Saturday, June 30, 2018

Future Astronauts Must Perform Surgery in Space — and It Will Be Gross []

James Martin weight loss: Chef famous for indulgent recipes lost almost six stone – how? []

James Martin weight loss: Chef famous for indulgent recipes lost almost six stone – how? []

James Martin, 45, is a famous British chef well known for appearing on Saturday Morning with James Martin.

The cook from Malton, Yorkshire, is famed for his Yorkshire pudding recipe and his love of sports cars.

He is also well known for having shed a considerable amount of weight.

How has the foodie done it?

He lost a whopping three stone in four months appearing on Strictly Come Dancing, the chef once revealed.

At the age of 20 he was a whopping 19st 7lb – five and a half stone bigger than his ideal body weight of 14st.

At this year’s Chelsea Flower Show he revealed more about the amazing transformation, adding he has even lost a little more weight recently.

He told MailOnline: “I’ve lost a stone-ish. I just think it’s a lifestyle thing and also looking at yourself on TV.”

“You kind of watch and go, ‘Oh God there’s a bit of chin happening there’.

“And everybody’s TVs are bigger now. Before you used to watch TV on a small one and now they’re massive.”

The chef previously discussed how in his early years he would gorge on KFC and even eat the sticks of butter we was cooking with in his kitchen.

However, his healthy lifestyle and leaner physique have brought many benefits.

He told the The Herald: “I feel more focused, alert and confident, and my skin’s much better.

“People say they think I’ve actually got taller, which is ridiculous of course, but I suppose it reflects the fact that I do feel more comfortable in myself.”

He also told the Daily Mail: “I’m determined to stay healthy and fit.

“It’s hard work because I’m a big bloke so I’ve really got to watch what I eat and drink, and make sure I exercise regularly.”

Tonight James will appear in the first episode of James Martin’s American Adventure.

In tonight episode, on ITV at 9pm, James will visit the famous Napa Valley.

On the first leg of his culinary road trip the chef will visit food and drinks markets before cooking up a treat at a vineyard.

A woman has recently revealed the weight loss diet that helped her lose five stone. 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) James Martin weight loss: Chef famous for indulgent recipes lost almost six stone – how?

[]James Martin weight loss: Chef famous for indulgent recipes lost almost six stone – how?

Apollo 11 Gantry Arm Lands in NASA Gift Shop (But Not for Sale) []

Friday, June 29, 2018

Venus Aircraft Could Be in NASA’s Plans []

NASA’s Quiet Supersonic X-Plane Has a New Name []

NASA Astronaut Anna Fisher Talks About Being ‘Godmother’ to Viking Orion Cruise Ship []

In Photos: SpaceX’s Dazzling Dragon Launch to Space Station on CRS-15 []

SpaceX Launches Used Dragon Cargo Ship to Space Station, Flexing Reusability Muscles []

Nuclear Fusion Power Could Be Here by 2030, One Company Says []

Nuclear Fusion Power Could Be Here by 2030, One Company Says []

A private nuclear-fusion company has heated a plasma of hydrogen to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit  (15 million degrees Celsius)  in a new reactor for the first time — hotter than the core of the sun.

UK-based Tokamak Energy says the plasma test is a milestone on its quest to be the first in the world to produce commercial electricity from fusion power, possibly by 2030.

The company, which is named after the vacuum chamber that contains the fusion reaction inside powerful magnetic fields, announced the creation of the superhot plasma inside its experimental ST40 fusion reactor in early June.

The successful test – the highest plasma temperature achieved so far by Tokamak Energy – means the reactor will now be prepared next year for a test of an even hotter plasma, of more than 180 million degrees F (100 million degrees C).

That will put the ST40 reactor within the operating temperatures needed for controlled nuclear fusion; the company plans to build a further reactor by 2025 that will produce several megawatts of fusion power.

"It's been really exciting," Tokamak Energy co-founder David Kingham told Live Science. "It was very good to see the data coming through and being able to get the high-temperature plasmas — probably beyond what we were hoping for." [Science Fact or Fiction? The Plausibility of 10 Sci-Fi Concepts]

Tokamak Energy is one of several privately funded companies racing to create a working fusion reactor that can supply electricity to the grid, perhaps years before the mid-2040s, when the ITER fusion reactor project in France is expected to even achieve its "first plasma."

It could be another decade after that before the experimental ITER reactor is ready to create sustained nuclear fusion — and even then, the reaction will not be used to generate any electricity.

The nuclear fusion of hydrogen into the heavier element helium is the main nuclear reaction that keeps our sun and other stars burning for billions of years — which is why a fusion reactor is sometimes likened to a "star in a jar."

Nuclear fusion also takes place inside powerful thermonuclear weapons, also known as hydrogen bombs, where hydrogen is heated to fusion temperatures by plutonium fission devices, resulting in an explosion hundreds or thousands of times more powerful than a fission bomb.  

Earthbound controlled fusion projects like ITER and the Tokamak Energy reactors will also fuse hydrogen fuel, but at much higher temperatures and lower pressures than exist inside the sun.

Proponents of nuclear fusion say it could make many other types of electricity generation obsolete, by producing large amounts of electricity from relatively small amounts of the heavy hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium, which are relatively abundant in ordinary seawater.

"Fifty kilograms [110 lbs.] of tritium and 33 kilograms [73 lbs.] of deuterium would produce a gigawatt of electricity for a year," while the amount of heavy hydrogen fuel in the reactor at any one time would be only a few grams, Kingham said.

That’s enough energy to power more than 700,000 average American homes, according to figures from the US Energy Information Administration.

Existing nuclear-fission plants generate electricity without producing greenhouse gas emissions, but they are fueled by radioactive heavy elements like uranium and plutonium, and create highly radioactive waste that must be carefully handled and stored. [5 Everyday Things That Are Radioactive]

In theory, fusion reactors could produce far less radioactive waste than fission reactors, while their relatively small fuel needs mean that nuclear meltdowns like the Chernobyl disaster or Fukushima accident would be impossible, according to the ITER project.

However, veteran fusion researcher Daniel Jassby, who was once a physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, has warned that ITER and other proposed fusion reactors will still create significant amounts of radioactive waste.

The ST40 reactor and future reactors planned by Tokamak Energy use a compact spherical tokamak design, with an almost round vacuum chamber instead of the wider donut shape being used in the ITER reactor, Kingham said.

A critical advance was the use of high-temperature superconducting magnets to create the powerful magnetic fields needed to keep the superhot plasma from damaging the reactor walls, he said.

The 7-foot-tall (2.1 meters) electromagnets around the Tokamak Energy reactor were cooled by liquid helium to operate at minus 423.67 degrees F (minus 253.15 degrees C).

The use of advanced magnetic materials gave the Tokamak Energy reactor a significant advantage over the ITER reactor design, which would use power-hungry electromagnets cooled to a few degrees above absolute zero, Kingham said.

Other investment-funded fusion projects include reactors being developed General Fusion, based in British Colombia and TAE Technologies, based in California.

A Washington-based company, Agni Energy, has also reported early experimental success with yet a different approach to controlled nuclear fusion, called "beam-target fusion," Live Science reported earlier this week.

One of the most advanced privately funded fusion projects is the compact fusion reactor being developed by U.S.-based defense and aerospace giant Lockheed Martin at its Skunk Works engineering division in California.

The company says a 100-megawatt fusion reactor, capable of powering 100,000 homes, could be small enough to put on a truck trailer and be driven to wherever it is needed.

Original article on Live Science.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Nuclear Fusion Power Could Be Here by 2030, One Company Says

[]Nuclear Fusion Power Could Be Here by 2030, One Company Says

‘Life-Changing Experience’: Teacher-Astronaut Gives Students a Lesson About Space []

Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Best Sci-Fi and Space Games on Mobile []

The Best Sci-Fi and Space Games on Mobile []

While science-fiction-steeped games tend to fare best on consoles and PC, quite a few sci-fi games reach the mobile market as well. However, given the shovelware that clutters Apple’s and Google’s app stores, it might be hard to figure out what sci-fi games are worth your time. </span>

Luckily, we’ve got a list for that. Showcasing 15 of the best sci-fi- and space-themed games across iOS and Android, this list offers a smorgasbord of genres, from arcade twin-stick shooters to classic RPGs and everything in between. If you want to fly spaceships or mow down aliens, get ready to find your next mobile-gaming addiction.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) The Best Sci-Fi and Space Games on Mobile

[]The Best Sci-Fi and Space Games on Mobile

Why Relativity’s True: The Evidence for Einstein’s Theory []

Why Relativity’s True: The Evidence for Einstein’s Theory []

Paul Sutter is an astrophysicist at The Ohio State University and the chief scientist at COSI science center. Sutter is also host of "Ask a Spaceman" and "Space Radio," and leads AstroTours around the world. Sutter contributed this article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

We all know and love the world's favorite theory of gravity: general relativity (GR), first cooked up by Albert Einstein himself in a magnificent feat that took seven years to complete and provided amazing insights into how the world works.

