Thursday, January 25, 2018

How to lose belly fat FAST: Cut out this ONE food from your diet to lose weight easily []

How to lose belly fat FAST: Cut out this ONE food from your diet to lose weight easily []

Weight loss can be a slow process, but there are foods and exercises dieters can try to speed things up.

As well as eating the right foods, it is important not to eat the wrong foods, and studies have shown there is one type in particular that should be avoided.

Sugar and foods high in sugar, has been linked to type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease.

And there has also been shown to be a relationship between high sugar intake and increased abdominal fat.

A 2009 study observed a group who drank sugar-sweetened drinks with their meals over an eight week period.

Their diets didn’t otherwise change, but they put on an average of three pounds.

However, this wasn’t all, as participants were found to have significantly increased abdominal fat too.

Another study, done in 2013, looked at the sugar intake of teenagers, and found “fructose intake was associated with visceral adipose tissue”.

One of the most popular diets for those trying to cut out sugar and lose belly fat is the keto diet.

And one man recently revealed his before and after pictures after losing more than five stone following a keto lifestyle.

Sharing his story, he wrote: “I have two young kiddos and a very supporting wife, and the thought of keeling over at 40 because I was overweight and them having to be the kids at school who’s dad died because he couldn’t say no to Cool Ranch Doritos wrecked me.

“Every experience when you are fat is miserable. Meeting new people (they are going to immediately think I’m huge), trying on clothes (god everything is too small, they hardly have anything that fits me, that means 99 per cent of the people who come here are in better shape than I am), going out to eat (everyone is noticing how much I, the fat guy is eating), etc etc.

“Every day is a slog until you put your head on the pillow and rinse and repeat.”

Starting his keto diet just before the New Year, LeftyKreah revealed what he ate day to day.

He said: “Typical day: Morning: Bulletproof Coffee. Lunch: Microwave heated leftovers (steak, deer meat, Quick Eat hamburgers, sausages). Dinner: Chicken/steak/fish/dark veggies (broccoli, asparagus, spinach). Snacks: Cheese sticks.

“My calorie counts would generally hover around 1800-2200 a day, and I would rarely if ever go above 10g of carbs.”

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[]How to lose belly fat FAST: Cut out this ONE food from your diet to lose weight easily

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