Saturday, September 30, 2017

See the Crab Nebula in Several Different Wavelengths | Video []

See the Crab Nebula in Several Different Wavelengths | Video []

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Imagery of the nebula from the Very Large Array, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope, the XMM-Newton Observatory, and the Chandra X-ray are showcased. The supernova remnant is 6,500 light-years from Earth. See the Crab Nebula in Several Different Wavelengths | Video

[]See the Crab Nebula in Several Different Wavelengths | Video

Buzz Aldrin to NASA: Retire the International Space Station ASAP to Reach Mars []

Space Travel Can Cut Astronauts’ Fitness Levels by 50 Percent []

Friday, September 29, 2017

Bulgarian Satellite to Launch on Reused SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket in June []

Watch ‘Spocko’ Save Chris Pine’s ‘Star Trek’ Crew in SNL Spoof []

Watch ‘Spocko’ Save Chris Pine’s ‘Star Trek’ Crew in SNL Spoof []

In a new spoof “lost” episode of “Star Trek: The Original Series,” the USS Enterprise is saved not by Kirk, Scotty or Spock, but by Spock’s half brother, who hails from Queens, New York 

The May 6 “Saturday Night Live” skit portrayed Captain James T. Kirk — played by Chris Pine, star of the last three “Star Trek” movies — sitting In the captain’s chair, dealing with the effects of a Romulan attack that damaged his ship.

“I’m not familiar with the mechanics of plasma systems,” says “SNL’s” Kyle Mooney, playing Spock, a Vulcan alien. “But I do know someone who is — my brother.” [The Evolution of ‘Star Trek’ (Infographic)]

“You have a brother?” Kirk says, doing his best William Shatner (Kirk in the original series) impression.

“A half brother,” Spock continues, saying that his relative happens to be one of Starfleet Academy’s best engineers.

Then, “Spocko” (“SNL’s” Bobby Moynihan) appears on the bridge, flashing the Vulcan “live long and prosper” signs with both hands.

“My name’s Spocko, reporting for duty over here,” the character says in an exaggerated New York accent. “I was in the wrong hallway, opened the door, and I almost got sucked into space. Now that’s a Star Trek!”

“Set your phasers to ‘Oh, snap”‘

The episode is meant as a spoof of the original “Star Trek” series’ third season, which is notorious among fans for being the worst season in the three-year run. 

As the skit continued, Kenan Thompson of “SNL,” playing science popularizer Neil deGrasse Tyson, noted that in the third season, “the quality faded quicker than the solstice moon.” As a laugh track plays, he adds, “Sorry, science makes me silly.”

The addition of Spocko, Tyson adds, came because the “actor” Sal Delabate — also a nightclub crooner — was a “big hit” on the dance charts due to his 1968 album, “Pizza Beach.”

“The producers were trying to appeal to a far-out audience,” the fake Tyson says. “So, in a ratings grab, Spocko was created.”

The “SNL” skit continues with Spocko starting to fix the plasma problem, but being distracted when Uhura (“SNL’s” Sasheer Zamata) stands up. Spocko makes a sexually suggestive remark about her bottom, adding again, “Now, that’s a ‘Star Trek’!”

“After Sal sexually harassed Uhura,” the spoof Tyson says, “producers knew the episode would never air. So they just let Delabate do what he wanted.”

The skit closes with Kirk remarking that a “strange Vulcan from Queens” saved the ship, but the important thing is his crew is safe. Delabate then suggests the crew set a course for “pizza beach,” at which point the crew breaks into a dance number.

“Yes, I know it was a disaster,” Tyson says at the end. “But it was still better than ‘Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.’ Oh, set your phasers to ‘Oh, snap!’ “

You can watch the entire skit here.

Follow Elizabeth Howell @howellspace, or @Spacedotcom. We’re also on Facebook and Google+. Original article on

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Watch 'Spocko' Save Chris Pine's 'Star Trek' Crew in SNL Spoof

[]Watch ‘Spocko’ Save Chris Pine’s ‘Star Trek’ Crew in SNL Spoof

Weight loss: Britain’s Fattest Woman lost 14 stone doing THIS after getting married []

Weight loss: Britain’s Fattest Woman lost 14 stone doing THIS after getting married []

Sharon Hill is officially Britian’s fattest woman – the super-morbidly obese Briton is sadly now housebound despite having a successful gastric sleeve operation just two years ago. 

The 35-year-old lost a whopping 14 stone after having gastric sleeve surgery, which permanently removes part of the stomach, restricting how much food a person can consume.

