Monday, June 26, 2017

Shangri-La Diet: Rules of the diet that claims you can SHED weight by eating spoons of OIL []

Shangri-La Diet: Rules of the diet that claims you can SHED weight by eating spoons of OIL []

Featured on Channel 4’s How To Lose Weight Well last night, the diet helped a woman named Jade lose 12lbs in six weeks.

Apart from eating the oil, the diet has no other controls, meaning Jade could eat whatever she wanted.

The idea is to reset the palate with the bland taste of the oil, to stop you craving unhealthy foods.

The diet was devised by psychology professor Seth Roberts, who said: “This diet puts people at peace with food.”

It was therefore named after the fictional Himalayan community Shangri-La to conjure images of peace and calmness.

Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at, spoke exclusively to about the Shangri-La Diet.

She said: “Coconut oil is delicious. As well as using it to add a nice flavour to many cooked dishes, it can also be used as a spread.  

“If you keep coconut oil at room temperature or below, it solidifies, making it easy to spread.  Try adding it to oat or rice cakes for a yummy snack.  This is a much better option than hydrogenated margarines or other shop-bought spreads.”

As well as eating the oil off a spoon, you can also cook with it. 

Shona added: “Because coconut oil contains mostly medium chain fatty acids which are sent to the liver and used as energy, rather than being stored in our fat cells, switching to coconut oil for cooking and as a spread, rather than vegetable oil or hydrogenated spreads such as margarine can help with weight loss.”

Unlike the uncontrolled element to Jade’s diet, Shona advocated watching what you eat while incorporating the oil.

She explained: “However, it is important that you add this to a healthy and nutritious diet, as opposed to solely relying on coconut oil to make wonders to your weight loss.” 

Jade was not a huge fan of the diet.

She said: “The taste of the oil is really hard to bear. It’s not enjoyable, it stays in your mouth for a long time. It’s getting to the point where it’s so unbearable that I don’t want to have it anymore.”

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[]Shangri-La Diet: Rules of the diet that claims you can SHED weight by eating spoons of OIL

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