It's easy enough to state the bare essence of the theory in a couple pithy statements: "Matter and energy tell space-time how to bend, and the bending of space-time tells matter how to move." But the actual mechanics take a whopping 10 equations to describe, with each one very difficult and highly interconnected with the others. [Einstein's Theory of General Relativity: A Simplified Explanation]

As good skeptics, we shouldn't immediately believe this tangle of mathematics at first blush, even if it came from the brain of none other than Einstein. Instead, we need evidence. Good evidence.

Out of all the features of his new theory, Einstein was proudest of its ability to explain the details of the orbit of Mercury. That innermost planet has a slightly elliptical orbit, and that ellipse ever-so-slowly rotates around the sun. In other words, the place where Mercury is farthest from the sun slowly changes with time.

If you apply simple Newtonian gravity to the sun-Mercury system, this change over time, called precession, doesn't show up — Isaac Newton's view is incomplete. Once you add in the gentle gravitational nudging and tweaking due to the other planets, almost all of the precession can be explained … but not all. By the early 1900s, it was a well-known problem in solar system dynamics, but not one that caused much controversy. Most folks just added it to the ever-growing list of "slightly weird things we can't explain about the universe" and assumed that we would find a mundane solution some day.

But Einstein wasn't most folks, and he thought Mercury was giving him a clue. When, after years of attempts, he was able to flex his general relativistic muscles and explain precisely the orbital oddities of Mercury, he knew he had finally cracked the gravitational code.

Before Einstein put the finishing touches on the big GR, he came to some startling realizations about the nature of gravity. If you're isolated on a rocket ship that accelerates at a smooth and constant 1g — providing the same acceleration as Earth's gravity does — everything in your laboratory will behave exactly as it would on the planet's surface, Einstein reasoned. Objects will fall to the ground at the same speed as on Earth; your feet will stay firmly planted on the floor, etc.

This equivalence between gravity (as experienced on Earth) and acceleration (as experienced in the rocket) propelled (pun intended) Einstein forward to develop his theory. But hidden in that scenario is a surprising insight. Imagine a beam of light entering a window on the left side of the spaceship. By the time the light crosses the spaceship to exit, where will it be?

From the perspective of an outside observer, the answer is obvious. The light travels in a perfectly straight line, perpendicular to the path of the rocket. During the time the light was passing through, the rocket pushed itself forward. The light will then enter the rocket at one window — say, near the tip — and exit near the bottom, close to the engines. 

From the inside the spacecraft, though, things seem strange. In order for the light to enter a window near the tip and exit near the engines, the beam's path has to be curved. Indeed, that's exactly what you see.

And since gravity is exactly the same as acceleration, light must follow curved paths around massive objects.

It's difficult to observe this one experimentally, because you need a lot of mass and some light that passes close to the surface to get a detectable effect. But the 1919 solar eclipse proved just the right opportunity, and an expedition led by Sir Arthur Eddington found the exact shifting of distant starlight that Einstein's nascent theory had predicted. [How a Total Solar Eclipse Helped Prove Einstein Right About Relativity]

Another interesting result pops out of creative thought experiments surrounding general relativity. This conclusion relies on the good old-fashioned Doppler effect, but it's applied to an unfamiliar scenario.

If something is moving away from you, the sound it produces will get stretched out, shifting down to lower frequencies — that's the Doppler effect. The same is true of light: A car moving away from you appears ever-so-slightly redder than it would be if the vehicle were stationary. (The redder light, the lower the frequency.) 

Cops can take advantage of this shift by bouncing a light off your car to catch you speeding. The next time you're pulled over, you can use the opportunity to reflect on the nature of gravity.

So, if movement shifts light's wavelength, then acceleration can too: A bit of light traveling from the bottom to the top of an accelerating rocket will experience a redshift. And under GR, what goes for acceleration goes for gravity. That's right: Light emitted from the surface of the Earth will shift down into redder frequencies the farther upward it travels.

It took a few decades to conclusively demonstrate this prediction, because the effect is so tiny. But in 1959, Robert Pound and Glen Rebka proposed, designed, built and executed an experiment that enabled them to measure the redshift of light as it traveled a few stories up the Jefferson Laboratory at Harvard University.

Even with all that evidence, we continue to put general relativity to the test. Any sign of a crack in Einstein's magnificent work would spark the development of a new theory of gravity, perhaps paving the way to uncovering the full quantum nature of that force. That's something we currently don't understand at all. 

But in all regards, GR passes with flying colors; from sensitive satellites to gravitational lensing, from the orbits of stars around giant black holes to ripples of gravitational waves and the evolution of the universe itself, Einstein's legacy is likely to persist for quite some time.

Learn more by listening to the episode "Seriously, What Is Gravity? (Part 2)" on the "Ask a Spaceman" podcast, available on iTunes and on the web at Thanks to Andrew P., Joyce S., @Luft08, Ben W., Ter B., Colin E, Christopher F., Maria A., Brett K., bryguytheflyguy, @MarkRiepe, Kenneth L., Allison K., Phil B. and @shrenic_shah for the questions that led to this piece! Ask your own question on Twitter using #AskASpaceman or by following Paul@PaulMattSutter and Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Why Relativity's True: The Evidence for Einstein's Theory

[]Why Relativity’s True: The Evidence for Einstein’s Theory

How Theoretical Physicists Can Help Find E.T. []

NASA Sending Lewis and Clark Dog Doll to Space for Park Service []

Wind-Powered Mars Landers Could Really Work []

Gregg Wallace weight loss: Eat Well for Less star lost three stone adding THIS to meals []

Gregg Wallace weight loss: Eat Well for Less star lost three stone adding THIS to meals []

Gregg Wallace, 53, is best known for his television presenter roles on Masterchef, Saturday Kitchen and, most recently, BBC One’s Eat Well For Less.

While his career is built around food, the TV star has managed to achieve an impressive weight loss.

Gregg once described himself in 2011 as “just the fat, bald bloke on MasterChef who likes pudding” in an interview with iVillage.

In recent years, he has transformed his physique, dropping a total of three stone.

So how did he manage to achieve this impressive weight loss?

Adding low fat meats to his favourite meals helped him drop the weight without giving up what he loves, he told The Sun in November last year.

“I’m a huge fan of curries, chillies and stews and it is still possible to lose weight and eat hearty meals,’ he said.

“Think about cooking with meats such as chicken and pork — all the things that don’t have much fat.

“Use lean mince to make chillies, fill up with tasty stews stuffed full of healthy, low-calorie veg.”

He also took up exercise, going to the gym “most mornings”, he told the publication.

“It has been a gradual lifestyle change. I now feel fit and strong because of it.

“But only you can move yourself into a healthier place.”

Gregg has posted pictures of himself lifting weights and barbells on Twitter, hinting he has strength training to help for his new look body.

Explaining how he came to be overweight in the first place, Gregg explained he ate unhealthy, high calorie foods and alcohol.

“When I was at my biggest I was having a daily fry up, fish and chips once per week, takeaway a couple more times and drinking beer nearly every day.

“I made a conscious decision to cut down on fried and high sugar foods, as well as booze — which helped me lose weight.

“At first, I felt like I was missing out. But my body got used to what I was giving it.”

Gregg isn’t the only high profile person in the food industry to lose weight.

Chef Tom Kerridge’s weight loss astounded the nation when he dropped a whopping 12 stone.

As well as diet changes, a daily swimming habit has helped Tom to lose the drastic amount of weight.

“My alarm wakes me up at 6.15 every morning and I go to the swimming pool at a hotel up the road,” he told The Telegraph.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Gregg Wallace weight loss: Eat Well for Less star lost three stone adding THIS to meals

[]Gregg Wallace weight loss: Eat Well for Less star lost three stone adding THIS to meals

Weight loss: New study reveals the top 13 foods to help you lose weight FAST []

Weight loss: New study reveals the top 13 foods to help you lose weight FAST []

Losing weight is on the minds of many Britons right now, with summer in full swing and holidays approaching.

Helping to aid weight-loss, a new US study published on Medical News Today has revealed the top 13 foods for healthy weight loss.

These foods are packed with nutrients, and are proven to be more instrumental in weight loss than other foods.

Many crash and unhealthy diets are dangerous, and can also lead to more weight being gained when dieting finishes.

Following a diet of these foods can not only speed up weight loss, but will also improve health and wellness, maintaining weight-loss and stopping weight being put back on.

Nuts pulses and grains

Nuts, pulses and grains were named as some of the healthiest foods available, with almonds rich in magnesium, vitamin E, iron, calcium and fibre.

Another nut named as one of the healthiest foods on the planet is the Brazil nut, which will add selenium to the body and therefore speed up the metabolism. 

When embarking on weight loss cutting out carbs isn’t always the right option. Carbs such as oatmeal can aid weight loss and are known for being packed with nutrients.

Oats are rich in complex carbohydrates, as well as water-soluble fiber, which slow digestion down and stabilise levels of blood-glucose. It’s also rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. Coarse or steel-cut oats contain more fiber than instant varieties.

Wheat germ is another food that topped the list, being high in vitamins, fatty acids and fibre, all conducive to weight loss.

Another carbohydrate that made the list is sweet potatoes, which are rich in dietary fibre, veto-carotene, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B-6. In a recent study it ranked one for vitamins compared to other vegetables.

Greens, fruits and berries

Studies have shown that many leafy green vegetables actually use more calories to digest than they contain, coming out in negative calories.

