Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Weight loss: How to lose weight fast and get into shape WITHOUT painful exercise [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Weight loss: How to lose weight fast and get into shape WITHOUT painful exercise [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Losing weight is a big commitment, with dieters having to not only change what they eat but also increases the amount of time spent exercising.

During the summer months, with days longer and hotter weather, the idea of pounding the pavement or treadmill can be one of the most unappealing.

With Britons leading busier lives than ever, the pressure to visit the gym or partake in strenuous exercise can often lead to giving up on weight loss altogether.

However, George Pearse, personal trainer and Low Impact trainer at FLY LDN insists that there are ways to lose weight fast without undertaking any strenuous, painful or exhausting exercise at all – and even get in shape.

Change the way you travel to work

The commute to work is never exactly a fun-filled experience, especially when travelling by train during the dreaded rush hour.

To speed up weight loss during the commute, and also make it more interesting, plug in headphones, put on some motivating music and start taking the steps in a train station, or walking up and down the escalators.

For those who are lucky enough to live close to the office, journey to work on foot. Those extra steps will burn calories which will add up, with 2,000 steps (One mile) burning around 120 extra calories.

Eat metabolism boosting foods

Nutrition is so important when it comes to achieving weight loss results. Whether goals are burning fat, building muscle, or improving performance, the body is made or broken by its fuel.

Protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy etc, could help boost the metabolism by requiring your body to use up more energy when digesting them.

Hot, caffeinated drinks such as green tea can also boost the metabolism while the body is resting, potentially burning up to 100 extra calories a day, with no additional movement required. 

Soak in an Epsom salt bath

Good news for those who love a long, relaxing bath, as there are actually weight-loss benefits to soaking in the tub.

Soaking in Epsom salt can help the body release toxins, which over time can cause weight gain, along with a host of health and happiness issues.

Epsom salts contain magnesium and sulphate, which are believed to be absorbed into the body when soaking in the bath, ultimately ridding your body of these unwanted toxins, allowing for potential weight loss and other health benefits.

Dance the night away

If working out doesn’t sound desirable, or you simply don’t have the time, letting loose on the weekend and dancing the night the away can actually burn a lot of calories.

Dancing is a full-body workout, without feeling like a workout, burning around 350 calories an hour.

If out partying or on a night out, avoid sugary cocktails and mixers which can pack in the calories, instead opting for a soda water mixer or glass of sparkling wine. 

Try a low-impact class

Where many Britons can go awry is thinking that every workout needs to be executed at 100mph to be effective, but this isn’t true.

After a long, stressful day the body probably doesn’t actually want a high-intensity workout or never-ending run.

Low-impact classes, like the ones at FLY LDN, focus on smaller, lower intensity movements, which avoid sprinting or jumping. This type of workout can build up muscles and burn hundreds of calories, without really noticing it’s a workout at all.

Find a local pool

A swimming pool might not be the first place that comes to mind when trying to lose weight and shape up, but diving into a local pool and doing a couple of sets of lengths or widths is one of the best ways work-out pain-free.

Swimming allows you to burn a substantial amount of calories, boosting the metabolism and firming pretty much every muscle in your body, without putting joints under tremendous stress.

One household name that lost an impressive amount of weight without strenuous exercise is celebrity chef Nigella Lawson. 

Famous for her curvaceous figure and hearty, indulgent culinary creations, Nigella recently shed the pounds and got into shape, using a rather unconventional method.

On her social media page, fans went wild for the sexy chef’s new look, with one writing: “looking so svelte Nigella!” and another commenting: “Wow. You have lost so much weight”.

Nigella has admitted that she’s never dieted, and instead achieved her new figure through a rather unusual method.

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https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/diets/1002786/weight-loss-lose-weight-fast-without-exercise Weight loss: How to lose weight fast and get into shape WITHOUT painful exercise

[bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]Weight loss: How to lose weight fast and get into shape WITHOUT painful exercise

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