Thursday, September 28, 2017

Glucose energy drinks and gels could be making you FAT no matter how much exercise you do []

Glucose energy drinks and gels could be making you FAT no matter how much exercise you do []

Speaking exclusively to, Jackie Lynch revealed the drinks people consume to give them a boost pre-workout could actually be doing more harm than good.

She said: “Energy products can be relevant if you’re exercising for hours at a time at an extremely intense level, which may be the case if you’re training for a marathon or a triathlon.

“You really don’t need them if you’re working out for about an hour a few times a week.

“Gels and sports drinks are full of sugar with good reason, as they can be very helpful for endurance athletes who need that level of glucose to sustain energy levels and support muscle action.

“However not so good if your weekly workout is simply designed to keep you in good shape, as excess sugar will go straight to your waistline, defeating the purpose of all that effort.

“At best you’ll just burn off what you ingest, which leaves you exactly where you started before the workout.”

Energy drinks are not the only sports supplement that have become wildly popular in recent years – protein shakes are now a multimillion pound industry in the UK.

Mintel research found that a quarter of Brits consume sports nutrition products, with this figure rising to 42 per cent for men aged 16-24.

But these are also best avoided according to Jackie, who said: “It’s common knowledge that protein plays an important role in muscle building, repair and recovery, so you might think that taking a protein powder after your workout is essential to support your resistance training.

“In fact that’s probably not the case, unless you’re a bodybuilder or you’re undertaking some form of endurance training.

“Commercial protein powders usually contain leucine, valine and isoleucine which are branched chain amino acids that play a key role in supporting muscle and tissue repair, muscle metabolism and energy production.

“All of these are found in food, such as meat, fish, eggs or quinoa, so for the average gym goer, a balanced diet with optimal levels of protein with every meal and snack is all that’s required.

“If you’re not sure how much protein you should be eating to support a muscle-building diet, a meal preparation and portion control kitchen tool such as brand new Mealkitt ( will help you manage your protein portions correctly.” Getting a balanced diet also means that taking multivitamins and supplements are a waste of time, one TV programme has found.

As well as drinking gut-busting drinks and unnecessary protein shakes, gym-goers could be sabotaging all of their hard work by eating too many treats.

Jackie explained: “Do you feel that you always deserve a treat after you exercise? You may not be burning as many calories as you think during your workout – for an individual weighing 73kg an hour’s resistance training burns 365 calories, an hour’s power yoga burns 292 calories, an hour’s moderate swimming burns 423 calories and an hour’s running at 5mph burns 606 calories.

“When you offset that against a couple of pints of lager (512 cals), 50g of milk chocolate (265 cals) or one slice of deep-pan pepperoni pizza (306), you’ll see why your workout isn’t making much impact on your waistline.”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Glucose energy drinks and gels could be making you FAT no matter how much exercise you do

[]Glucose energy drinks and gels could be making you FAT no matter how much exercise you do


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