Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Weight loss: Add THIS food to your diet plan to get lean fast in time for summer [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Weight loss: Add THIS food to your diet plan to get lean fast in time for summer [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Weight loss diets are tricky, and most involve forgoing food.

But, adding one supplement to your food regimen can help women in particular to get lean fast in time for summer.

Much has been written about the benefits of eating more protein in your diet when it comes to weight loss.

Now scientists have published a link between weight loss and one particular type of protein.

The study found that whey protein could lead to an increase in lean mass or muscle mass.

Whey is a liquid created from milk during the cheese making process.

It is particularly high in the nutrient, which is credited for muscle growth in the body.

Protein has already been pointed to by scientists as a key factor in weight loss.

Plant protein especially has been credited to helping dieters to shed weight. 

A scientist who led the study, Robert Bergia, a Purdue graduate research assistant, said: “Although more research is needed to specifically assess the effects of varying states of energy sufficiency and exercise training, the overall findings support that consuming whey protein supplements may aid women seeking to modestly improve body composition, especially when they are reducing energy intake to lose body weight.”

So adding whey protein to your calories restricted diet could help you lose extra pounds before your holiday.

Experts drew they conclusion from 13 suitable studies that all tested for body mass changes after taking whey protein supplements for a minimum of six weeks.

How to lose weight without getting hungry is another bug bear of dieters.

Again, according to experts protein can solve the problem.

Protein is said to help keep you fuller for longer.

And there are other weight loss foods that can help you look slimmer for summer. 

Carbs, high-fat foods, meats and dairy are now all on the agenda for reducing belly fat and losing weight fast.

Despite being packed with calories, high-fat foods such as avocados, salmon, olive oil and nuts are actually loaded with fats that boost weight loss and reduce belly fat.

A woman recently lost 10 stone with one easy diet trick. 

She explained that she had “always been a big girl” but gained a lot of weight after living a sedentary lifestyle.

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https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/diets/966471/weight-loss-diet-plan-protein-whey-news-latest-lose-fat-how-to-fast Weight loss: Add THIS food to your diet plan to get lean fast in time for summer

[bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]Weight loss: Add THIS food to your diet plan to get lean fast in time for summer

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