Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Super slimmer grandad sheds HALF his 28 stone after aeroplane embarrassment []

Super slimmer grandad sheds HALF his 28 stone after aeroplane embarrassment []

Tony Westaway, 58, from Woodbury Salterton, near Exeter, was travelling to Ireland with his wife Gail in April 2015. 

But he was told he was too fat for the seat he had booked and had to walk down the aisle to another one in front of the whole plane. 

He was so embarrassed he joined a slimming club as soon as he returned and has now been named Slimming World’s Man of the Year 2017 after reaching his target weight of 13st 7lb. 

Best of all, his doctor told him his transformation has added 20 years to his life.

Mr Westaway said: “I had to ask for a seatbelt extender to go around my middle.

“We’d paid extra to sit in the emergency exit aisle so that I’d have more leg room, but the cabin crew explained that you couldn’t sit there if you needed an extension belt, so that had to find me another seat. Everyone was looking to see what the fuss was about and it was quite embarrassing.”

Mr Westaway admits he was nervous at the first meeting and took his wife for moral support.

He said: “I was very worried, especially as a man walking into a slimming group. 

“The welcome was wonderful though and now we’re like a happy little family. 

“There’s so much support in that room and we all help each other, whether it’s swapping recipes or talking about our week – you’re never to old to learn something new.”

Mr Westaway ditched his pasties, pies and beer for pasta, chicken breast and fat-free yogurts with fruit. In his first week, lost 14.5lbs and steadily lost weight every week. He was amazed that he didn’t feel hungry on the diet and was still allowed treats. 

He said: “We thought the scales were broken at first. 

“It was a bit of a shock because I was able to eat so much that I wasn’t hungry and I could still have treats so I didn’t feel left out. 

“The biggest change is that I eat vegetables now because I didn’t before, and the grandchildren are healthier after watching what we’re eating too – they’ll try more things nowadays and love helping us to make healthy meals like homemade vegetable soup.”

Mr Westaway had heart problems, was borderline Type 2 diabetic and struggled to walk without pain and breathlessness. Now he also joined a gym, swims and cycles and is now fit enough to work full-time as a self-employed gardener again. 

He said: “Losing the weight didn’t just change my life, it saved my life. 

“I really was knocking of death’s door.

“It’s a real transformation. I never had the confidence to go swimming before because I felt as though everyone would be looking at me, now I feel fine taking my shirt off, and I even wear shorts to work so I’m finally getting tanned legs! 

“Best of all, my grandsons have a granddad who can play football and chase them around the garden – and a granddad who’ll be around to see them grow up.

“Recently I saw a heart specialist who said I’d probably extended my life by 20 years – now I just have to convince my wife having me around for another two decades is a good thing!”

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[]Super slimmer grandad sheds HALF his 28 stone after aeroplane embarrassment

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