Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Best time to weigh yourself? Boost weight loss by checking the scales at this time []

Best time to weigh yourself? Boost weight loss by checking the scales at this time []

Weight loss is a common endeavour at this time of year, and shrinking the numbers on the scales is usually a key part of this.

It is important to make sure you are within the healthy weight range for your body type recommended by doctors – but are you checking your weight too much, or too little?

When is the best time to weigh yourself? 

While being conscious of your weight is not in and of itself a bad thing, checking your weight every day could actually be setting you back.

Not achieving your weight loss goals on a daily basis could cause negative emotions towards the process, or cause you to give up entirely.

My Fitness Pal said: “If the daily weigh-ins powerfully affect your mood and behaviour, then you might want to reconsider how often you weigh yourself. 

“The number on the scale should not have the power to dictate your mood, the events of the day or your overall quality of life – it’s just a number.”

Weekly weigh-ins can be better, as you don’t focus on small fluctuations in your weight, which could be caused by many factors.

My Fitness Pal added: “For best results, pick a consistent day each week, and weigh yourself in the morning. Look for trends, but don’t get caught up in the minutiae.

This can be a good tool to help you feel accountable without making you ride the daily emotional roller coaster that is (or can be) the scale.”

It is important for dieters to weigh themselves under the same conditions to get an accurate reading.

Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, spokesman for the American Dietetic Association told WebMD dieters should follow the 4 S’s of weighing in.

These are doing it at the same time of day, on the same day each week, wearing the same clothing and using the same scale.

The Australian low carb diet plan has been devised by CSIRO (The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation). 

Researchers at CSIRO have claimed that eating low carb helps keep weight loss and manage type 3 diabetes or prevent it from developing. 

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[]Best time to weigh yourself? Boost weight loss by checking the scales at this time

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