Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Weight loss: The foods that will reduce belly fat and help you lose weight FAST [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Weight loss: The foods that will reduce belly fat and help you lose weight FAST [bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]

Vicerol fat, or belly fat, is one of the most stubborn forms of fat on the body, and even with exercise and a calorie-controlled diet, it can sometimes seem impossible to shift.

With summer almost here many Britons will be looking for a quick weight-loss solution, and that doesn’t mean hours of slogging away in the gym.

Many everyday foods are packed with weight-loss potential, with some using more calories to digest than they contain alone.

While some foods such as green, leafy vegetables and fruit are already a firm favourite with dieters, some other weight-loss aiding foods will surprise even the most seasoned of dieters.

Carbs, high-fat foods, meats and dairy are now all on the agenda for reducing belly fat and losing weight fast.

Negative calorie foods

Some foods exist that actually burn more calories in the digestion process than they carry alone, decreasing your calorie intake with each bite.

Water-packed vegetables and fruits such as celery, cucumber, watermelon and lettuce are all predominantly made up of water, and all packed with fibre, antioxidants and a range of vitamins essential to wellbeing.

Along with salad-friendly veggies, grapefruit is also ideal for weight loss, containing 60 per cent water and the other 40 per cent packed with digestion boosting fibre.

A natural metabolism booster, adding a few slices each day of grapefruit into your diet can also help your body burn calories at a faster rate, helping to achieve that summer body faster.

Other negative calorie foods include cruciferous vegetables, carrots and berries. Aiding with high blood pressure, carrots are low in cholesterol and saturated fats, whereas berries are packed with antioxidants, weighing in at just 32 calories per half cup.

Learn to love fat

Despite being packed with calories, high-fat foods such as avocados, salmon, olive oil and nuts are actually loaded with fats that boost weight loss and reduce belly fat. 

Opt for coconut oil instead of vegetable or sunflower when cooking, as it contains a combination of fatty acids with powerful effects on the metabolism.

According to a study of women with large amount of belly fat by Pub Med, coconut oil can actively reduce the stubborn fat. As it’s still high in calories, make sure to swap out another cooking fat or oil for coconut oil.

Carbs aren’t all bad.

When focused on reducing belly fat and losing weight, many Britons opt for cutting out carbs. However, unprocessed ‘carbs’ can you make you feel fuller for longer, aiding in a decreased food intake.

Possibly one of the best options for a fat-burning breakfast, a half cup of oats contains 4.6 grams of resistant starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat.

Other carbs with resistant starch include brown rice and boiled potatoes. Despite gaining a bad rep with dieters the world over, potatoes when boiled and left to cool will form large amounts of resistant starch, making you feel fuller for longer and boosting weight loss.

Don’t forget meat and dairy

When it comes to losing weight, meat and dairy products are a key part of your diet. Lean, low-calorie fish such as canned tuna is popular amongst the fitness community, being high in protein and low in fat.

Dairy products are high in protein and calcium which both aid in the fat-brining process, with one of the best sources being low-calorie cottage cheese.

Another food set to burn belly fat and help you lose weight fast is natural yoghurt. Stay clear from low-fat yoghurts that are packed with sugar and instead opt for full-fat or Greek style, that will make you feel fuller for longer while being packed with calcium and protein.

On top of adding these fat-burning foods to your diet, another way to lose weight fast is by consuming apple cider vinegar. Loved by the global heath community, the natural vinegar stabilises blood sugar and aids in weight loss. 

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https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/diets/966061/weight-loss-belly-fat-best-foods Weight loss: The foods that will reduce belly fat and help you lose weight FAST

[bestandroiddoubledinheadunit950.blogspot.com]Weight loss: The foods that will reduce belly fat and help you lose weight FAST

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