On her blog, Finally Finding Sharon, she wrote last September: “Thanks to four weeks on an 800 calorie pre-op diet I got down to 42 stone, the lowest weight I had been in 2 years. 

“But the years of carrying so much excess weight had already taken an irreversible toll on my joints and muscles.

“For the two years immediately post-op I tried my best to eat what I should, to try and keep the cravings of sugar down to a minimum and got down to a weight of around 34 stone.”

But Sharon has since piled the pounds back on and weighs a staggering 46 stone. 

Speaking as part of a documentary called Britain’s Fattest Woman, airing this month, she said: “I can’t go in the shower like other people and I miss everyday things like going supermarket shopping. 

“My body is in too much pain to do most things. Some days I hurt that much all I want to do is sit and cry.

“I used to cope by eating. I’d go home, grab loads of food, go up to my bedroom and just watch TV and eat. It was like the food was suppressing everything in me.”

A second gastric operation has been planned for Sharon. 

Thankfully the brunette has the love and support of her husband Andrew, from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, whom she met in an internet chatroom. The pair bonded eight years ago in the chatroom for ‘admirers of larger women’ and married soon after. 

They were dubbed ‘Britain’s Fattest Couple’ on their wedding day in March 2012 – weighing a combined 62st.

Speaking about his wife, Andrew said: “I love what Sharon is, I love who Sharon is.”

It was after they met that Sharon quickly gained 8st – but she revealed in an interview for the documentary that she’s always struggled with her weight. 

Sharon said: “I’ve never wanted to be thin, because I don’t know what that’s like but I want to be smaller than I am, so that I can have more of a life.”

This second documentary comes two years after initial bariatric surgery – documented by Channel 4’s Shut-Ins: Britain’s Fattest People. 

The cameras return to find Sharon has started to put the pounds back on again, despite having shed 14 stone. 

Britain’s Fattest Woman airs 18 May at 9pm on Channel 4. 

The documentary comes as it was revealed these snacks can help lose weight, according to diet food experts. 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: Britain's Fattest Woman lost 14 stone doing THIS after getting married

[]Weight loss: Britain’s Fattest Woman lost 14 stone doing THIS after getting married

Your weight loss diet plan needs these snacks that SUPPRESS your appetite []

Your weight loss diet plan needs these snacks that SUPPRESS your appetite []

It can be very tempting to reach for an unhealthy snack when dieting hunger gets the best of those watching their weight.

However, there are a number of snacks that actually suppress the appetite for longer – keeping the cravings at bay.

From sweet treats to savoury snacks, these are a number of food items that dieters need not feel guilty for indulging in.


Popcorn with parmesan cheese on it is one option.

Although it’s associated with stuffing your face at the cinema, popcorn is actually a healthy snack.

The small snack contains a lot of whole grains, which have lots of fibre in – as well as other healthy benefits.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found popcorn eaters eat 250 per cent more whole grains than the average person.

The Nutrition Journal also found that popcorn, although similar to crisps, actually fills up dieters more than a bag of crisps with less calories. 

However, Men’s Health recommended that you use parmesan cheese instead of butter and salt to get a savoury kick.

Avocado on crackers

Avocado on fibre crackers can also help to fill up those who are hoping to knock the pounds off.

Avocado reduces hunger in the afternoon by 40 per cent according to the Nutrition Journal.

Fibre crackers like rye bread reduces the amount of calories eaten at the next meal by eight per cent.

Eggs for breakfast

Eating more lean protein can also help curb hunger substantially in editors

A study by researchers at Pennington Biomedical Research Centre has shown that overweight women who ate two eggs for breakfast five days a week lost 65 per cent more than women who ate a bagel.

Harry Styles’ rumoured girlfriend began the ’naked’ diet, but what is it? 

Tess Ward, 27, is a chef who has become famous on Instagram in 2017 for her ‘naked’ diet, as well has her good looks.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Your weight loss diet plan needs these snacks that SUPPRESS your appetite

[]Your weight loss diet plan needs these snacks that SUPPRESS your appetite

See the Full ‘Flower Moon’ Rise Tonight []

Weight loss – dad lost eight stone drinking THIS bodily fluid twice-daily for six years []

Weight loss – dad lost eight stone drinking THIS bodily fluid twice-daily for six years []

Father-of-two Dave Murphy swigs a glass of his own urine first thing in the morning, before bathing in it.

For the last six years, Dave, 54 from Basildon, Essex has been drinking his own wee. 

The former computer-programmer says that his urine is the elixir responsible for his astonishing eight stone weight loss, youthful looks and tip-top health.

