Monday, October 29, 2018

Weight loss: Mum-of-two loses 4.5 STONE in 7.5 months by limiting THIS food every week []

Weight loss: Mum-of-two loses 4.5 STONE in 7.5 months by limiting THIS food every week []

Weight loss is something many people can struggle with, with slimmers sometimes shedding the pounds only to regain them shortly after.

But, for Nicola Stretch, a doctor’s concern about her health led to her feeling that her weight-loss journey had to be a success.

It came after a series of tragic events over recent years, including the loss of two family members within six months, saw her using food as a comfort – with Nicola eventually tipping the scales at her heaviest weight: 17 and a half stone.

The wedding cake maker said: “I’d always been on the heavier side but the sudden loss of my wonderful Auntie and amazing Grandad left me devastated.

“I couldn’t sleep at night and I turned to food for comfort.”

Realising she had to change her lifestyle, the mother-of-two found out her blood pressure was at higher than normal levels after she visited a nurse for a routine appointment back in 2016.

Having tried out different medication in order to lower her blood pressure, the results still came in at around 191/112 – much to her doctor’s concerns.

Worrying about her health saw her gain another stone, which was when Nicola weighed in at 17 and a half stone.

Nicola, now 41, explained: “My blood pressure increased and the medication didn’t seem to be working.

“On top of everything I was going through I had the worry that I was ill and couldn’t control it. I put on another stone and was the heaviest I had ever been.”

She continued: “I was absolutely horrified and hated what I saw in the mirror every day.

“I knew I had to make a change and had to lose weight for the sake of my health.”

Deciding to do something about her weight, Nicola soon noticed an article online about a slimmer who had been following the Terri Ann 123 Diet Plan.

Intrigued by the weight loss, the cake maker decided to try it out for herself – overhauling her eating habits.

The diet, created by founder Terri Ann Nunns back in 2011, is made up of three stages, which slimmers switch between on a weekly basis.

In the first stage, named the 10-day boost, users limit their intake of starchy carbohydrates, while boosting the amount of protein, vegetables and healthy fats in their diet.

Having kickstarted weight loss, fruit is reintroduced in the second stage, as well as increasing the amount of starchy carbohydrates.

In the third stage, slimmers limit starchy carbohydrates once again, but are allowed to tuck into fruit.

Nicola kept up with the plan, and after seven and a half months, she had lost an impressive four stone seven pounds.

Her dramatic weight loss even saw her shrink from a women’s UK size 20/22 to a size 14.

“It took me a couple of weeks to get my head around the plan,” she said.

“It was a complete overhaul of how, what and when I ate, so programming my brain to a new way of thinking after doing the same thing for 40 years wasn’t easy!

“However, I kept reading the book and got support from the advisers to create a plan for my first ten days. I made sure I was really organised with my food shopping and didn’t leave anything to chance, making it easier to follow the plan and stick to it.”

As well as having lost weight, Nicola also said her blood pressure has gone down “considerably”, adding: “My medication has been reduced and I’m now in a position where I could come off medication completely in the near future.”

Elsewhere, nutritionist Rick Hay has advised that eating grapefruit or lemon in warm water before breakfast could promote weight loss.

Speaking to Marie Claire about ways to kickstart fat burning, he said: “Grapefruit or lemon in warm water is good before breakfast to help cleanse and kick-start the lymphatic system.”

For more information about the Terri Ann 123 Diet Plan, go to:

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: Mum-of-two loses 4.5 STONE in 7.5 months by limiting THIS food every week

[]Weight loss: Mum-of-two loses 4.5 STONE in 7.5 months by limiting THIS food every week

1 comment:

  1. Regular diet plan is best way to loss our weight, if we maintain breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and use Herbal Dietary Weight Loss Products then we get fast result.
