Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Body Coach Joe Wicks explains how to lose weight while you SLEEP []

The Body Coach Joe Wicks explains how to lose weight while you SLEEP []

Joe’s book ‘Lean in 15’ smashed publishing records in the UK and led to a 15 per cent rise in sales of broccoli in the UK.

Explaining his success, Joe said: “The key to it was I was having fun, I was really passionate about what I was doing, and I kept on putting out these free videos.

“Then when I released my book, the following was already there supporting me and wanting to buy.”

Jo revealed the basics behind his body plans, and said: “The diet industry where you starve yourself doesn’t work.

“Do really short intense workouts and eat quick healthy meals.

“You can then lose weight while you sleep – regular exercise and feeling your body with the right foods will mean it will keep burning calories while you are resting.

“The body metabolises fat while you are at rest as well as when you are at the gym, so you will be losing weight while you sleep.”

Asked to comment on the obesity crisis, Joe said: “The problem is you have to start young and educate children and teenagers on food and exercise, which we don’t do here.

“We are brainwashed by the diet industry with these detoxes and they don’t work.”

Joe appeared on Good Morning Britain to explain how to lose weight in the same week on personal trainer revealed how to shed pounds fast in time for the Christmas Party.

Personal trainer Mario Kaspers has shared his tips for getting into shape fast with

Firstly, he advised to avoid the temptation to skip meals, and said: “During the winter you tend to feel more tired in the morning as it is darker outside, meaning that coffee often replaces breakfast.

“This slows down your metabolism as your body burns less calories, and can cause cravings during lunch and dinner time.

“Some great options are dairy-free or Greek yogurt with blueberries and raw or Manuka honey.”

Staying active despite the cold is key, as Mario explained: ” Electrical Muscle Stimulation training is a great workout for the winter as it is a quick and effective, indoor option.

“Try E-Pulsive personal training studios ( which specialise in time saving, results driven workouts utilising EMS training.”

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[]The Body Coach Joe Wicks explains how to lose weight while you SLEEP

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