Friday, September 29, 2017

Your weight loss diet plan needs these snacks that SUPPRESS your appetite []

Your weight loss diet plan needs these snacks that SUPPRESS your appetite []

It can be very tempting to reach for an unhealthy snack when dieting hunger gets the best of those watching their weight.

However, there are a number of snacks that actually suppress the appetite for longer – keeping the cravings at bay.

From sweet treats to savoury snacks, these are a number of food items that dieters need not feel guilty for indulging in.


Popcorn with parmesan cheese on it is one option.

Although it’s associated with stuffing your face at the cinema, popcorn is actually a healthy snack.

The small snack contains a lot of whole grains, which have lots of fibre in – as well as other healthy benefits.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found popcorn eaters eat 250 per cent more whole grains than the average person.

The Nutrition Journal also found that popcorn, although similar to crisps, actually fills up dieters more than a bag of crisps with less calories. 

However, Men’s Health recommended that you use parmesan cheese instead of butter and salt to get a savoury kick.

Avocado on crackers

Avocado on fibre crackers can also help to fill up those who are hoping to knock the pounds off.

Avocado reduces hunger in the afternoon by 40 per cent according to the Nutrition Journal.

Fibre crackers like rye bread reduces the amount of calories eaten at the next meal by eight per cent.

Eggs for breakfast

Eating more lean protein can also help curb hunger substantially in editors

A study by researchers at Pennington Biomedical Research Centre has shown that overweight women who ate two eggs for breakfast five days a week lost 65 per cent more than women who ate a bagel.

Harry Styles’ rumoured girlfriend began the ’naked’ diet, but what is it? 

Tess Ward, 27, is a chef who has become famous on Instagram in 2017 for her ‘naked’ diet, as well has her good looks.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Your weight loss diet plan needs these snacks that SUPPRESS your appetite

[]Your weight loss diet plan needs these snacks that SUPPRESS your appetite

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