Wednesday, February 21, 2018

What is the CSIRO Australian low carb diet plan? Recipes promise weight loss []

What is the CSIRO Australian low carb diet plan? Recipes promise weight loss []

The Australian low carb diet plan created by CSIRO (The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) is said to help with weight loss and even prevent type 2 diabetes.

What is the low carb diet plan and how does it work?

Researchers at CSIRO have claimed that eating low carb helps keep weight loss and manage type 3 diabetes or prevent it from developing. 

The diet allows for healthy fat and protein while cutting out refined carbs such as pasta, bread and potatoes.

CSIRO said: “Our researchers have discovered a clear link between a low carbohydrate diet and diabetes management.

“Researchers believe that if people incorporate more healthy fats and lean protein into their diet, while reducing the intake of carbohydrates, they could significantly improve their health and well-being.

“For the millions of Australians who are overweight and/or have type 2 diabetes or are at risk of developing it, this research could make a real difference to the diet and lifestyle decisions they make.

“Our researchers wanted to be able to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the science and benefits behind the low carbohydrate diet so they developed the CSIRO Low-Carb Diet book.”

Other low carb diet plans that have proven popular over the years are the Atkins diet and the Keto diet.  

Both encourage keeping carbs low, in a bit to reduce insulin production – supposedly good for weight loss and managing diabetes.

Low carb diets are thought to result in fast weight loss – but there have some criticisms. 

One issue can be a lack of fibre in the system, leading to constipation. 

Another diet which has been trending recently is the Longevity Diet. 

The author, Dr. Valter Longo claims that by eating certain foods you can be slim and live longer.

He claims the diet is clinically tested to help you lose weight, slow-down ageing and fight disease.

The back cover of the tome states: “Can what you eat determine how long, and how well, you live? The clinically proven answer is yes, and The Longevity Diet is easier to follow than you’d think.”

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[]What is the CSIRO Australian low carb diet plan? Recipes promise weight loss

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