They are also packed with nutrients and antioxidants, especially when uncooked, steamed or very lightly boiled. Vegetables like kale and broccoli topped the list for top weight-loss foods.

Sometimes avoided for their fat content, avocados are go-to food for those looking to lose weight.

Rich in healthy fats and packed with vitamins avocados are proven to help reduce body weight and also lower blood cholesterol levels.

According to the guide, blueberries are the most healthy and weight-loss friendly fruit in the world.

Scientists at Texas Woman’s University found that blueberries help in curbing obesity. Plant polyphenols, which are abundant in blueberries, have been shown to reduce the development of fat cells, while inducing the breakdown of lipids and fat.

Fish, meat and eggs

When looking for healthy and waist-friendly protein it is difficult to know the best source, but the study revealed oily fish, chicken and eggs to be the top choices.

Similar to avocados, oily fish is packed with healthy fats, whereas chicken is a great source of protein, and can be consumed more freely than red meat.

Eggs also made the definitive list of weight-loss foods, a great source of protein and also full of the essential amino acid, leucine – important for stimulating muscles.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: New study reveals the top 13 foods to help you lose weight FAST

[]Weight loss: New study reveals the top 13 foods to help you lose weight FAST

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Explore the Solar System in Augmented Reality with Mini Planet Models []

Visions of Ryugu: The Funny (and Scary) Asteroid Predictions by Japan’s Hayabusa2 Team []

Visions of Ryugu: The Funny (and Scary) Asteroid Predictions by Japan’s Hayabusa2 Team []

Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft is exploring the asteroid Ryugu and will return samples to Earth in 2020. But before the probe arrived at the asteroid in June 2018, scientists weren’t sure what it actually looked like.

In this gallery, see sketches and photos of what Hayabusa2 scientists thought Ryugu may look like. (A few special guest stars contributed their visions, as well.) Some images are hazardous, some tasty and some just plain funny: the image here is the director general of JAXA’s Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences (and Hayabusa2’s former project manager) Hitoshi Kuninaka’s take on one possible, puzzling form for the asteroid.

You can see the original blog post with asteroid imaginings here.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Visions of Ryugu: The Funny (and Scary) Asteroid Predictions by Japan's Hayabusa2 Team

[]Visions of Ryugu: The Funny (and Scary) Asteroid Predictions by Japan’s Hayabusa2 Team

Technical Glitch Again Delays 1st Commercial Launch of Rocket Lab’s Electron Booster []

A Gorgeous ‘Blue’ Sand Dune Snakes Across Mars in This Awesome NASA Photo []

2018 Full Moon Calendar []

2018 Full Moon Calendar []

The moon shows its full face to Earth once a month. Well, sort of.

In fact, the same side of the moon always faces the planet, but part of it is in shadow. And, in reality most of the time the "full moon" is never perfectly full. Only when the moon, Earth and the sun are perfectly aligned is the moon 100 percent full, and that alignment produces a lunar eclipse. And sometimes — once in a blue moon — the moon is full twice in a month (or four times in a season, depending on which definition you prefer). [The Moon: 10 Surprising Facts]

The next full moon will be overnight this week on Wednesday and Thursday of June 27 and June 28. That's because the full moon occurs at 12:53 a.m. EDT (0453 GMT), so depending on which time zone you live in, the full moon will be at its best late  Wednesday (June 27) or in the wee hours of Thursday (June 28). To the casual observer, however, the moon will appear full the day before and after it's peak brightness, so you'll have plenty of time to enjoy the lunar sight, weather permitting.  The June full moon is typically known as the Full Strawberry Moon, or the full Rose Moon and the Lotus Moon.

Read our full guide to the June full moon here. You'll find out what else is visible in the night sky during the Strawberry Full Moon!

Many cultures have given distinct names to each recurring full moon. The names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred. The Farmer's Almanac lists several names that are commonly used in the United States. The almanac explains that there were some variations in the moon names, but in general, the same ones were used among the Algonquin tribes from New England on west to Lake Superior. European settlers followed their own customs and created some of their own names.

This is when full moons will occur in 2018, according to NASA:

Date Name U.S. East UTC
Jan. 1 Wolf Moon 9:24 p.m. 02:24
Jan. 31 Snow Moon 8:27 a.m. 13:27
Mar. 1 Worm Moon 7:51 p.m. 00:51 (3/2)
Mar. 31 Sap Moon 8:37 a.m. 13:37
Apr. 29 Pink Moon 8:58 p.m. 00:58 (4/30)
May 29 Flower Moon 10:20 a.m. 14:20
Jun. 28 Strawberry Moon 12:53 a.m. 04:53
Jul. 27 Buck Moon 4:21 p.m. 20:21
Aug. 26 Sturgeon Moon 7:56 a.m. 11:56
Sep. 24 Harvest Moon 10:53 p.m. 02:53 (9/25)
Oct. 24 Hunter's Moon 12:45 p.m. 16:45
Nov. 23 Beaver Moon 12:39 a.m. 05:39
Dec. 22 Cold Moon 12:49 p.m. 17:49

Other Native American people had different names. In the book "This Day in North American Indian History" (Da Capo Press, 2002), author Phil Konstantin lists more than 50 native peoples and their names for full moons. He also lists them on his website,

Amateur astronomer Keith Cooley has a brief list of the moon names of other cultures, including Chinese and Celtic, on his website. For example:

Chinese moon names

Month Name Month Name
January Holiday Moon July Hungry Ghost Moon
February Budding Moon August Harvest Moon
March Sleepy Moon September Chrysanthemum Moon
April Peony Moon October Kindly Moon
May Dragon Moon November White Moon
June Lotus Moon December Bitter Moon

Full moon names often correspond to seasonal markers, so a Harvest Moon occurs at the end of the growing season, in September or October, and the Cold Moon occurs in frosty December. At least, that's how it works in the Northern Hemisphere.

In the Southern Hemisphere, where the seasons are switched, the Harvest Moon occurs in March and the Cold Moon is in June. According to, these are common names for full moons south of the equator.

January: Hay Moon, Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Mead Moon
February (mid-summer): Grain Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Wyrt Moon, Corn Moon, Dog Moon, Barley Moon
March: Harvest Moon, Corn Moon
April: Harvest Moon, Hunter’s Moon, Blood Moon
May: Hunter’s Moon, Beaver Moon, Frost Moon
June: Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Long Night’s Moon
July: Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Ice Moon
August: Snow Moon, Storm Moon, Hunger Moon, Wolf Moon
September: Worm Moon, Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Sugar Moon, Chaste Moon, Sap Moon
October: Egg Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon, Pink Moon, Waking Moon
November: Corn Moon, Milk Moon, Flower Moon, Hare Moon
December: Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon, Rose Moon 

Here's how a full moon works:

The moon is a sphere that travels once around Earth every 27.3 days. It also takes about 27 days for the moon to rotate on its axis. So, the moon always shows us the same face; there is no single "dark side" of the moon. As the moon revolves around Earth, it is illuminated from varying angles by the sun — what we see when we look at the moon is reflected sunlight. On average, the moon rises about 50 minutes later each day, which means sometimes it rises during daylight and other times during nighttime hours.

Here’s how the moon's phases go:

At new moon, the moon is between Earth and the sun, so that the side of the moon facing toward us receives no direct sunlight, and is lit only by dim sunlight reflected from Earth.

A few days later, as the moon moves around Earth, the side we can see gradually becomes more illuminated by direct sunlight. This thin sliver is called the waxing crescent.

A week after new moon, the moon is 90 degrees away from the sun in the sky and is half-illuminated from our point of view, what we call first quarter because it is about a quarter of the way around Earth.

A few days later, the area of illumination continues to increase. More than half of the moon's face appears to be getting sunlight. This phase is called a waxing gibbous moon.

When the moon has moved 180 degrees from its new moon position, the sun, Earth and the moon form a line. The moon’s disk is as close as it can be to being fully illuminated by the sun, so this is called full moon.

Next, the moon moves until more than half of its face appears to be getting sunlight, but the amount is decreasing. This is the waning gibbous phase.

Days later, the moon has moved another quarter of the way around Earth, to the third quarter position. The sun's light is now shining on the other half of the visible face of the moon.

Next, the moon moves into the waning crescent phase as less than half of its face appears to be getting sunlight, and the amount is decreasing.

Finally, the moon moves back to its new moon starting position. Because the moon’s orbit is not exactly in the same plane as Earth’s orbit around the sun, they rarely are perfectly aligned. Usually the moon passes above or below the sun from our vantage point, but occasionally it passes right in front of the sun, and we get an eclipse of the sun.

