, but the exercise does offer other benefits. 

Performing sit-ups after or during a cardio-based work out strengthens the core, in turn helping to build abdominal muscles. 

Having more muscles will, in turn, increase the amount of calories that your body burns. 

Doing a sit-up properly is vital to your health and well-being. To begin, lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place your finger tips gently behind your ears, and pull your shoulder blades back so your elbows are out to the side.

Brace your abs and then raise your body up towards your knees, shoulders lifted off the floor.

If you want the perfect bottom, PT Sophie Holmes has the best work-out for a rounded rear. 

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[]Weight loss tips: Doing THIS exercise burns MORE fat than going for a run

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