Monday, May 28, 2018

Weight loss: Woman lost a whopping 10 stone by doing THIS easy diet trick on her phone []

Weight loss: Woman lost a whopping 10 stone by doing THIS easy diet trick on her phone []

Weight loss is something many of us would like to achieve, and many do this through counting calories.

One woman lost weight through doing just this, and her incredible transformation included losing 10 stone.

Posting before and after pictures on image sharing site Imgur, user galaticclass explained how she did it.

She explained that she had “always been a big girl” but gained a lot of weight after living a sedentary lifestyle.

“I have always been a big girl – been off and on for a while. But i gained a lot. I didn’t do anything – slept all day, ate all day, etc.”

Tackling her weight loss, she downloaded a calorie counting app on her phone and began exercising.

“I started by downloading a calorie counter app on my iPod and using it every day. Then I started riding my bike every day (about 5 miles a day).

“It was just enough for me to lose my first 50 lbs,” she added.

The woman then had to up her exercise routine in order to drop more of the weight.

“After that I lost weight very slowly. I stopped exercising, but kept the calorie counting app and did wii fit (when that was a thing).

“Once I got to college (and the college parties) I never felt confident when I went out. So I went to work once again.

“This time with Weight Watchers and a more vigorous workout schedule (about 30 minutes to two hours a day, five days a week, depending on what I felt like.”

However, she also said that she never went on a “strict diet” while she was losing the weight.

“The key was I never went on a strict diet or pushed myself over the edge.

“I allowed eating less and exercising to become a habit before pushing myself harder.

“I didn’t want to end up rebelling, getting fed up and eating everything in sight and giving up completely.”

Last month, one woman had a weight loss of over six stone by taking up weight lifting.

She said: “More exercise and more nutritional knowledge was what helped me most.

“Incorporating more lifting and less cardio helped with fat loss.”

She also revealed that she had looked at her “macros” – which means she monitored her levels of food groups such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

“Macros also helped with nutrition-didn’t have to “diet” anymore.”

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[]Weight loss: Woman lost a whopping 10 stone by doing THIS easy diet trick on her phone

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