Each full moon is calculated to occur at an exact moment, which may or may not be near the time the moon rises where you are. So when a full moon rises, it’s typically doing so some hours before or after the actual time when it’s technically full, but a casual skywatcher won’t notice the difference. In fact, the moon will often look roughly the same on two consecutive nights surrounding the full moon.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) 2018 Full Moon Calendar

[]2018 Full Moon Calendar

Blood Moon 2018: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27 []

Put a Personal Astronomer in Your Pocket Using Mobile Apps []

10 Star Wars Games You’ll Never Get to Play []

10 Star Wars Games You’ll Never Get to Play []

BioWare and Obsidian’s Knights of the Old Republic action/RPGs are some of the most fondly remembered Star Wars games ever created. To this day, players speak with reverence about each and every one of their moral choices, their character builds and their moments of camaraderie with the virtual cast. That’s why it’s so sad that Knights of the Old Republic III never made it very far along in development. Fans, and the developers, would have loved to finish up the story of Darth Revan. However, BioWare’s MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic, is where all of the pre-prequel priorities lie for Disney and Lucasfilm.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) 10 Star Wars Games You'll Never Get to Play

[]10 Star Wars Games You’ll Never Get to Play

Weird Stuff Swirls in Air of Huge, Puffy Alien Planet []

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

No, China’s Tiangong-2 Space Lab (Probably) Isn’t About to Fall to Earth []

Tom Kerridge weight loss: Chef and pub owner lost 12 stone by doing this one thing daily []

Tom Kerridge weight loss: Chef and pub owner lost 12 stone by doing this one thing daily []

Tom Kerridge, 44, is a famous television chef and pub owner.

He has undergone a drastic weight loss in recent years.

Once weighing in at 30 stone, Tom has dropped 12 stone over the years.

The 6ft 3in chef now looks much slimmer than he used to and weighs just 18 stone.

So how did he do it? The chef made a number of lifestyle changes in order to lose the weight.

It all started around Tom’s 40th birthday when he decided to take measures to improve his health.

“Say we live to 80. Well, I thought, I’m halfway there,” he told the Sunday Times.

“And then, I thought … I’m not going to get there. If I’m like this, I’m not going to make it.”

A daily swimming habit has helped Tom to lose the drastic amount of weight.

“My alarm wakes me up at 6.15 every morning and I go to the swimming pool at a hotel up the road,” he told The Telegraph.

“On a busy day I swim a kilometre, on a relaxed one I’ll do a mile.”

While the daily exercise was key to Tom’s weight loss, he also had another couple of tricks up his sleeve.

The first involved giving up alcohol – which is known for being typically high in calories.

“I own pubs and, you know, I’m quite good at tasting,” he told Radio Times.

“So I knocked all booze on the head. Stopped drinking, went completely teetotal.”

He also became much more aware of the carbohydrates he was eating.

“Carbs are a big thing,” he explained to the publication. “The more you understand it and the more you look into it, you see that there are so many carbohydrates involved in sugar as well.”

Another example of a chef losing weight is Jamie Oliver’s weight loss. Jamie is the British chef who rose to fame as the ‘naked chef’.

The father-of-five from Clavering has undergone a transformation in recent years.

On his own website,, the chef has posted his top 10 easy healthy tips to live by. The chef writes: “Fill your diet with a wide range of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, pulses, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and naturally low fat dairy foods.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Tom Kerridge weight loss: Chef and pub owner lost 12 stone by doing this one thing daily

[]Tom Kerridge weight loss: Chef and pub owner lost 12 stone by doing this one thing daily

‘World’s Strongest Coffee’ Set to Launch Off-World for Space Station []

Has This Startup Cracked the Secret to Fusion Energy? []

Has This Startup Cracked the Secret to Fusion Energy? []

The ongoing joke in the world of physics is that commercially viable fusion energy has been just on the horizon — 30 years away at most — for the past eight decades. Now, a new Washington-based startup, Agni Energy Inc., has a plan for a fusion reactor the company said could be closer than "just on the horizon."

Existing nuclear reactors use a process called fission, which releases energy by breaking atoms apart. But fission creates radioactive byproducts that must be collected and stored. Fusion, the opposite of fission, means joining things together — in this case, atoms. 

Fusion reactors slam atoms together and thereby release energy. But scientists haven't yet been able to create a useful fusion reactor — one that creates more energy than is put in. If scientists ever reach "the horizon" of fusion energy, these reactors would create a whole lot more energy than fission, without the harmful byproducts. After all, this process is what powers the sun.

Most fusion reactors use one of two methods: They either heat plasma (gas that contains ions) to extreme temperatures using laser or ion beams, or they squeeze the plasma with magnets to very high densities. [6 Cool Underground Science Labs] 

But both methods are riddled with problems. Beams require feeding a whole lot of energy into the system, said Demitri Hopkins, chief scientific officer of Agni Energy Inc. With magnets, if you energize plasma, you may not keep the atoms stable enough to contain all the energy.

The new approach would use both electrical and magnetic fields to create a hybrid fusion device. This so-called "beam-target fusion" doesn't try to fuse the atoms from one source; rather, it hits a beam of atoms against a solid target — and the atoms from the beam fuse with the atoms from the target. The ion beam in this approach consists of deuterium, or heavy hydrogen ions with one neutron, and the target consists of tritium ions, a heavy hydrogen with two neutrons. The approach uses hydrogen, which is the lightest element, because in fusion, the lightest elements produce the most energy, according to Hopkins.

Magnetic lenses stabilize and excite the atoms in the ion beam, and when the beam hits the target, the two types of hydrogen atoms merge and release high-energy neutrons that can then be used to heat water or power wind turbines. The fusion also creates nontoxic helium and a little bit of the original fuel source, tritium, which is slightly radioactive but can be reused as fuel, Hopkins said.

This beam-to-target fusion idea was first proposed in the 1930s and was "thought to be unviable," because it uses more energy than it generates, Hopkins said. "This was originally discarded as a path to fusion energy because it radiates out a lot of energy [that's not usable]. It scatters too much when it hits the target," Hopkins told Live Science. "Too much energy is lost that way, and that was sort of the end of the [idea]."

The team behind the new approach, however, said it can tweak atoms, in both the target and the beam, by playing with their spin polarization — or the orientation of their spin (a fundamental concept that refers to which way particles are rotating). By tilting the spins just so, the researchers can overcome the so-called Coulomb barrier, or the forces that repel atoms that get too close together, Hopkins said. That minimizes the extent to which atoms scatter, increasing the energy collected. [5 Everyday Things That Are Radioactive]

Hopkins and fellow high school students, Forrest Betton and Eric Thomas, engineered a small desktop model back in 2011 and found that spin polarization increased energy efficiency by two orders of magnitude.

However, not everyone is convinced this scheme will scale beyond that desktop model.

"While such systems can make a low level of fusion reactions … obtaining more energy out than what you're putting in is hopeless for pretty fundamental reasons," Donald Spong, a plasma physicist working on fusion reactions at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, told Live Science in an email.

That's because the scattering will likely be too high, said Spong, who is not involved in Agni's research.

Even if exotic states of spin polarization reduced scattering, "one would have to evaluate whether the energy required to produce the so-called exotic state would be overcome by the claimed increase in reaction efficiency," Spong said.

John Foster, a nuclear physicist at the University of Michigan who is not part of the project, doesn't think it's impossible but just very tricky. "I can't say never, just that it's challenging," he said. "With solid targets, scattering is significant."

However, "it is established that spin polarizing does enhance the efficiency greatly," he said. "The trick is pulling it off in practice and en masse."

Hopkins said he is optimistic that Agni's design won't take as long as 30 years. "People have been saying they're close to fusion for the last 80 years," Hopkins said. "Eventually, someone's going to crack it."

It'll be exciting to see which ship, if any, will find the horizon first.

Originally published on Live Science.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Has This Startup Cracked the Secret to Fusion Energy?

[]Has This Startup Cracked the Secret to Fusion Energy?

A Japanese Probe Is Closing in on an Asteroid 180 Million Miles from Earth []

Monday, June 25, 2018

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Sues Over Control of His Estate, Space Artifacts []

‘Salvation’ Asteroid Thriller Returns for Season 2: How Far Will Humanity Go to Survive? []

Antarctica Is Getting Taller, and Here’s Why []

Tran-Quilt-y Base: National Quilt Museum Hosts Moon Landing Exhibit []

Jamie Oliver weight loss: Chef famous for health recipes diet secret revealed []

Jamie Oliver weight loss: Chef famous for health recipes diet secret revealed []

Jamie Oliver is the British chef who rose to fame as the ‘naked chef’.

The father-of-five from Clavering has undergone a transformation in recent years.

From his days of long blonde highlights, he now has a sleek and slimmer look.

How has the chef, who is married to Juliette Norton and is a dad to Petal Blossom, Daisy Boo, Buddy Bear, River Rocket and Poppy Honey, lost weight?

In 2015 Jamie lost two stone in three months, according to Prima Magazine.

He was inspired by hitting 40 to change up his eating routine.

He told MailOnline he ate seaweed to help his body get into shape.

He told the website: “I thought seaweed was hippy, globetrotting stuff but our ancestors ate seaweed.

”It has got a load of iodine and is the most nutritious vegetable in the world.”

On his own website,, the chef has posted his top 10 easy healthy tips to live by.

They including cooking for scratch and ‘eating the rainbow’.

The chef writes: “Fill your diet with a wide range of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, pulses, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and naturally low fat dairy foods.

“When it comes to fruit and veg, different colours provide your body with the different nutrients it needs to stay strong and healthy – it’s not just greens that are good for you!”

Jamie will appear on Channel 4 tonight in his second series of Jamie’s Quick & Easy Food.

