Sunday, October 7, 2018

Weight loss: The weight-loss ‘rules’ that could be STOPPING your weight loss []

Weight loss: The weight-loss ‘rules’ that could be STOPPING your weight loss []

Weight loss is usually achieved through a careful combination of diet and exercise.

However, plenty of other ‘rules’ and tips exist to speed things up.

But many of these so-called ‘rules’ can actually be hindering weight-loss results, and even stopping weight loss altogether.

Experts at healthy food retailer, MuscleFood debunked popular weight-loss myths, from eating certain foods to speed up metabolism to drinking water.

“Low-fat” or “reduced fat” foods are always the healthiest choices

According to the experts at, if a food is labelled as “low-fat” or “reduced fat”, it should contain less fat than the full-fat version, but that doesn’t mean it’s automatically a healthy choice.

These foods have to contain no more than a specific amount of fat to legally be allowed to use that label, but some low-fat foods may actually contain higher levels of sugar, for example.

Some foods can speed up (or slow down) your metabolism

It is claimed that certain foods and drinks can increase your metabolism by helping the body to burn more calories and aid weight loss.

However, according to Muscle Food, there is actually little scientific evidence for this.

Drinking water helps you lose weight

While water is essential for good health and wellbeing, it does not directly aid weight loss.

However, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, so drinking lots of water might help you snack less as well as keeping you hydrated, assisting your weight loss this way instead.

Skipping meals will help you lose weight

Weight loss is achieved by reducing the number of calories consumed and increasing the number of calories burned.

However, skipping meals is a terrible idea, as it can result in tiredness and a lack of essential nutrients – causing more of an urge to binge or snack.

Carbs make you fat

Although it is a scientific fact that low-carb diets can help with weight loss, this does not mean that carbs cause weight gain and we should completely steer clear of the bread basket, per se.

While refined carbs are proven to be linked to weight gain, whole, single ingredient foods that are high in carbs are actually very good for you.

A detox is a good way to make a clean start

According to Muscle Food, detox diets are very similar to crash diets in that they restrict certain food groups and can sometimes deprive the body of adequate calories and nutrition for a period of time.

Contrary to popular belief, detox diets are notorious for causing weight gain as, when the body feels deprived and then foods are reintroduced, our bodies will regain more weight by preparing for another starvation or restriction.

All calories are equal

There are high-quality calories (ones that come with nutrients and fibre) and low-quality ones, which means that what you eat is just as important as how much you eat.

You can’t enjoy alcohol whilst trying to lose weight

It is a fact that boozy drinks contains hundreds of calories, so many weight loss plans recommend that people really cut back on the booze – or steer clear completely.

But whilst heavy drinking has been linked to weight gain, light and moderate drinking isn’t as often seen to have the same effect.

However, everyone reacts differently, and for some people the odd glass of wine won’t have a big effect, but for others it might.

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[]Weight loss: The weight-loss ‘rules’ that could be STOPPING your weight loss

1 comment:

  1. Drinking water is very helpful. But this is not enough so you have to take herbal weight loss supplements.
