Friday, June 23, 2017

Lorraine Kelly weight loss: TV star goes from ‘big lass to Bond Girl’ on NO-diet regime []

Lorraine Kelly weight loss: TV star goes from ‘big lass to Bond Girl’ on NO-diet regime []

Speaking to fellow ITV presenters Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, the Scottish TV presenter pointed to a picture of herself from 15 years ago and described herself as a “big lass”.

But these days, she refers to herself as more of a “Bond woman”, thanks to her bikini body transformation.

Lorraine has just released her second fitness DVD with fitness instructor Maxine Jones, titled Brand New You, and credits her dramatic weight loss to her aerobics classes and no particular diet, just portion control.

She said: “I really look forward to my classes, and with the new DVD we wanted to show what a class was like.

“It’s great going to keep fit but mentally it also makes me feel better.”

But while Lorraine is a big advocate for aerobics, she doesn’t believe in diets.

“I don’t think they work, it’s all about portion control,” she said.

“My husband cooks for me and sometimes I ask ‘how many people are coming round?’

“Portion control and not snacking so much are important, as well as being sensible.”

Although she can’t give an exact figure, as she doesn’t have scales to weight herself, Lorraine has slimed down from a size 14 to a size 10.

Lorraine’s style has also changed over the years, and she credits this to her weight loss.

She said: “I’ve got more confidence from the weight loss and that helps – you can wear what you want wear.

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[]Lorraine Kelly weight loss: TV star goes from ‘big lass to Bond Girl’ on NO-diet regime

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