At 8pm the sixth episode in this series will air.

The chef is revealing his recipes for one-pan chickpea and chard pork.

He will also be cooking egg-fried rice, beef carpaccio with Egyptian spice, and fish pie.

Each of the dishes are impressively made with only five ingredients.

Some daily changes that can help you to lose a stone in six weeks have been revealed. 

The New Body plan is a new weight loss plan developed by Men’s Fitness editor Jon Lipsley, 37.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Jamie Oliver weight loss: Chef famous for health recipes diet secret revealed

[]Jamie Oliver weight loss: Chef famous for health recipes diet secret revealed

SpaceX Wins $130 Million Military Launch Contract for Falcon Heavy Rocket []

What 40 Years of ‘Space Invaders’ Says About the 1970s — And Today []

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Watch the Moon Swing by Jupiter Tonight! []

Tracking System Glitch Delays Rocket Lab’s 1st Commercial Electron Launch []

Weight Loss: Lose a stone in six weeks with these daily changes – including WHERE you eat []

Weight Loss: Lose a stone in six weeks with these daily changes – including WHERE you eat []

The New Body plan is a new weight loss plan developed by Men’s Fitness editor Jon Lipsley, 37.

Two months before publishing the plan Jon was overweight, overworked, had big dark sleep-deprived circles under his eyes, was stressed and had low energy levels.

When creating the plan Jon asked himself: “What’s the quickest and easiest way to get in shape without a personal trainer or expensive meal-prep company?”

Looking to utilise every aspect of the day and turn the body into a fat-brining machine, he came up with the New Body Plan, a detailed lifestyle plan to shed the pounds fast.

With the plan potentially overwhelming to weight-loss and gym beginners, Jon Lispley gave the his top tips for losing weight, with some coming down to the way food is eaten.

Eat at a table:

Eating at a table, as opposed to in front of the television, will help you stay in control of what you eat.

According to Jon, a recent analysis of studies looking into how people eat and their total food intake found that people eat more when they are distracted.

The results, published in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, also revealed that “attentive eating” – where the focus is on the food rather than on a screen – can help you control how much is consumed.

Take your time

“We live in a world where we do everything in a hurry but when it comes to how you eat, it pays to slow down,” says Jon.

Chewing food properly will help it digest more effectively and assimilate more of the nutrients. The body will also more receptive to knowing when it’s actually full, helping to resist the urge to overeat.

Limit booze

Booze contains plenty of calories but few useful nutrients from a body transformation perspective, so if alcohol intake isn’t limited, the body will struggle to lose fat and add muscle.

Jon added: “If you really want to drink, my advice is to stick to clear spirits or red wine instead of white wine or cocktails.”

Max out on vegetables

Vegetables contains lots of nutrients that help to support general health and immune system, which is crucial if you’re increasing your activity and asking a lot of your body.

They also contain fibre and water, which will help you to feel satisfied and stay feeling full after your meal. Some vegetables actually use more calories to digest than they contain, meaning eating them actually helps weight loss.

Ditch the scales

Not seeing the desired results on the scale can be demoralising, but scales don’t give a detailed breakdown of body composition.

Jon revealed: “If you weigh yourself on two different days, for example, you could have lost fat but be carrying a bit more water, so the number on your scales may go up even though you have made great progress.”

Drink heavily

Water, that is. Dehydration can easily be confused with hunger, and not drinking enough water could lead to eating more than needed.

Water is also essential for all manner of physiological processes, so it will help you stay healthy throughout your transformation challenge.

The easy-to-follow guide also features an approachable exercise regime, for complete gym beginners.

In only four gyms sessions a week, the end of the six weeks can see biceps bulging and even a six pack emerge. 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight Loss: Lose a stone in six weeks with these daily changes – including WHERE you eat

[]Weight Loss: Lose a stone in six weeks with these daily changes – including WHERE you eat

How Fast Is Earth Moving? []

How Fast Is Earth Moving? []

As an Earthling, it's easy to believe that we're standing still. After all, we don't feel any movement in our surroundings. But when you look at the sky, you can see evidence that we are moving.

Some of the earliest astronomers proposed that we live in a geocentric universe, which means that Earth is at the center of everything. They said the sun rotated around us, which caused sunrises and sunsets — same for the movements of the moon and the planets. But there were certain things that didn't work with this vision. Sometimes, a planet would back up in the sky before resuming its forward motion.

We know now that this motion — which is called retrograde motion — happens when Earth is "catching up" with another planet in its orbit. For example, Mars orbits farther from the sun than Earth. At one point in the respective orbits of Earth and Mars, we catch up to the Red Planet and pass it by. As we pass by it, the planet moves backward in the sky. Then it moves forward again after we have passed.

Another piece of evidence for the sun-centered solar system comes from looking at parallax, or apparent change in the position of the stars with respect to each other. For a simple example of parallax, hold up your index finger in front of your face at arm's length. Look at it with your left eye only, closing your right eye. Then close your right eye, and look at the finger with your left. The finger's apparent position changes. That's because your left and right eyes are looking at the finger with slightly different angles.

The same thing happens on Earth when we look at stars. It takes about 365 days for us to orbit the sun. If we look at a star (located relatively close to us) in the summer, and look at it again in the winter, its apparent position in the sky changes because we are at different points in our orbit. We see the star from different vantage points. With a bit of simple calculation, using parallax we can also figure out the distance to that star.

Earth's spin is constant, but the speed depends on what latitude you are located at. Here's an example. The circumference (distance around the largest part of the Earth) is roughly 24,898 miles (40,070 kilometers), according to NASA. (This area is also called the equator.) If you estimate that a day is 24 hours long, you divide the circumference by the length of the day. This produces a speed at the equator of about 1,037 mph (1,670 km/h).

You won't be moving quite as fast at other latitudes, however. If we move halfway up the globe to 45 degrees in latitude (either north or south), you calculate the speed by using the cosine (a trigonometric function) of the latitude. A good scientific calculator should have a cosine function available if you don't know how to calculate it. The cosine of 45 is 0.707, so the spin speed at 45 degrees is roughly 0.707 x 1037 = 733 mph (1,180 km/h). That speed decreases more as you go farther north or south. By the time you get to the North or South poles, your spin is very slow indeed — it takes an entire day to spin in place.

Space agencies love to take advantage of Earth's spin. If they're sending humans to the International Space Station, for example, the preferred location to do so is close to the equator. That's why cargo missions to the International Space Station, for example, launch from Florida. By doing so and launching in the same direction as Earth's spin, rockets get a speed boost to help them fly into space.

Earth's spin, of course, is not the only motion we have in space. Our orbital speed around the sun is about 67,000 mph (107,000 km/h), according to Cornell. We can calculate that with basic geometry. 

First, we have to figure out how far Earth travels. Earth takes about 365 days to orbit the sun. The orbit is an ellipse, but to make the math simpler, let's say it's a circle. So, Earth's orbit is the circumference of a circle. The distance from Earth to the sun — called an astronomical unit— is 92,955,807 miles (149,597,870 kilometers), according to the International Astronomers Union. That is the radius (r). The circumference of a circle is equal to 2 x π x r. So in one year, Earth travels about 584 million miles (940 million km). 

Since speed is equal to the distance traveled over the time taken, Earth's speed is calculated by dividing 584 million miles (940 million km) by­­ 365.25 days and dividing that result by 24 hours to get miles per hour or km per hour. So, Earth travels about 1.6 million miles (2.6 million km) a day, or 66,627 mph (107,226 km/h).

The sun has an orbit of its own in the Milky Way. The sun is about 25,000 light-years from the center of the galaxy, and the Milky Way is at least 100,000 light-years across. We are thought to be about halfway out from the center, according to Stanford University. The sun and the solar system appear to be moving at 200 kilometers per second, or at an average speed of 448,000 mph (720,000 km/h). Even at this rapid speed, the solar system would take about 230 million years to travel all the way around the Milky Way.

The Milky Way, too, moves in space relative to other galaxies. In about 4 billion years, the Milky Way will collide with its nearest neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy. The two are rushing toward each other at about 70 miles per second (112 km per second). 

Everything in the universe is, therefore, in motion.

There is no chance that you'll be flung off to space right now, because the Earth's gravity is so strong compared to its spinning motion. (This latter motion is called centripetal acceleration.) At its strongest point, which is at the equator, centripetal acceleration only counteracts Earth's gravity by about 0.3 percent. In other words, you don't even notice it, although you will weigh slightly less at the equator than at the poles.

NASA says the probability for Earth stopping its spin is "practically zero" for the next few billion years. Theoretically, however, if the Earth did stop moving suddenly, there would be an awful effect. The atmosphere would still be moving at the original speed of the Earth's rotation. This means that everything would be swept off of land, including people, buildings and even trees, topsoil and rocks, NASA added.

What if the process was more gradual? This is the more likely scenario over billions of years, NASA said, because the sun and the moon are tugging on Earth's spin. That would give plenty of time for humans, animals and plants to get used to the change. By the laws of physics, the slowest the Earth could slow its spin would be 1 rotation every 365 days. That situation is called "sun synchronous" and would force one side of our planet to always face the sun, and the other side to permanently face away. By comparison: Earth's moon is already in an Earth-synchronous rotation where one side of the moon always faces us, and the other side opposite to us.

