Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How to lose weight fast: Personal trainer reveals what to eat to beat stomach bloating NOW []

How to lose weight fast: Personal trainer reveals what to eat to beat stomach bloating NOW []

Cecilia Harris, who trains fitness mogul Lucy Mecklenburgh, told how to avoid temptation over the festive season.

Bloating is a common problem at this time of year, and Cecilia advised to try replacing typically bloating foods with other choices to fight it.

She said: “ I, like everyone, have suffered with bloating and it’s up to everyone to listen to their body and figure out what works for it.

“Personally, white bread and white pasta cause me to bloat. I have found a brand called Veg Bread which tastes amazing and doesn’t make me bloat. I replace pasta with courgetti, cauliflower rice or broccoli rice.

“I have recently followed the 30 get lean diet on and lost four per cent body fat and a stone in weight. The plan is high protein and low carb and I no longer suffer with bloating.”

Cecilia also shared nine other weight loss and health tips to follow as the temperature drops.

Keep up your health and fitness routine

Just because you’re on holiday that doesn’t mean you should throw away all of your healthy habits. If you usually have lemon water upon waking or religiously drink three litres of water a day, keep this up. Don’t let the festive season become your excuse.

Greens, greens, greens

Dark, leafy greens are everyone’s best friend. Luckily, whilst the festive season is filled with sugary treats, it’s also a perfect time to celebrate vegetables. Why not try and take your green beans, broccoli and kale to the next level with a festive twist.

There will be lots of opportunities to eat your greens so when you see them at an event or dinner, eat them! Try to have extra greens throughout the day by including them in your morning smoothie. Greens help to alkalize the body and will support detoxification.

Don’t go to an event starving hungry

If you have an event coming up eat something substantial before you go, especially if it’s an event that is mainly finger food and snacking. Party food is rarely food that is going to keep you full for a period of time which means we tend to keep going back for more, even when we shouldn’t! A nutritious, protein rich meal before an event will keep you satisfied so that your festive canape sampling is kept to a minimum.

Stay hydrated

Sometimes we confuse hunger for thirst so if you find yourself feeling peckish not long after a meal, have a glass of water and you’ll likely find that hunger pang is curbed. Drinking plenty of water will also help keep your skin merry and bright.

Don’t be harsh on yourself

If you over-indulge don’t hate yourself for it. It’s the festive season and it’s okay to do that every now and again, but don’t make a habit of it for every meal or you will end up feeling bloated with a lack of energy.

Get active in the morning

The morning is a great time to get active because it sets you up for the day. The festive period can be busy and there is often less time in the day and evening to fit in a workout.

Set your alarm to wake you up an hour or even half an hour earlier than you would naturally wake up and make the most of that time by going on a brisk walk, doing a 20 minutes body weight HIIT session or, if you prefer, a Vinyasa flow before your morning coffee. 20 minutes of exercise at least four times a week will stand you in good stead but if you struggle to fit that into your festive schedule remember, one or two 20-minute sessions a week is better than nothing!

Keep up your self-care and self-love routines

Maybe you love to meditate, do yoga every day or simply take 10 minutes to be with your own thoughts. Keep this up so you don’t lose yourself and so that you continue to feel amazing and grounded throughout the festive madness!

Include your children in your fitness routine

Don’t stop working out because your children are on Christmas break. Yes, it’s likely to mess with your usual routine but don’t let them become the reason you don’t stick to your fitness plan over the holidays. Instead, why not take them with you and make them a part of it!

Fail to plan; plan to fail

It’s important to set your intention, set your goals, and plan your workouts so you know when and how they will fit into your routine. Look ahead and figure out when in a day you will have a spare 20,30,40 minutes to take part in a form of exercise. Planning ahead will help you stay on track and navigate your way through the festive season.

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[]How to lose weight fast: Personal trainer reveals what to eat to beat stomach bloating NOW

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