Dave went from 20 stone to 12 stone after drinking his own wee.

He now believes that what he calls “urine therapy” – drinking your own waste – could be a means of solving the world hunger and slashing people’s grocery bills.

Dave survives on two glasses of urine and one grapefruit a day – but will have a treat in the shape of chips from the chip shop two to three times a week.

Dave also uses his urine to moisturize his face and wash in. He maintains that wee is the ultimate anti-aging product.

He said: “My lines and wrinkles have disappeared since I began using my wee as a moisturizer.”

Dave – who has a 25 year-old daughter and 21 year-old son – explains: “After drinking my urine, I feel healthier and fitter than I’ve ever done before and I’ve lost eight stone in weight.  

“Additionally, I don’t need much money to survive anymore. Because of all the wee I drink, I don’t need to eat very much food at all.  

“As humans, we don’t actually have to consume that much. Urine can help us reduce what we need to eat – as it contains everything humans require.

“Most people think your wee is a waste product but it’s not. It’s actually cleaner than water.”

Dave even suggests using wee to relieve pain as an eye wash. 

He began his unique practice in May 2011 after he hesitantly attended a talk about urine therapy.

At the time, Dave was clinically overweight at a whopping 20-stone and he suffered from poor health, including life-long asthma. 

The very next day, he began drinking a glass of his own urine twice-daily. Despite his open-minded attitude now, he admits he was initially apprehensive about consuming his own wee. 

Dave says: “Initially, I was a bit cowardly and squeamish about drinking my own urine.

“Within a matter of minutes of consuming my first glass of pee though, I felt the benefits. I had lots of energy and my bowel movements improved.

“During the course of the following year, my weight began to drop off.

“Through drinking my urine, I haven’t been sick or gone to a doctor in six years. The advantages are huge – I have even got my mum into drinking it now!” he said.


Breakfast: Ham, egg and swiss on a bagel and a caramel frappucino

Lunch: Business lunch out e.g. sushi

Dinner: Eating out at restaurants e.g. pasta, meat and rice

Snacks: Chocolate 


Breakfast: Glass of urine followed by a bath in his own urine

Lunch: Grapefruit

Dinner: Glass of urine

Treat: Chips from the chippy two to three times per week

Harry Styles’ rumoured girlfriend Tess Ward, 27, is a chef who has become famous on Instagram in 2017 for her ‘naked’ diet, as well has her good looks. But what is it?

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss – dad lost eight stone drinking THIS bodily fluid twice-daily for six years

[]Weight loss – dad lost eight stone drinking THIS bodily fluid twice-daily for six years

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Harry Styles’ rumoured girlfriend Tess Ward promotes the ‘NAKED’ diet – but what is it? []

NASA Wants Your Code! Boost Supercomputer Software Speed and Win $55,000 []

Disputed ‘Lunar Bibles’ Land With Oklahoma Author After State Cedes Claim []

Spacewalker’s ‘Action Cam’ Captures Spectacular Views – Raw Video []

Boom! Supersonic Passenger Jet Coming by 2020 []

‘Stone Animal’ Lake Seen from Space in All Its Crimson Glory []

How a Helicopter Drone Could Fly on Mars []

Photos: NASA’s Juno Mission to Jupiter []

5000 Days in Space! ‘Astronomy Robot’ Spitzer Space Telescope Keeps Scanning | Video []

Glucose energy drinks and gels could be making you FAT no matter how much exercise you do []

Glucose energy drinks and gels could be making you FAT no matter how much exercise you do []

Speaking exclusively to, Jackie Lynch revealed the drinks people consume to give them a boost pre-workout could actually be doing more harm than good.

She said: “Energy products can be relevant if you’re exercising for hours at a time at an extremely intense level, which may be the case if you’re training for a marathon or a triathlon.

“You really don’t need them if you’re working out for about an hour a few times a week.

“Gels and sports drinks are full of sugar with good reason, as they can be very helpful for endurance athletes who need that level of glucose to sustain energy levels and support muscle action.

“However not so good if your weekly workout is simply designed to keep you in good shape, as excess sugar will go straight to your waistline, defeating the purpose of all that effort.

“At best you’ll just burn off what you ingest, which leaves you exactly where you started before the workout.”

Energy drinks are not the only sports supplement that have become wildly popular in recent years – protein shakes are now a multimillion pound industry in the UK.

Mintel research found that a quarter of Brits consume sports nutrition products, with this figure rising to 42 per cent for men aged 16-24.

