Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Weight loss: Diet plan woman used to lose SEVEN stone without exercise REVEALED [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Weight loss: Diet plan woman used to lose SEVEN stone without exercise REVEALED [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Posting to Reddit, user ‘honeybeeses’ revealed she shed 100lbs which is seven stone and one pound.

Obviously excited with her progress, she wrote: “Last Friday I finally hit 100lbs down! Hitting 100lbs down was really emotional for me… when I saw 179something on the scale I did NOT expect to cry.

“I’ve been doing this thing for a long time. I’ve fallen off the wagon a lot, but I’ve got back on it a lot. I’m the furthest I’ve ever been – in the past I’ve never made it under 200lbs.”

Explaining her continued motivation, she said: “I’m 30 next year and I promised myself that I would be the fittest I have ever been in my life by that time.

“I relate to so many people here when they say they have always been the fat kid… I’m that kid too. I’m still a long way from where I want to be, and progress is slowing down now.”

She then revealed how she lost so much weight, and she followed a surprisingly simple method.

Honeybeeses said: “In terms of how I’ve done it, I’ve just trucked on with plain old CICO. I eat 1300-1500 cals a day.

“It’s taken about three years off and on to reach this point, although this year I have stayed on track and lost ~45lbs since new year.”

As someone who works shifts, honeybeeses admitted she struggled with eating at odd times of day.

She said: “Shifts are TERRIBLE. I used to work 12 hour shifts and actually I found these the easiest shifts to lose weight on… provided I got my breaks. I now work 8 hour shifts and also 10 hour night shifts for a month or so at a time.

“Late to early kills me. I experience a lot more physical discomfort than I used to… For some reason when I eat my evening meal on a late, the next day on an early shift I feel bloated as hell and now get heartburn! Nights are the worst… Pretty much these symptoms x10 in intensity.

“Even after an early/late I still feel like I could come home and destroy the cupboards despite eating my calories for the day. These are flash points for me and I just have to distract myself with other things.

“I always leave calories every night for a 100 calorie chocolate bar and a cup of decaf tea. Doing that gets me through the day and it helps me say no to all the sweets that are normally in the ward.”

One commenter asked her about loose skin after such massive weight loss, and she responded: “I have lose skin on my stomach and my arms. I also still have quite a lot of fat left in these areas because I have about another 40lbs to go.

“When I’m done I would absolutely consider surgery to remove skin and most likely lift my breasts too. I am not well off by any means, but I’ve thought about it a lot and to me it would be worth it.”

If you are trying to lose weight, eating one particular type of food will help you shift the pounds fast.

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http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/diets/874236/weight-loss-calories-CICO-diet Weight loss: Diet plan woman used to lose SEVEN stone without exercise REVEALED

[bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]Weight loss: Diet plan woman used to lose SEVEN stone without exercise REVEALED

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