But back to the no-spin scenario for a second: There would be some other weird effects if the Earth stopped spinning completely, NASA said. For one, the magnetic field would presumably disappear because it is thought to be generated in part by a spin. We'd lose our colorful auroras, and the Van Allen radiation belts surrounding Earth would probably disappear, too. Then Earth would be naked against the fury of the sun. Every time it sent a coronal mass ejection (charged particles) toward Earth, it would hit the surface and bathe everything in radiation. "This is a significant biohazard," NASA said.

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Let’s block ads! (Why?) How Fast Is Earth Moving?

[]How Fast Is Earth Moving?

Star Wars ‘Anthology’ Films Put On Hold – Report []

Star Wars ‘Anthology’ Films Put On Hold – Report []

Lucasfilm has suspended development on its current Star Wars "anthology" films, according to Collider.

Citing unnamed sources at Lucasfilm, Collider reports that work on a rumored Obi-Wan Kenobi standalone film and director James Mangold's purported Boba Fett movie are among the planned films now on hold. Instead, it's reported, Lucasfilm will focus on 2019's Star Wars Episode IX, and a planned trilogy to take place after that film.

Collider's unnamed sources cite Solo: A Star Wars Story's relatively poor box office performance and lukewarm critical reception as factors that led to the decision. Solol grossed only $85 million in its opening domestic box office weekend, going on to earn a domestic total of $192.8m so far, four weeks into its release. Lucasfilm's only other "Anthology" film so far, Rogue One, opened to $155m domestic, and went on to gross $535m in its domestic run.

According to the report, Rian Johnson's recently greenlit Star Wars trilogy is not one of the cancelled projects and is still in active development, as are a potential series of films from Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

The next Star Wars film, Episode IX, is due out in theaters December 20, 2019.

Originally published on Newsarama.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Star Wars 'Anthology' Films Put On Hold – Report

[]Star Wars ‘Anthology’ Films Put On Hold – Report

Saturday, June 23, 2018

NASA Astronaut Jeanette Epps Speaks About Her Puzzling Removal from Space Mission []

NASA Astronaut Jeanette Epps Speaks About Her Puzzling Removal from Space Mission []

BERLIN — NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps has spoken for the first time about her unexpected removal from an assignment to go to space this year.

In an interview here at the annual Tech Open Air festival Thursday (June 21), Epps said she couldn't speculate about why she was pulled from the mission just months before the launch date. 

"I don't know where the decision came from and how it was made, in detail or at what level," Epps said. [Expedition 56: The Space Station Mission in Photos]

You can watch the interview in the window above, with Epps' comments on her space mission occurring at the 37-minute mark.

Epps, an aerospace engineer and former CIA analyst, joined the astronaut corps in 2009. She had been assigned to be a flight engineer aboard the International Space Station (ISS) for Expeditions 56 and 57. The mission would have been her first, and Epps would have made history as the first African-American crewmember to live on the ISS.

However, in January, NASA revealed that Epps had been replaced by fellow astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor. On June 6, Auñón-Chancellor launched inside a Russian Soyuz capsule from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan alongside cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev and European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst, of Germany.

Epps said other astronauts in the past had been bumped from flight assignments because of health or family issues, but those were not factors in her case. She said she had passed all of her exams and the training needed to go to space. 

"With all of the training I had done and completed in Houston, Russia, Germany, Japan—everything was completed," Epps said. She expressed worry that all of the work to prepare her for a Russian launch could go to waste if she is not reassigned for another mission soon.

"I think what is happening soon is that we're going to run out of Soyuz seats, because we are building commercial crew vehicles through Elon Musk's SpaceX and through Boeing," Epps said. "We'll have fewer and fewer seats on the Soyuz, so I'm not sure if, in the future, if I am assigned a mission, it will be on a Soyuz, even though all the training for Russia has been completed."

Epps said she did not believe the decision was made by her Russian colleagues.

"I've been through the training with them, and I think I was able to develop really good working relationships with everyone there," Epps said. 

"I think some of the [Russian partners] may have known that NASA was thinking of doing this, but they were adamant that I had to complete all of the training, even down to, out in Baikonur, doing the leak check for the suit that was made for me and the seat liner that was made for me," Epps said. "They wanted to check everything and check it inside the Soyuz, so they know, if and when I fly, that my suit fit was good and the seat liner that they made for me was a good fit, so that I would be comfortable in the right seat of the Soyuz."

Epps added that several of her Russian colleagues even voiced concern about her removal from the flight "in the sense that it is not safe to remove someone from a crew that has trained together for two years, or for a year at least, and went through all of the final exams."

Epps also addressed speculation that racism or sexism might have motivated her abrupt removal from the mission. 

"There's no time to really be concerned about sexism and racism and things like that, because we have to perform," Epps said. "And if it comes into play, then you're hindering the mission, and you're hindering the performance. And so whether or not it is a factor, I can't speculate what people are thinking and doing unless I have a little bit more information."

While she is waiting for more information, Epps said she has resumed her duties with the astronaut corps in Houston, including working on NASA's Orion program and serving as CAPCOM, the liaison between the astronauts in space and the flight controllers in Mission Control. She said it was a "pleasant surprise" to have former astronauts, her trainers and others at NASA supporting her when she returned from Russia. 

"There were a lot of people who were really supportive — former astronauts and people like that — who reached out and were really helpful just talking to me, trying to figure out a way forward and what happened," Epps said. "I was very happy that I found out that I had more friends than I thought."

Follow Megan Gannon @meganigannon, or @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook and Google+. Original article on

Let’s block ads! (Why?) NASA Astronaut Jeanette Epps Speaks About Her Puzzling Removal from Space Mission

[]NASA Astronaut Jeanette Epps Speaks About Her Puzzling Removal from Space Mission

Space Force: Pentagon Navigates Way Ahead and Awaits Direction From Congress []

Space Force: Pentagon Navigates Way Ahead and Awaits Direction From Congress []

WASHINGTON — As the initial shock of the president's order to create a Space Force wears off, the question of "what comes next" looms large for the Pentagon.

With the U.S. Air Force poised for a major breakup if and when the Space Force is formed, leaders on Tuesday moved quickly to allay fears and assure airmen that business, for now, will go on as usual.

The establishment of a space branch of the military will be a "thorough, deliberate and inclusive process. As such, we should not expect any immediate moves or changes," Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein and Chief MSgt. Kaleth Wright wrote in a letter sent on Tuesday to the entire force. [Watch Trump Order the Space Force ]

"Our focus must remain on the mission as we continue to accelerate the space warfighting capabilities required to support the National Defense Strategy," the letter continued. "We remain the best in the world in space and our adversaries know it."

The Pentagon that is known to have a plan for everything does not have one for how to create a Space Force, at least not yet. A study ordered by Congress in the 2018 defense policy bill — to examine options for reorganizing the Air Force with a separate space branch — could provide guidance. But that report — outsourced to the government-funded think tank Center for Naval Analyses — is not expected to be completed until the end of the year.

Under any scenario, only Congress has the authority to reorganize the military or create a new service, so the Pentagon likely will not take any action until after Congress puts forth a proposal. Space and defense analyst Todd Harrison, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Congress will probably make the Space Force a major agenda item in the defense policy bill for fiscal year 2020.

Meantime, it appears that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will turn to his own advisers for options that he could present to the president or to lawmakers if asked to do so. Mattis' chief spokesperson Dana White said in a statement that the Defense Policy Board "will begin working on this issue."

On Capitol Hill, there are mixed views on the Space Force. Although the House voted for the creation of a Space Corps last year, the Senate was not on board. And with President Trump now leading the charge, things could get complicated as members will want to make sure the executive branch is respectful of Congress' powers to "organize, train and equip" the U.S. armed forces. Further, the president and the House have different definitions of a Space Force. Trump characterized it as a separate, independent branch of the military, whereas the Space Corps the House proposed would be under the Department of the Air Force.

Former Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James, who fought back the Space Corps proposal when she served during the Obama administration, said Trump's mandate has created an awkward situation for the Air Force and DoD senior leadership.

"It's no secret that the institutional Air Force and the secretary of defense all were opposed to this," James told SpaceNews. "But now they're stuck," she said. "If they want to keep their jobs, they have to do something."

What happens next is anybody's guess, James said. "But what is certain is that the Air Force and the DoD have to come up with something to back up what the president said."

She suggested it would be wise for Mattis to come up with multiple roadmaps for how to create a Space Force and hope that the president agrees with the option "that would do the least harm." That would be one that does not break up the Air Force, said James. "All this depends on how willing to fight Secretary Mattis is."

One way to do this is what the House voted for: a Space Corps that is independent like the Marine Corps but is under the Department of the Air Force. Another possibility would be to elevate Air Force Space Command and call it a Space Force. The least palatable option for the Air Force would be a full blown space service with its own civilian leadership that also oversees Army and Navy space assets, and the budget that goes with them.

James insisted that the rationale for a separate service has not been clearly explained. "What problems are we trying to solve?" she asked. If funding is the issue, that does not get solved by reorganization. If the speed of acquisition programs is the problem, the Air Force is moving to fix that. Is there a cultural divide between air and space forces? Yes, but that is not uncommon in the military, she pointed out. The submariners in the Navy are different from the aviators. And the artillery branch in the Army is not like the infantry.

