Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Weight loss: Man reveals how to lose belly fat fast after he shed four stone on this diet []

Weight loss: Man reveals how to lose belly fat fast after he shed four stone on this diet []

Sharing his before and after weight loss transformation pictures to Imgur, the man explained his story.

Known only as his username ‘Kanto2113’, he revealed he was 5’7”, and had weighed 15 stone four pounds before losing four stone five pounds.

He said: “My best friend sees a personal trainer at a gym that teaches children’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and my daughter started going three days a week. After about a month of sitting and watching her have fun and people around me work out I decided get off my ***.

“My friend pushed his training session back an hour so we could work out together with his weightlifting coach.

“I started counting calories and going to the gym two days a week in late April of 2017.

“I had used MyFitnessPal before in the past, but never with any direction. We set my calorie goal to 2100 calories (with 160g protein) at first and I stepped on the scale at 216lb. I’m 5’7″ and this is the heaviest I have ever been by a dozen or so pounds.”

Going in to detail on his diet, he wrote: “Food wise, I found 1800 calories to be tough at first, but once I started making smart choices, things were pretty easy.

“Eggs for breakfast, a protein bar and some tuna with crackers for lunch and tilapia with stemed veggies and a small amount of rice for dinner. Maybe some yogurt and granola for desert.

“Two days a week and CICO down to 160. I decided at that point that I’m happy with myself physically for the first time in my life, so I started eating more.

“I added 150 calories a day for a week or so, if I still loose, I add 150 more. I have been at 2600 calories for the last week or so and I weighed in 152 lbs this morning.”

Following a CICO plan helped the man lose so much weight, but it was also thanks to working out.

Detailing his fitness plan, he said: “Sessions are an hour long and involve about five min of stretching, jump rope and some activation exercises for 10 min, then about 40 min of lifting and some finishing stretches.

“At first I started doing dumbbell and kettle bell exercises. Renegade rows, lunges, farmers walk, squats, etc… After I lost a few pounds I took my first progress pic at 212.

“After I lost a bit more weight and got a bit stronger I started doing deadlift, barbell squats, bench press and overhead press. I found all of these to be a lot more fun that I ever thought lifting could be.”

Following a CICO diet isn’t the only way to lose dramatic amounts of weight, and another man has revealed how he got in shape.

Sharing his before and after pictures to Reddit, the man explained he achieved his goals by cutting out one particular thing from his diet.

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[]Weight loss: Man reveals how to lose belly fat fast after he shed four stone on this diet

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