But these are also best avoided according to Jackie, who said: “It’s common knowledge that protein plays an important role in muscle building, repair and recovery, so you might think that taking a protein powder after your workout is essential to support your resistance training.

“In fact that’s probably not the case, unless you’re a bodybuilder or you’re undertaking some form of endurance training.

“Commercial protein powders usually contain leucine, valine and isoleucine which are branched chain amino acids that play a key role in supporting muscle and tissue repair, muscle metabolism and energy production.

“All of these are found in food, such as meat, fish, eggs or quinoa, so for the average gym goer, a balanced diet with optimal levels of protein with every meal and snack is all that’s required.

“If you’re not sure how much protein you should be eating to support a muscle-building diet, a meal preparation and portion control kitchen tool such as brand new Mealkitt ( will help you manage your protein portions correctly.” Getting a balanced diet also means that taking multivitamins and supplements are a waste of time, one TV programme has found.

As well as drinking gut-busting drinks and unnecessary protein shakes, gym-goers could be sabotaging all of their hard work by eating too many treats.

Jackie explained: “Do you feel that you always deserve a treat after you exercise? You may not be burning as many calories as you think during your workout – for an individual weighing 73kg an hour’s resistance training burns 365 calories, an hour’s power yoga burns 292 calories, an hour’s moderate swimming burns 423 calories and an hour’s running at 5mph burns 606 calories.

“When you offset that against a couple of pints of lager (512 cals), 50g of milk chocolate (265 cals) or one slice of deep-pan pepperoni pizza (306), you’ll see why your workout isn’t making much impact on your waistline.”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Glucose energy drinks and gels could be making you FAT no matter how much exercise you do

[]Glucose energy drinks and gels could be making you FAT no matter how much exercise you do

NASA Mulls 12 Ideas for Future Solar System Mission []

Total Solar Eclipse 2017: When, Where and How to See It (Safely) []

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

25 Space Conspiracies That Won’t Die []

Air Force Space Plane Lands After 718 Days | Video []

Air Force Space Plane Lands After 718 Days | Video []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

The Orbital Test Vehicle mission 4 (OTV-4) landed in Florida on May 7, 2017. Air Force Space Plane Lands After 718 Days | Video

[]Air Force Space Plane Lands After 718 Days | Video

Groot & Rocket from ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Soar as Space Science Symbols []

Hubble Uses ‘Super Vision’ on Galaxy Cluster – STScI Astronomer Explains | Video []

Martian Year – How Long is It? NASA Explains | Video []

You Can See These Stars and Planets During the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse []

Weight loss: NHS nurse, 46, sheds half her bodyweight doing THIS after her shift []

How to See Jupiter by Day and its Moons by Night using Mobile Astronomy Apps []

Arianespace Launches for First Time Since French Guiana Protests Ended []

The Most Amazing Space Photos This Week! []

The Most Amazing Space Photos This Week! []

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See the best photos on this week, including spectacular images of SpaceX’s first national-security launch and amazing views of Mars, Saturn and distant galaxies. The Most Amazing Space Photos This Week!

[]The Most Amazing Space Photos This Week!

Doctor Aphra Gets a Unique ‘Star Wars’ Action Figure []

The US Military’s Secretive X-37B Space Plane: 6 Surprising Facts []

NASA Requests Information on Commercial Lunar Missions []

Canada Post Reveals Stamp for Canadarm Space Shuttle Robotic Arm []

Air Force’s X-37B Space Plane Lands in Florida After Record-Breaking Secret Mission []

X-37B Space Plane: US Air Force’s 4th Mystery Mission in Photos []

NASA Examines Effects of 2017 Spending Bill on Science Programs []

NASA Examines Effects of 2017 Spending Bill on Science Programs []

WASHINGTON — As members of Congress took credit for NASA funding levels in a fiscal year 2017 omnibus spending bill, the agency’s science leadership is examining how those funds will affect its programs.

The omnibus spending bill cleared the Senate on a 79–18 vote May 4, a day after the House passed the bill on a 309–118 vote. President Trump is expected to sign the bill Friday, when the continuing resolution that has been funding the government expires.

That bill includes $19.653 billion for NASA, an increase of $368 million over what the agency received in 2016 and $628 million above the original request, released in February 2016 by the Obama administration.

“The numbers that you saw for NASA in the appropriations bills that just pass the House, that was me. I made sure of that personally,” said Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) May 4 at a meeting of the Space Studies Board of the National Academies here. He is chairman of the commerce, justice and science (CJS) subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, whose funding jurisdiction includes NASA.