"Space is so integral to everything we do in the Air Force," said James. "We want to integrate, not disintegrate."

Doug Loverro, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for space policy, said it makes sense for Mattis to engage the Defense Policy Board. "The policy board is the right place for this to be discussed along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and U.S. Strategic Command," he told SpaceNews.

"Most people don't understand the role of the policy arm of the Pentagon, but it is the primary arm of the Office of the Secretary of Defense for advising the SecDef on any policy matters both internal and external to the DoD," said Loverro.

Board member Wanda Austin is the former CEO of The Aerospace Corporation and would be the most knowledgeable about space technology. Former Defense Secretary William Perry has extensive experience in space matters, and he serves on many industry advisory boards that execute space programs, Loverro noted. Frank Miller led national security space activities for the Bush White House. Rudy de Leon was acting undersecretary of the Air Force, and Jane Harman oversaw space intelligence programs on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. "So while none of them have deep detailed space organizational knowledge, they understand the subject matter."

This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Space Force: Pentagon Navigates Way Ahead and Awaits Direction From Congress

[]Space Force: Pentagon Navigates Way Ahead and Awaits Direction From Congress

Mars Will Soon ‘Reverse Its Course’ in the Sky []

Mars Will Soon ‘Reverse Its Course’ in the Sky []

Look up this weekend to catch bright Mars as it begins a zigzag detour across the spring sky.

In just five and a half weeks, Mars will make its closest approach to Earth since August 2003. This week, we can see the Red Planet just before midnight, low in the east-southeast sky, almost matching Jupiter in brilliance and glowing like a yellowish-orange ember. 

And Mars continues to brighten noticeably with each passing week. [Previewing 2018's Year of Spectacular Mars Using Mobile Apps]

If you have been following Mars since New Year's Day, you may recall that back then, it was shining in the zodiacal constellation of Libra, the scales. At that time, it was 181 million miles (292 million kilometers) from Earth. In contrast, by the end of next week, Mars' distance from Earth will have diminished to 42.3 million miles (68.2 million km); it now shines some 25 times brighter than it did at the start of this year.

Also since Jan. 1, Mars has progressed on an easterly course through the background stars of the zodiac. It currently resides in the zodiacal constellation of Capricornus, the sea goat.

But on June 28, that steady eastward course will come to a stop. 

Actually, since the beginning of June, Mars has appeared to slow in its eastward trajectory, almost seeming to waver, as if it had become uncertain. Finally, on June 28, it will pause briefly. Then, for the next two months, it will reverse its course in the heavens and appear to move backward against the star background — toward the west. 

On Aug. 28, the planet will pause briefly again before resuming its normal eastward movement.

All of the planets in our solar system exhibit this "retrograde motion" at one time or another. But for the longest time, the ancient astronomers were unable to come up with a satisfactory explanation for it. For one thing, while behaving in this strange manner, Mars will also appear to deviate significantly from its normal course; the retrograde motion will appear to bring it far below its regular orbital track. 

In other words, for those of us watching from Earth, during that two-month interval, Mars will appear to travel in a broad loop, measuring about 10 degrees long and 2 1/2 degrees wide. Yet the ancient Greeks staunchly believed that the sun, moon and planets all moved around the Earth in perfect circles. They had a great difficulty in representing and calculating this mysterious loop, and for a long time, they had no adequate explanation for it. 

Another problem was trying to explain why Mars sometimes described a loop and other times a zigzag/back-and-forth motion, which resembled the letter "Z" in its path across the sky. In fact, it did just this during the spring of 2016 and will do so again in the late fall of 2022. 

The Greeks finally explained away these anomalies by assuming that the planets moved around Earth in smaller "epicycles" — that is, small circles whose centers move along their main orbital circles around Earth, resulting in complex, almost coil-like curves. Unfortunately, the actual observations of the planets never seemed to fit this strange orbital mechanism, ultimately making the Greeks' explanation utterly useless.

It was not until 1543, when the great Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) had his lifelong work "De revolutionibus" published, that the secret of the odd retrograde loops were finally revealed. By demoting Earth from its hallowed position at the center of the solar system and replacing it with the sun, Copernicus was able to triumphantly explain the riddle of the apparent "backward motion effect" of the planets. [The Greatest Astronomers of All Time]

In fact, it's the same effect obtained when you pass another car on the highway: Both cars are going in the same direction, but one is moving more slowly. As they pass, the slower car will appear to be moving backward in relation to the faster one. Copernicus applied the same effect to the planets out in space. In the upcoming situation, both Earth and Mars are moving in the same direction around the sun, but the slower one — Mars — appears to move backward compared to the faster one, Earth.

Let's stress one thing here: Mars is not actually stopping or reversing its orbital path in space! What we are witnessing is merely an illusion based on perspective. Mars will continue to move in its regular elliptical orbit around the sun. What we are seeing — the stopping, the reversing of its path in the sky and the ultimate resumption of its regular path across the sky — is solely a function of viewing Mars from our Earthly perspective (just like when viewing the slower car from the perspective of the faster car) as we each travel through space in separate orbital paths at different speeds around the sun. 

After Aug. 28, the movements of Earth and Mars will cancel out the apparent backward motion. Having spent more than half of this year trailing and ultimately catching up to Mars (like race cars "hot lapping" each other), Earth will eventually leave Mars far behind. The rapid increase in brightness for Mars we're seeing now will be reversed and, consequently, during the latter part of this year, will fade rapidly.

Editor's note: If you capture an awesome view of Mars and want to share it and our news partners for a story or gallery, send images and comments in to managing editor Tariq Malik at:

Joe Rao serves as an associate at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for Natural History magazine, the Farmer's Almanac and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for FiOS1 News, based in Rye Brook, New York. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Mars Will Soon 'Reverse Its Course' in the Sky

[]Mars Will Soon ‘Reverse Its Course’ in the Sky

Friday, June 22, 2018

Google Doodle Honors Sci-Fi Author Octavia E. Butler []

1st Satellite Built to Harpoon Space Junk for Disposal Begins Test Flight []

Where Does Trump’s ‘Space Force’ Fit in the International Agreement on Peaceful Use of Space? []

Where Does Trump’s ‘Space Force’ Fit in the International Agreement on Peaceful Use of Space? []

This article was originally published at The Conversation. The publication contributed the article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

Overnight US President Donald Trump announced the establishment of a "Space Force" as a separate force of the US military.

Trump has indicated the reasoning behind the Space Force stems from national security concerns arising from the potential for renewed activities in space by China and Russia. Trump had previously referred to space as the "new warfighting domain."

It's not yet clear where this move sits in light of prohibitions laid out in the Outer Space Treaty, the document that has guided the the exploration and use of outer space by members of the United Nations since 1967.

Read more: We're drafting a legal guide to war in space. Hopefully we'll never need to use it

In his recent announcement, Trump said:

When it comes to defending America, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space. So important.

Trump announces "Space Force," a sixth branch of the armed forces in that country.

Departments in the US military currently include the Air Force, the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard.

The announcement of a Space Force is part of Trump's increased interest in the space domain, having in 2017 revived the National Space Council, under the leadership of Mike Pence.

Trump had previously flagged the idea of a US Space Force with statements in March and May.

However, with this most recent announcement Trump officially directed the US Department of Defense and the Pentagon to establish the Space Force.

Much more will be needed to actually make this happen. The President cannot simply declare the existence of a new branch of the US armed forces – it would also require, at minimum, an Act of Congress and quite possibly something more. Each branch of the US military has its own unique origins and would require the restructure of the Air Force and other oversight mechanisms in the Pentagon.

Further, there is also the question regarding what such a force could do. Trump's speech flagged some sort of peacekeeping role.

Whilst much of the reportage of Trump's speech has focused on the military aspects of his announcement, Trump reminded the audience that the Space Force was not the only space activity planned by his administration. Rather there was a strong emphasis on commercial space industries, observing that "rich guys seem to like rockets."

US laws relating to commercial space are to be updated to encourage commercial space industries, directing government and the private sector to work cooperatively. Trump said:

I am instructing my administration to embrace the budding commercial space industry. We are modernizing out-of-date space regulations. They're way out of date. They haven't been changed in many, many years. And today we're taking one more step to unleash the power of American ingenuity. In a few moments, I will sign a new directive to federal departments and agencies. They will work together with American industry to implement a state-of-the-art framework for space traffic management.

Read more: A sports car and a glitter ball are now in space – what does that say about us as humans?

Trump also celebrated the potential for benefit to US workers, along with a lot of rhetoric about conquering the unknown. He said "we are Americans and the future belongs totally to us," we will be "leading humanity beyond the Earth" and "into the forbidden skies."

Noting the interest of private entrepreneurs establishing long term settlements on Mars, Trump observed that whoever made it to Mars first was fine as long as it was a US citizen.

Trump's proposals – as with any other new outer space settlements – must operate within prohibitions laid out in the Outer Space Treaty. Established in 1967, this document is the framework multilateral treaty that establishes the principal rules regulating the exploration and use of outer space.

