Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weight loss: Former party animal got RIPPED in just 15 weeks with THIS fitness plan [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Weight loss: Former party animal got RIPPED in just 15 weeks with THIS fitness plan [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Jay Pattinson, 23, starts his gruelling regime at 5am every morning and says it took 15 weeks to go from slim to shredded for his latest bodybuilding competition.

Describing his routine, he said: “I spend at least five hours training every day and skipped my birthday and Easter to stick to a strict, high protein diet.

“It’s hard work – and when I push myself I still wonder if I’m doing enough, and push myself even harder.”

The taxi driver from Walton, Liverpool, says he will continue to pile on the pressure for a sport that’s saved him from suicide.

Bad choices left Jay in the depths of depression and just two years ago he couldn’t see the point of carrying on.

He said: “I considered suicide plenty of times. I thought everyone was against me and ending stuff would be the best option.

“But the gym kept my brain and body active and stopped me from doing something silly. Without it I would have been lost.”

A former car mechanic, Jay loved the ‘party lifestyle’ but admits it got him in with the wrong crowd and he started taking and selling drugs.

He recalled: “I made a few foolish decisions when I was younger,” says Jay, who has ADHD, “and I got myself into trouble.

“The worst was in July 2015 when I went to the Tomorrowland music festival in Belgium and got arrested for drug possession. I ended up in jail in Antwerp for 17 days and it was hell on earth.

“Hardly anyone spoke English and I was surrounded by some intimidating characters. I kept myself to myself but I was frightened. I was told I would be spending the next two years in a jail cell and that was scary.

“My girlfriend had asked me not to go as it meant being away for her 18th birthday and, as it was, I ended up phoning her to wish her a happy birthday from jail and just bursting into tears. I was lucky because, as I had no previous criminal record, they spared me.”

The ordeal caused Jay to take stock of his life and sent him spiralling into depression: “I realised what I’d put my family and my girlfriend through because of my selfishness and stupidity. I suffered badly because of depression but then I realised I needed to do something to help myself get out of it and took up yoga.

“I put myself on the taxis last year and threw myself into fitness training, which is something I have always been good at, before deciding to have a go at competition. After six months I entered the UK Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation Championships and came 2nd out of 38 people. I didn’t place in my last competition at the weekend but I’m giving myself a couple of weeks off before getting back to training hard to hopefully compete at British level.

“My goal is to take part in the UKBFF British National Championships in October.”

To get him there Jay, who trains at Total Fitness in Aintree and six weeks ago started at a personal trainer at Tierpro in Crosby, will resume his punishing schedule.

He gets up at 5am so he can be in the gym for 6am for an hour of Abs circuit and cardio. Between 7-9am he gets in his taxi for work before breaking to eat (“an omelette, protein and fat”). He works as a personal trainer from about 10am to 1pm, then does his own weight-training until 4pm. Jay’s intense routine has got him a fantastic body – but if you want to get rid of moobs, you don’t need to go quite so far.

Jay is back on the taxis till 7pm and then does an hour’s cardio between about 7.30-8.30pm, with a long walk or hi-intensity sprints.
He described his day, and said: “I eat between four or five meals, or seven small ones, every two-three hours. Every Monday or Tuesday I spend about three hours preparing all my meals, cooking about 5kg of sweet potato, 3kg of chicken and 2-3kg of turkey mince. It makes about 30 meals for the week.

“To that I add omelettes or simple steak and fish which only takes 15 minutes to cook, and plenty of greens.

“It’s all entirely different to how I used to be and it’s totally transformed my lifestyle and my life.

“Mentally I am so much more positive and physically I’m in much better shape. Everyone says how well I’ve done, I just ask whether it’s good enough. I want to work harder – that’s the athlete in me.

“It takes a lot of effort, 15 weeks non-stop to get ready for competition, but I am pleased with the transformation

“I’m going to relax a bit now – I’ve spent the last few days celebrating my birthday which was April 27 and eating all the chocolate eggs I’d saved from Easter. Then it will be back to work, putting even more pressure on myself, but every bit of it worth it.

“It feels so much better to be where I am now than where I was, and I don’t intend to go back there.”

If you have been affected by suicide or depression, for confidential support call the Samaritans in the UK on 116 123 or visit a local Samaritans branch

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http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/diets/800154/weight-loss-jay-pattinson Weight loss: Former party animal got RIPPED in just 15 weeks with THIS fitness plan

[bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]Weight loss: Former party animal got RIPPED in just 15 weeks with THIS fitness plan

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