That bill includes $275 million for NASA to work on both the Europa Clipper and a follow-on lander mission, projects that Culberson has taken a strong personal interest in because of the potential habitability of Europa’s subsurface oceans. “We’ve got to go to the surface, as you know, to know if there’s life in that ocean,” he said.

Culberson also mentioned a provision in the report calling on NASA to include a small helicopter as a technology demonstrator on the Mars 2020 mission, provided that it does not delay the overall mission. “I had to include the helicopter because [NASA] Headquarters was resisting it,” he said, noting that flying the first heavier-than-air vehicle on Mars would also excite the public.

In his remarks at the meeting, Culberson also praised his Senate counterpart, Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), who chairs the CJS subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “Sen. Shelby has been a wonderful ally,” he said. “He’s been tremendously supportive of NASA and the sciences.”

Shelby was not the only senator thanked for the NASA funding levels in the omnibus spending bill. In comments on the Senate floor May 4, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the Senate minority leader, credited Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) for securing additional funding for NASA.

“NASA had actually been targeted for certain cuts by the Trump administration in their budget that would have nixed the program to send a mission to Europa, a moon of Jupiter,” Schumer said. “But thanks to the advocacy of Sen. Nelson, NASA will get an overall increase of $368 million in the appropriations bill, enough to fund that mission.”

Nelson, in his own statement on the Senate floor, said that the success winning funding for NASA demonstrates that the agency was nonpartisan. “The $19.65 billion appropriation for NASA, coupled with the NASA authorization bill that we already passed a month or two ago, demonstrates our firm commitment to one day putting humans on Mars and permanently expanding our civilization out into the cosmos,” he said.

That $19.65 billion for NASA includes $5.765 billion for NASA science programs, $164 million above the request and $175 million more than what the agency received in 2016.

“The omnibus bill that we’re looking at is really a positive surprise and a very good story in an overall sense,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator for science, in a May 3 presentation to the Space Studies Board. “It was a budget that went up when so many budgets had negative signs in front of them.”

That increase, however, was not evenly distributed among the four divisions with NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Planetary science was the big winner, receiving nearly $1.85 billion, an increase of $215 million over 2016 and $327 million over the original request.

“It’s really a wonderful increase,” said Jim Green, director of the planetary science division, during a panel discussion at the Space Studies Board meeting May 3. That budget, he said, ensured that the Mars 2020 mission remained on track and continued development of Europa Clipper, while also providing sufficient funding for the smaller Discovery and New Frontiers lines of planetary missions.

A loser in the budget, though, is the astrophysics program, which received $750 million, $31 million below the request. In addition, the bill directs spending levels higher than requested for some programs, including the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope. That results in an effective cut of $46–47 million for the rest of the division’s programs, said Paul Hertz, director of the astrophysics division.

That reduction, he said, is the equivalent of a 10 percent cut for those programs, which effectively becomes a 20 percent cut since the omnibus bill was not passed until seven months into the fiscal year, while the division was spending money at the anticipated higher 2017 levels. “We’ll have to figure out where to reduce our planning for FY17 so that we can meet the appropriations,” he said.

“My assessment, after looking at this, is that it’s probably not possible to solve everything within the astrophysics program itself,” Zurbuchen said. He said he would look at “a variety of options” to use money from elsewhere in the agency to mitigate the effect of that cut.

Zurbuchen added that he did not think astrophysics was specifically targeted for cuts in the appropriations process, even though the final amount was lower than both the original request and values in the House and Senate versions of a CJS spending bill developed last year. “I don’t think that there’s any intent for astrophysics to be singled out,” he said. “Sometimes small changes by well-meaning people add up.”

Earth science received $1.921 billion, $111 million less than requested but the same as fiscal year 2016. Michael Freilich, director of the Earth science division, said that “excellent performance” on some missions, which have come in under budget, should help mitigate the effect of that reduction. “The bottom line is that all of our missions are continuing, and can continue, on the schedule that we had laid out more than a year ago with the budget that we have now,” he said.

Heliophysics is in a similar state, with the $678.5 million it received $20 million less than requested, but nearly $29 million more than what it got in 2016. That funding should allow NASA to make more space weather research awards than in 2016, but not as large an increase as originally planned, said Steven Clarke, director of the heliophysics division. “Really overall, I think in heliophysics we’re okay,” he said.

With the omnibus bill for fiscal year 2017 passed, attention turns to the fiscal year 2018 budget. The White House issued a “budget blueprint” document outlining its budget proposal March 16, providing NASA with $19.1 billion. More details are expected to be released later in the month.

