Monday, March 27, 2017

Want to get Christmas party ready FAST? Personal trainer shares tricks for quick results []

Want to get Christmas party ready FAST? Personal trainer shares tricks for quick results []

But if you are not feeling ready to slip into a tight dress, there may not feel as if there is much time to get into shape.

Personal trainer Mario Kaspers has shared his tips for getting into shape fast with

Firstly, he advised to avoid the temptation to skip meals, and said: “During the winter you tend to feel more tired in the morning as it is darker outside, meaning that coffee often replaces breakfast.

“This slows down your metabolism as your body burns less calories, and can cause cravings during lunch and dinner time.

“Some great options are dairy-free or Greek yogurt with blueberries and raw or Manuka honey.”

Staying active despite the cold is key, as Mario explained: ” Electrical Muscle Stimulation training is a great workout for the winter as it is a quick and effective, indoor option.

“Try E-Pulsive personal training studios ( which specialise in time saving, results driven workouts utilising EMS training.

“Sessions involve wearing an EMS bodysuit which delivers impulse currents to reach deep muscle layers that are usually hard to activate through conventional training.

“Specific body parts can be targeted based on individual goals and in just 20 minutes you can burn up to 500kilocalories.

“You can do this one to two times a week, depending on your level of activity.”

His third rule for fast shaping up? Avoid those seasonal treats.

Mario said: “The typical festive foods tend to be high in sugar and fat.

“All those mince pies (230 kcal), Christmas puddings (330 kcal), mulled wine (110 kcal a glass) and Pigs in Blankets (97 kcal each) can make us feel as round as Santa before bedtime.

“So hold off on those treats until Christmas Eve – it’ll pay off when you can flaunt that mini dress at the Christmas party.”

However, eating like a health blogger seven days a week is not necessary, and Mario recommended to factor in a cheat day – with Weight Watcher’s new Eating Officer revealing how to enjoy a social life and still lose weight recently.

He advised: “If you’re aiming to lose weight, it is better to eat a lot one day, than to snack daily as your body can only absorb a certain amount of calories. 

“Plan ahead before your cheat day and buy your favourite treats. 

“Also, drink some ginger and lemon tea to help with digestion but avoid drinking alcohol as this dramatically increases the absorption of calories.”

Stay hydrated with water, not alcohol, and finally eat grilled oily fish to stay trim.

Mario finished: “Omega-3 which is found in fish oil has fat burning benefits that can help your body reduce the amount of fat it stores so tuck into oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines.”

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[]Want to get Christmas party ready FAST? Personal trainer shares tricks for quick results

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