Sunday, February 25, 2018

Best Night Sky Events of February 2018 (Stargazing Maps) []

Best Night Sky Events of February 2018 (Stargazing Maps) []

See what’s up in the night sky for January 2018, including stargazing events and the moon’s phases, in this gallery courtesy of Starry Night Software.

Shown here: On Thursday, February 1, the waning gibbous moon will occult the bright star Regulus for skywatchers in Scandinavia, northern Greenland, Svalbard, northern and eastern Russia, northeastern China, NW Alaska, and most of Japan (inset). When the moon rises in early evening in the Americas, it will already have shifted along its orbit (green line) to a position about 5 degrees below the star.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Best Night Sky Events of February 2018 (Stargazing Maps)

[]Best Night Sky Events of February 2018 (Stargazing Maps)

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