Culberson, in his comments to the Space Studies Board May 4, cautioned not to read too much into that budget proposal. The budget blueprint offered $1.9 billion for NASA planetary science and $1.8 billion for Earth science, but called for the cancellation of four Earth science missions and blocked funding for a Europa lander.

“The appropriations bill is it,” he said. “What matters is the appropriations bill.”

While Culberson downplayed the importance of the budget request, he did say it could be useful. He said he worked closely with Mick Mulvaney, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget and a former congressman, to ensure the budget proposal does include the higher level for planetary science and money for Europa Clipper.

“The budget is important. It’s a good starting point,” he said. “If the funding is recommended in the president’s budget, it makes my job a lot easier.”

However, he said he would push to include funding for a Europa lander in his appropriations bill and increase overall spending levels. “Let’s get to over $2 billion for planetary. It will be over $2 billion in ’18,” he said. “Let’s get NASA well north of $20 [billion], get NASA up to about $21 [billion].”

That increased planetary funding, he said, would not come at the expense of Earth science. “I was under intense pressure to cut it and just wouldn’t do it,” he said of Earth science in the 2017 bill. “We need to protect the Earth sciences with all the others.”

He warned, though, that the overall battle for funding among various government agencies would only get stronger in 2018, particularly given the administration’s interest to increase defense spending at the expense of non-defense discretionary programs. “I’m deeply concerned about the ’18 budget,” he said, arguing that “badly underfunded” defense programs deserved that increase. “It’s going to become an increasingly difficult and competitive environment for dollars.”

This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) NASA Examines Effects of 2017 Spending Bill on Science Programs

[]NASA Examines Effects of 2017 Spending Bill on Science Programs

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weight loss: Why Holly Willoughby is so secretive about her dieting tips REVEALED []

Weight loss: Why Holly Willoughby is so secretive about her dieting tips REVEALED []

This Morning star Holly Willoughby, 36, has opened up about her dieting and weight loss beliefs. 

Thousands of Brits tune into the ITV mid-morning show she hosts with Phillip Schofield every morning. 

This Morning hosts a plethora of guests including real life stories and people with real issues wanting to discuss the matter. 

Holly revealed she will never discuss her diet and weight loss tips because she has interviewed so many people affected by eating disorders. 

Speaking honestly to Prima Magazine, she explained: “I don’t want to encourage eating disorders. I try not to focus too much on my appearance. As long as I’m being healthy, that’s good enough for me.

“I’m quite active and I try not to let the way I look be the main focus because it’s not the important thing.”

“I actually avoid talking about my diet and exercise regime because I have interviewed so many people affected by eating disorders.

“I know that some people in chat rooms can really fixate on other people’s diets.”

More recently Holly spoke out about her role on Celebrity Juice and how it differs to what she does on This Morning. 

She said: “I always say, and you may disagree, that I don’t think I am any different on this than the way I am on This Morning. 

“The environment is very different, but there are moments on This Morning that have been far naughtier than anything on Celebrity Juice. 

“I get the giggles more on This Morning because you always get the giggles when you’re not allowed to. It’s like giggling in church – you’re just not allowed to do it!”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: Why Holly Willoughby is so secretive about her dieting tips REVEALED

[]Weight loss: Why Holly Willoughby is so secretive about her dieting tips REVEALED

Congress Gives Trump’s Science Budget Cuts the Cold Shoulder []

Congress Gives Trump’s Science Budget Cuts the Cold Shoulder []

Congress has put forward a proposed budget to fund the remainder of 2017, and despite the wishes of President Donald Trump, science does not seem to be on the chopping block.

President Trump had suggested draconian cuts to several science agency budgets for fiscal year 2018, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

In this newly released budget, NIH will get a $2 billion bump in funding that was promised by Congress when it passed the 21st Century Cures Act, taking its total 2017 proposed budget to $34 billion. The Food and Drug Administration’s proposed $2.8 billion budget is a modest $39 million increase over last year’s budget. NASA’s proposed budget of $19.7 billion is $368 million above the level enacted in 2016. The proposed NSF budget is essentially flat, at $7.5 billion. EPA will potentially sustain a modest cut of $81 million to its $8.06 billion budget, while the National Park Service will get an additional $81 million, for a total of $2.9 billion in funding, according to the House Appropriations Committee’s Fiscal Year 2017 Omnibus Summary.

The proposed omnibus budget does heavily cut some science programs. For instance, it slashes $808 million in funding from clean energy projects with the Department of Energy, and it cuts $90 million from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s budget, leaving it with $5.7 billion.