Article II of the Outer Space Treaty indicates that "Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means."

That said, US law has been drafted to enable access to, including mining of, space resources, without any claim of sovereignty being made.

With respect to a Space Force, Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty expresses a principle of use of space for "peaceful purposes." Members of the Outer Space Treaty are forbidden from placing nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction in orbit around the Earth, on celestial bodies or stationed in outer space. Military bases, installations and fortifications, weapons testing and conduct of military manouevers on celestial bodies are also forbidden.

Of course, none of this has prevented military personnel being involved in space activities and exploration since the dawn of the space age. Both the early US astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts have been members of their respective countries armed forces. Nor has it prevented the transit of weapons of mass destruction through space. GPS is a development of the US Department of Defense and many satellites, including Australia’s own Optus C1 satellite is a dual use (military and civilian) satellite.

Read more: As the world embraces space, the 50 year old Outer Space Treaty needs adaptation

The question of the legality of the extent of military uses of outer space and what role may be performed by Trump's Space Force is still open.

Generally, the practice of the space faring states to date indicates that the prohibitions contained in Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty have been interpreted as "peaceful," but as referring to non-aggressive rather than non-military uses of space.

Read more: With China's space station about to crash land, who's responsible if you get hit by space junk?

Of course, militaries worldwide are already very reliant upon space in terms of communication, position, navigation and timing, surveillance and reconnaissance. Militaries regularly hold exercises such as a Day without Space, which prepares users for the possible destruction of or serious interference with GPS, internet and satellites communications, upon which all modern militaries are heavily reliant.

Space assets such as satellites are quite fragile and valuable and hence issues will inevitably arise regarding capacity to protect space assets.

Trump's Space Force may still be a highly speculative announcement but it is true that we live in an era where militaries and civilians worldwide are becoming far more reliant and invested in the space domain.

Melissa de Zwart, Professor, Adelaide Law School, University of Adelaide

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook, Twitter and Google +. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on .

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Where Does Trump's 'Space Force' Fit in the International Agreement on Peaceful Use of Space?

[]Where Does Trump’s ‘Space Force’ Fit in the International Agreement on Peaceful Use of Space?

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Golden ‘Blue Moon’ Gleams Over Lisbon (Photo) []

Six weight loss myths that could be hindering your results – why to ignore them []

Epic Dust Storm on Mars Now Completely Covers Red Planet []

Japan’s Hayabusa2 Asteroid Probe Snaps Best Pics Yet of Its Target Ryugu []

Could Self-Repairing ‘Star Wars’ Droid L3-37 Come to Life? Not Quite []

Lenny Henry weight loss: Dawn French ex husband shows very slender form – is he on a diet? []

Lenny Henry weight loss: Dawn French ex husband shows very slender form – is he on a diet? []

Lenny Henry is the popular comedian and TV star known for once being married to Dawn French and promoting Premier Inn hotes.

The funnyman was seen out in London last night cutting a very slender figure.

Lenny attended a special event for World Refugee Day at Playhouse Theatre.

He watched ‘The Jungle’ at a special gala performance.

The comedian wore a navy suit with a white shirt.

He hadded a grey baker boy hat and dark rimmed glases in a very stylish twist.

Black trainers finished off the look.

Lenny Henry has lost a huge amount of weight in the past.

He shed three stone overall and followed a very sensible diet plan to do so.

In 2011 the star lost a whopping three stone after splitting with his wife Dawn French.

Lenny revealed his post-divorce weight loss in The Comedy Of Errors at London’s National Theatre in 2011, at the time aged 53, showing of his slimmer frame to the public.

The actor said the weight loss was thanks to the play, as actors were on a strict work out regimen.

They were told to do dance, yoga, Pilates and milaitry exercise for four hours a day.

Lenny was inspired to lose weight after he was diagnosed with various health problems.

He gave up sugar and alcohol to get his weight down, and took up yoga.

He told The Daily Mirror: “I’ve lost between two-and-a-half and three stone, I was big.

“You’ve got to eat no sugar and drink hardly any alcohol… all the stuff you like.

“You can’t Hobnob your way through the day.”

Lenny’s mother Winifred struggled with diabetes and her legs were amputated due to the illness before she died in 1988.

One weight loss diet tip includes adding a certain nut to your diet. 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Lenny Henry weight loss: Dawn French ex husband shows very slender form – is he on a diet?

[]Lenny Henry weight loss: Dawn French ex husband shows very slender form – is he on a diet?

See the Eerie Lava Glow of Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano Eruption from Space []

Soyuz Spacecraft: Backbone of Russian Space Program []

What Is the Summer Solstice? An Astronomer Explains []

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Weight loss: Add this nut to your diet to boost metabolism and lose weight fast []

Weight loss: Add this nut to your diet to boost metabolism and lose weight fast []

Weight loss is something many of us would like to achieve, especially during the summer.

Eating a certain kind of nut can help you lose weight faster by boosting your metabolism.

Metabolism is the process which occurs in your body to break down food and convert it to energy.

A slow metabolism means you may put on weight easily.

You can boost your metabolism in a number of different ways.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts contain vital ingredients your body needs to help regulate metabolism.

They are high in selenium, a mineral associated with keeping your metabolism healthy.

Boost your metabolism through diet

“Scientists across the world have found certain foods may have a positive impact on metabolism,” said dietician Laura Coster.

“Ensuring you eat enough foods rich in iron, zinc, iodine and selenium each day can help to keep your metabolism healthy.

“These minerals are required to support the proper function of the thyroid gland, which has a key role in regulating metabolism.

“Good sources include meat, seafood, legumes, nuts (especially Brazil nuts) and seeds.”

Weight loss shakes

“Meal replacement shakes can be a great addition to a calorie controlled diet,” says Laura.

“The XLS-Nutrition meal replacement shake has under 250 calories, with an unrivalled 31 g of high quality, naturally sourced protein.

“Eating a protein-filled breakfast has been shown to reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day.”

Eat more protein

“As well as filling you up, protein has the added benefit of giving your metabolism a boost as your body has to use more energy to break it down during digestion.

“For example, protein-rich foods have been shown to increase your metabolic rate by approximately 15–30%, compared to 5–10% for carbs and 0–3% for fats.

“The specially selected combination of B vitamins in this weight loss shake can also give you an energy boost and can help to promote a healthy metabolism.”

Chilli water can help you lose weight, according to studies.

According to studies chillies increase the metabolism, burning the number of calories you burn in a day.

A study found those who ate chillies raised their metabolism for 30 minutes afterwards.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: Add this nut to your diet to boost metabolism and lose weight fast

[]Weight loss: Add this nut to your diet to boost metabolism and lose weight fast

Donald Trump Wants a ‘Space Force,’ But America Already Has One []

Apollo Moon Rock Rediscovered in Cambodia Debuts on Display []

Sally Ride’s Space Stamp Collection: Inside the Astronaut’s Albums []

Why Are Astronauts Moonwalking on the Bottom of This Giant Pool? []

Whoa! Watch This Fireball Blaze Over a Foo Fighters Concert in the Netherlands []

Whoa! Watch This Fireball Blaze Over a Foo Fighters Concert in the Netherlands []

A brilliant fireball brought some out-of-this-world fireworks to a Foo Fighters concert in the Netherlands on Saturday (June 16). 

While the rock band was performing at the Pinkpop Festival in the town of Landgraaf, the bright-green meteor came plummeting through the atmosphere at 11:11 p.m. local time (5:11 p.m. EDT, 2111 GMT), in the final moments of a drum solo by band member Taylor Hawkins. 

One festival attendee who was using his smartphone to record the show from the crowd managed to capture the meteor on camera. In the video, you can see a bright-green light flash in the night sky before the glowing light peters out behind the stage. [How to See the Best Meteor Showers of 2018]

Pinkpop partygoers were not the only people who were treated to this stunning celestial sight. More than 170 sightings from around the region were reported to the International Meteor Organization, which states that the fireball "was widely observed from Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and France."

"A bright #fireball lit up the night sky over Belgium on Saturday, June 16, 2018, 21:11 UT," astrophotographer Uwe Reichert tweeted along with a stunning photo of the meteor, Venus and the waxing crescent moon. "I caught it with my camera when I imaged the conjunction of the 3-day old Moon and Venus." In a zoomed-in view of Reichert's photo, you can see the space rock breaking into fragments as it burns up in the atmosphere.  

All-sky cameras at the Fireball Recovery and InterPlanetary Observation Network, a meteor-spotting collaboration founded by France's National Research Agency, also caught sight of the fireball. Four all-sky cameras stationed around France saw the fireball, but the best view came from the camera in Charleville-Mézières, a town in northern France.

Fireballs happen when a very large meteor splatters on its way through the atmosphere, creating a big, bright flash. This fireball wasn't associated with any meteor showers; the next meteor showers will be the Southern Delta Aquarids and the Alpha Capricornids, both of which peak at the end of July, according to the American Meteor Society's calendar. 

Email Hanneke Weitering at or follow her @hannekescience. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Whoa! Watch This Fireball Blaze Over a Foo Fighters Concert in the Netherlands

[]Whoa! Watch This Fireball Blaze Over a Foo Fighters Concert in the Netherlands