Thursday, June 22, 2017

How to Lose Weight Well: Bridesmaid slims down to fit into dress on PEANUT BUTTER diet []

How to Lose Weight Well: Bridesmaid slims down to fit into dress on PEANUT BUTTER diet []

The weight loss programme hosted two bridesmaids who wanted to lose weight before a wedding coming up in six weeks. 

Dr Xand van Tulleken and dietician Hala El-Shafie helped Emma and Jade to shift the pounds so they could both fit into their bridesmaids dresses again. 

Jade explained how she had lost two stone but then gained it all back again and could no longer fit into her lace beige dress. 

She started off her new diet weighing in at 15s2lb, adding: “It’s the heaviest I’ve ever been.”

Her best friend Rebecca – who was the sister of the bride-to-be – weighed in at 14s10lb. 

The hosts decided to put Rebecca on the Peanut Butter Diet – a regime involving three spoonfuls of peanut butter per day to stop cravings for sugary foods like chocolate. 

Rebecca was put on a a restricted diet of 1500 calories per day, sticking to small and healthy meals. 

She said: “The small portions will take a lot of getting used to.”

Jade was put on a different regime called the Shangri-La Diet. 

While it wasn’t calorie controlled, Jade had to have a spoonful of oil an hour before each meal. The idea is to reset the palate with the bland taste of the oil, which can dull cravings. 

Dr El-Shafie explained: “There’s no calorie counting but you should find you want to eat more healthy.”

Jade struggled with the taste of the oil, trying many different types before deciding on rapeseed oil as the easiest to ingest. 

She explained: “The taste of the oil is really hard to bear. It’s not enjoyable, it stays in your mouth for a long time. It’s getting to the point where it’s so unbearable that I don’t want to have it anymore.”

But both girls stuck to their diets, apart from Rebecca’s Chinese takeaway slip up, and weighed in at the end of the six weeks. 

Rebecca managed to lose 1s4lb on the Peanut Butter Diet while Jade lost 12lb by having the oil before meals. 

Jade didn’t want to continue on with the Shangri-La Diet after the weigh in, saying: “Even thinking about it now makes me feel sick.”

But Rebecca was a fan of her diet regime, explaining: “Having the peanut butter has definitely helped me not to crave chocolates and sugary foods.”

Both of the girls tried on their dresses with just one day to go until the wedding, and they both managed to zip them up with ease. 

Toasting the bride-to-be, Jade said: “To the wedding and to weight loss.”

The fad diets may have helped the bridesmaids lose weight for their big day, but viewers weren’t so impressed with the regimes. 

Many took to Twitter to voice their concerns about the recommendation of fad diets instead of long term lifestyle changes to support weight loss. 

One woman tweeted: “Whatever happened to education. DIETS DONT WORK” while another shared: “These stupid, fad diets drive me crazy! The key to weight loss is moderate clean eating & smart EXERCISE!!”

The TV programme also explored the success of the Military Diet – a regime designed by nutritionists in the US military with involves a strict eating plan for three days of the week.

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[]How to Lose Weight Well: Bridesmaid slims down to fit into dress on PEANUT BUTTER diet

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