The current proposed budget only funds the government through the remainder of fiscal 2017; it remains to be seen whether Congress will hew more closely to Trump’s proposed budget for 2018.

Originally published on Live Science.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Congress Gives Trump's Science Budget Cuts the Cold Shoulder

[]Congress Gives Trump’s Science Budget Cuts the Cold Shoulder

US Test-Launches Another Ballistic Missile (Video, Photos) []

If Aliens Visit, Don’t Expect a Hollywood Ending, Ridley Scott Warns []

If Aliens Visit, Don’t Expect a Hollywood Ending, Ridley Scott Warns []

Film director Ridley Scott, who delights in terrifying moviegoers with his cinematic blend of horror and science fiction, suggested in a recent interview that the scary prospect of belligerent invading aliens might transcend the realm of sci-fi. According to Scott, hundreds of alien species are “out there” on distant worlds, and Earth’s inhabitants should prepare for the worst if they ever decide to visit our planet.

One scientist, though, says that Scott’s information about such hostile, and abundant, aliens is off-base and unsupported.

Scott told Agence France-Presse (AFP) about his belief in “superior beings,” while fielding questions about his latest movie, “Alien: Covenant,” opening in theaters in the U.S. on May 19. He warned that any extraterrestrial travelers who are technologically advanced enough to show up on our doorstep would likely be very intelligent and very hostile. And unlike the scenarios that dominate movies — if we go toe-to-toe with these invaders, we probably won’t be the victors, he said.

“If you are stupid enough to challenge them you will be taken out in three seconds,” Scott told AFP. [Greetings, Earthlings! 8 Ways Aliens Could Contact Us]

In the interview, Scott explained that “the experts” estimate there are “between 100 and 200 entities” on other planets, following what could be a similar evolutionary path to ours. And if they get here first, our best bet would be to “run for it,” AFP reported.

The possibility of intelligent, technologically adept alien life has intrigued science-fiction writers and readers since the French writer Voltaire published his short story “Micromégas” in 1752, describing two extraterrestrial visitors to Earth — one from the planet Saturn and one from a planet orbiting the star Sirius.

Scott has made his own contributions to the genre, most notably with his string of “Alien” movies, which imagine a highly adaptable and morphologically flexible alien species. The so-called xenomorphs breed quickly and are ruthlessly efficient at overpowering humans, either swiftly dismembering them or cultivating them as hosts for their young — luckily, in isolated locations that are far from our home planet.

But though Scott is a skilled sci-fi yarn-spinner, his assessment of real-world alien threats could use a script doctor, according to Seth Shostak, senior astronomer with the SETI Institute, a research institution dedicated to the search for communication signals produced by intelligent extraterrestrial life.

To begin with, Scott’s “expert” estimate of 100 to 200 “entities” is entirely unsubstantiated, Shostak told Live Science.

“We have absolutely no data that would tell you what that number might be,” he said.

In fact, estimates based on data about known planets and galaxies suggest that the actual number of intelligent extraterrestrial life forms could, in fact, be significantly higher. With approximately 1 trillion planets in our galaxy alone, and about 2 trillion more galaxies, that adds up to…well, it’s a lot of planets, Shostak said. [Why Do We Imagine Aliens as ‘Little Green Men’?]

To narrow the search a bit, scientists could start by just looking at the trillion planets in our own galaxy, he said. Only a fraction of those planets might be capable of supporting life — perhaps 1 in 10. And maybe only 1 in 1,000 could produce and support life more complex than bacteria, he said.

That gives us about a billion planets in our galaxy that might harbor some type of intelligent life. But over time, life on many of those planets could have already waxed and waned — self-destructed or been wiped out. Perhaps only one planet in a million of those intelligent-life-harboring worlds still support life capable of contacting humans. That adds up to about 1,000 planets that could potentially hold intelligent, extraterrestrial species, Shostak told Live Science.

However, if a planet is more than 70 light-years from Earth, it hasn’t yet received any radio signals from us. Its residents, no matter how technologically adept, wouldn’t know humans exist yet. Even if long-distance observations of Earth told them we had oxygen in our atmosphere — and thereby some form of life — they’d be very unlikely to travel all this way to look at what might amount to just a lot of bacteria, Shostak added. 

Neither would extraterrestrials be likely to invade our solar system merely to steal our resources, he said. If a civilization is advanced enough that they’ve exhausted all the resources of their entire star system — every planet, moon and asteroid — and are all out of natural materials, they’re probably at a stage where they could create what they needed from simpler materials in their own backyard, rather than traveling across the galaxy for a very limited supply, Shostak said.

