Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Weight loss: Coffee shop worker dropped from size 20 to size 8 by cutting out this food []

Weight loss: Coffee shop worker dropped from size 20 to size 8 by cutting out this food []

Weight loss can be extremely challenging, with many people giving up and not achieving their ideal weight.

One Briton that managed to shed the weight is Vanessa Strike, a coffee shop worker from Worcester who gained six stone from snacking on broken bits of pastries and cakes.

She wasn’t aware of the impact her weight gain was having on her health until a close family member went through a health scare, and she realised she has to make some changes.

Vanessa quickly began working out at home, being inspired by bodybuilding social media accounts.

After picking up weights and changing her diet she quickly started to shed the pounds.

With her weight now at 11 and a half stone, Vanessa turned to foods from the likes of Muscle to help change her diet.

Combined with weight lifting she swapped breakfast cereal and pastries for protein porridge, and calorie and fat-packed lunches and dinners for chicken salads.

Revealing how she lost the weight, Vanessa said: “I’d always been really fit and healthy right up until my early 20s. I’d danced at the same dance school for over 17 years and had never worried about my weight or what I was eating.

“I’d eat broken breakfast pastries and cakes throughout the day at work then would come home and cook three-course dinners every night. We’d always have a starter followed by a huge pasta meal and favourites like toad in the hole and cottage pie.

“I was unhappy with how I looked and felt, I wasn’t enjoying my job and I felt trapped in my marriage.”

Realising things had to change, Vanessa decided to address one thing at a time, starting by doing workouts at home as she was “too embarrassed and ashamed to go to the gym”.

Revealing her new diet, Vanessa said: “I overhauled my diet. I love to cook and love food so didn’t want to cut out all the things I enjoyed.

“Instead I made a few adjustments to make them healthier – swapping regular bread and pasta for the low-carb versions I could buy, like protein pizza.”

With her bad eating habits overhauled Vanessa began working out four times a week, starting to show an interest in bodybuilding.

She continued: “I mentioned to a couple of the PTs at the gym that I’d always wanted to compete at one of the bodybuilding shows and they gave me the encouragement I needed to actually do something about it.”

Working out combined with a high protein diet resulted in Vanessa shedding pounds and losing weight fast.

“What I eat is really important in getting me competition ready and protein has to be a major part of my diet,” she revealed.

Vanessa also keeps carbs and calories down, helping her to maintain her weight.

Someone else who cut down on carbs in an effort to lose weight was comedian Johnny Vegas. 

Taking to Twitter this week he impressed fans by showing off his impressive weight loss and diet secrets, sharing an image of his protein and healthy-fat heavy breakfast.

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[]Weight loss: Coffee shop worker dropped from size 20 to size 8 by cutting out this food

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