Thursday, May 31, 2018

Weight loss diet secret of woman who shed six stone and SEVEN dress sizes []

Weight loss diet secret of woman who shed six stone and SEVEN dress sizes []

A woman who lost six stone and seven dress sizes has revealed how she achieved her weight loss.

Shelly Parks, 34, from Barnsley, is now a stunning body builder, but she was not always in such great shape.

She ballooned to a size 20 after undergoing two gruelling rounds of IVF.

However, now she is preparing for the finals of her first bodybuilding competition.

Failed IVF treatments and years of emotional eating led Shely to become morbidly overweight, weighing in at over 15 stone after giving birth to her son.

However, she now eats clean and works out, and feels better than ever before.

Shelly reached 20 stone eight years ago.

She turned to family sized bags of crisps and multipacks of chocolate bars for comfort after two rounds of failed IVF, and her weight steadily crept up.

She said: “I’d think nothing to polishing off an entire packet of biscuits with a mug of tea in the evenings, or a big share bag of greasy crisps.

“Meal times weren’t much better. We’d sit down to a plate piled high with sausage casserole that had been cooked from a jar, with a huge side of Yorkshire puddings.”

However, making some swaps with the help of empowered the mother to overhaul her look.

She said: “I swapped big bowls of sugary cereal and pre-packed sandwiches for eggs, chicken, sweet potatoes and veg.

“I also cut my terrible snack habit and instead started eating regular, balanced meals.

“I began ordering a range of lean meats from, as well as their healthy meal bags.”

Shelly, who is now a trim and toned size six and weighs a healthy nine stone, eats a lot of lean meat now to keep her body healthy.

She claims ordering healthy meal bags from the diet company has helped her eat well easily.

Celebrity chef Graham Elliot’s weight loss has impressed fans recently. 

Not too long ago he weighed in at a staggering 400lbs, but with this simple method he dropped 150lbs and kept it off.

Another weight loss diet helped one man to lose an amazing two stone and create some impressive abs. 

Imgur user GallopingAbs has lost an amazing 30lbs or over two stone.

Before and after images show the man having lost a considerable about of fat.

In the second mirror selfie, taken five months later, the internet user is a new man.

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[]Weight loss diet secret of woman who shed six stone and SEVEN dress sizes

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