Thursday, January 25, 2018

Weight loss: Diet of six meals a day helped man lose belly fat FAST and get ripped abs []

Weight loss: Diet of six meals a day helped man lose belly fat FAST and get ripped abs []

Sharing his before and after weight loss transformation pictures to Imgur, the man shared details on his diet plan.

Known only as his username “Gloctopussy”, he explained he ate a whopping six meals a day to achieve his body goals.

He also started working out using an online personal trainer.

Explaining exactly how he lost one stone and seven pounds, he said: “Hired myself a trainer/nutritionist to help me learn what to eat, understand macro dieting, and how frequently to eat to boost my metabolism and this is what they helped me do over the course of three months.

“At over 6’-1” I really didn’t wear 228lbs too well. Adding in 20min of cardio after every workout and eating 6 well managed meals a day helped me carve out a decent body over the course of three months.

“I’m down to 203lbs. Honestly, hiring help had to be one of my better decisions.

“I went through an online trainer I was recommended to by a friend. I didn’t know how I’d feel not being able to meet someone face to face but it went really well.

“All I did was just follow their instructions, don’t cheat, plan ahead, (to cook all that damn food) and watch the changes happen. Another byproduct is that I became a pretty good cook too…which might turn out to work against me because now I can cook some damn good steak.”

Macro dieting requires counting more than just the calories in food – followers must count the grams of proteins, carbs and fats too.

This means dieters can eat food that works best for their body, whether that is high protein, high fat, or low carbohydrate.

It can also help with portion control, and understanding where calories come from.

To find out the best macros for your needs, a nutritionist is best, but there are plenty of online calculators that can help too.

Anyone hoping to get rid of belly fat in a more simple way can cut out one food in particular.

As well as eating the right foods, it is important not to eat the wrong foods, and studies have shown there is one type that should be avoided.

Sugar, and foods high in sugar, has been linked to type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease.

And there has also been shown to be a relationship between high sugar intake and increased abdominal fat.

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[]Weight loss: Diet of six meals a day helped man lose belly fat FAST and get ripped abs

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