Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What is the Mediterranean Diet? Why you should be eating THESE foods to CUT risk of cancer []

What is the Mediterranean Diet? Why you should be eating THESE foods to CUT risk of cancer []

The Mediterranean diet has been touted for years as a way for people to live longer and stay healthier.

Inspired by the traditional healthy living habits of those living in the Mediterranean – including Italy, France Greece and Spain – the diet has a range of definitions.

However, it’s largely based on eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, cereal grains, olive oil and fish.

The diet has some well-publicised benefits, such as reducing the risk of strokes and heart disease.

The most recent study found that it may reduce the risk of contracting breast cancer by 40 per cent.

Conducted by the World Cancer Research Fund, the study examined 62,573 women aged 55 to 69 over two decades. 

It found that a Mediterranean Diet could significantly reduce the chances of women getting oestrogen-receptor-negative (ER-negative) breast cancer. 

This is a postmenopausal form of breast cancer that can’t be treated with hormone therapy. 

“Our research can help to shine a light on how dietary patterns can affect our cancer risk,” said the study’s lead researcher, Prof Piet van den Brandt.

“We found a strong link between the Mediterranean diet and reduced oestrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women, even in a non-Mediterranean population. This type of breast cancer usually has a worse prognosis than other types of breast cancer.”

Here are some easy ways of incorporating the Mediterranean Diet into your lifestyle.

Oil up

Replace butter and margarine with healthy oils, such as olive oil, as often as possible. These are a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Go for lean protein

Swap red meat for skinless chicken, turkey, fish, beans and nuts for a healthier source of protein. These foods have less saturated fat than red meat, and fatty fish in particular provides a great source of omega 3s.

Load up on vegetables

Aim to eat lots of veg – three to eight servings a day. Opt for vegetables in a range of colours to ensure a variety of vitamins and antioxidants.

Whole grain heaven

Eat whole grains, rather than refined. Try quinoa, barley and oatmeal, and swap white bread and pasta for wholegrain alternatives.

Snack well

Change your snacking habits, choosing almonds, walnuts or sunflower seeds over processed foods packed with refined sugar. Keep your sweet tooth in check by eating fresh fruit, especially oranges and grapefruits which are crammed with vitamin C.

Don’t cut out dairy

Include some milk and dairy foods, such as cheese and yoghurt. These are great sources of protein and calcium.

Take your time

Finally, people in the Mediterranean take time over their food, savouring every bite instead of shovelling it down. Giving yourself time to enjoy a meal can help you feel full up and reduce the urge to snack.

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[]What is the Mediterranean Diet? Why you should be eating THESE foods to CUT risk of cancer

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