Friday, September 29, 2017

Weight loss – dad lost eight stone drinking THIS bodily fluid twice-daily for six years []

Weight loss – dad lost eight stone drinking THIS bodily fluid twice-daily for six years []

Father-of-two Dave Murphy swigs a glass of his own urine first thing in the morning, before bathing in it.

For the last six years, Dave, 54 from Basildon, Essex has been drinking his own wee. 

The former computer-programmer says that his urine is the elixir responsible for his astonishing eight stone weight loss, youthful looks and tip-top health.

Dave went from 20 stone to 12 stone after drinking his own wee.

He now believes that what he calls “urine therapy” – drinking your own waste – could be a means of solving the world hunger and slashing people’s grocery bills.

Dave survives on two glasses of urine and one grapefruit a day – but will have a treat in the shape of chips from the chip shop two to three times a week.

Dave also uses his urine to moisturize his face and wash in. He maintains that wee is the ultimate anti-aging product.

He said: “My lines and wrinkles have disappeared since I began using my wee as a moisturizer.”

Dave – who has a 25 year-old daughter and 21 year-old son – explains: “After drinking my urine, I feel healthier and fitter than I’ve ever done before and I’ve lost eight stone in weight.  

“Additionally, I don’t need much money to survive anymore. Because of all the wee I drink, I don’t need to eat very much food at all.  

“As humans, we don’t actually have to consume that much. Urine can help us reduce what we need to eat – as it contains everything humans require.

“Most people think your wee is a waste product but it’s not. It’s actually cleaner than water.”

Dave even suggests using wee to relieve pain as an eye wash. 

He began his unique practice in May 2011 after he hesitantly attended a talk about urine therapy.

At the time, Dave was clinically overweight at a whopping 20-stone and he suffered from poor health, including life-long asthma. 

The very next day, he began drinking a glass of his own urine twice-daily. Despite his open-minded attitude now, he admits he was initially apprehensive about consuming his own wee. 

Dave says: “Initially, I was a bit cowardly and squeamish about drinking my own urine.

“Within a matter of minutes of consuming my first glass of pee though, I felt the benefits. I had lots of energy and my bowel movements improved.

“During the course of the following year, my weight began to drop off.

“Through drinking my urine, I haven’t been sick or gone to a doctor in six years. The advantages are huge – I have even got my mum into drinking it now!” he said.


Breakfast: Ham, egg and swiss on a bagel and a caramel frappucino

Lunch: Business lunch out e.g. sushi

Dinner: Eating out at restaurants e.g. pasta, meat and rice

Snacks: Chocolate 


Breakfast: Glass of urine followed by a bath in his own urine

Lunch: Grapefruit

Dinner: Glass of urine

Treat: Chips from the chippy two to three times per week

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[]Weight loss – dad lost eight stone drinking THIS bodily fluid twice-daily for six years

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