It’s equally unlikely they’d be showing up because they thought humans would make an excellent addition to their diet, he said.

“To do that, they would have to know that we had something interesting within our bodies that they could metabolize, and their body chemistry would probably be very different from ours,” Shostak said.

But Scott did get one thing right: If extraterrestrials are capable of building spacecraft that can transport them to our planet, they certainly would be technologically “superior” to people, Shostak said. And if he saw a spaceship suddenly appear, Shostak admitted that he’d probably do as Scott suggested — and just “run for it.”

Original article on Live Science.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) If Aliens Visit, Don't Expect a Hollywood Ending, Ridley Scott Warns

[]If Aliens Visit, Don’t Expect a Hollywood Ending, Ridley Scott Warns

See Jupiter, Saturn and More Planets in May 2017 Skywatching | Video []

R2-D2 Gets Real: ‘Star Wars’ Droids Already Exist []

Google Launches Artist’s ‘Live’ Phone Cases Inspired by Women Astronauts []

Cosmic Tsunami! Galaxy Cluster Flyby Triggers Gravitational Disturbance | Video []

Can you be FAT and fit? Plus size trainer Louise Green claims you CAN on This Morning []

Can you be FAT and fit? Plus size trainer Louise Green claims you CAN on This Morning []

While many equate fitness with being slim, one plus-size personal trainer claims that you really can be fit and healthy while being overweight. 

Louise, who has written a book titled Big Fit Girl, believes the idea that we need to be slim to be healthy is outdated and wrong.

“When I go to my doctor everything is below average and I think this is because of the rigorous exercise I do right now. I’m 100 per cent healthy,” she told Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield on ITV’s This Morning. 

The redhead encourages women to find peace with their bodies, but can you really be healthy at a larger size?

Philip Schofield questioned the larger lady on her health.

“People say you can be fat and fit but you can’t be fat and healthy, the extra weight in your organs can’t be good,” he said.

“Isn’t the advice a bit dangerous? You’re making it so it’s okay to be fat, it’s okay to be obese.”

However, Louise hit back and said: “After 10 years working with a plus size demographic, some of which are desperate to lose weight, I see UK citizens are spending 2 million a year on the diet industry.

“Can we take the focus off the weight and try and be the best version of ourselves?”

To get healthy Louise simply advocated: “You need to eat reasonably well and get yourself into a place of success.”

However, there are a number of exercises that Louise specifically demonstrated on the ITV show.

She encouraged viewers to do bicep curls, lifting up weights in your hands to your shoulders.

She also suggested lunging and doing squats, each exercises in a set of ten with three to four sets.

“I don’t recommend rewarding with food because that can get into a slippery slope,” she added.

“It’s all about keeping health in mind.”

A girl who lost over three stone has shared her fitness journey online and revealed how she shed the weight.

Posting a picture showing her three stages of transformation to Instagram, fitness enthusiast Ella Rose wrote: “On the far right, you’ll see me at my absolute worst.

“I was overweight, binge drinking and unhappy with my life. I weighed 174 pounds.”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Can you be FAT and fit? Plus size trainer Louise Green claims you CAN on This Morning

[]Can you be FAT and fit? Plus size trainer Louise Green claims you CAN on This Morning

NASA Receives More Than $19.6 Billion in 2017 Omnibus Spending Bill []

NASA Receives More Than $19.6 Billion in 2017 Omnibus Spending Bill []

WASHINGTON — A long-overdue fiscal year 2017 spending bill unveiled early May 1 will provide NASA with $19.65 billion, more than $600 million above the original request for the agency by the previous administration.

The omnibus spending bill, released by congressional appropriators after extended negotiations, provides more money overall for the agency than earlier House and Senate bills, including significant increases for exploration programs and planetary science. It also funds programs that the Trump administration seeks to cancel or restructure in its 2018 budget proposal.

The $19.653 billion NASA receives in the bill is $628 million above the original request for the agency in the Obama administration’s final budget request in February 2016. It is $368 million above the $19.285 billion NASA received in fiscal year 2016.

The biggest winner in the spending bill is NASA’s exploration program, which gets $4.32 billion, nearly $1 billion more than the original request but similar to what the House and Senate offered in their bills last year. That total includes $2.15 billion for the Space Launch System and $1.35 billion for Orion. [NASA and Trump: The 1st 100 Day (Video)]

The report accompanying the spending bill allows NASA to use exploration funding to support technologies such as advanced proposal, asteroid deflection and grappling systems intended for use on the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM), provided they “not distract from the overarching goal of sending humans to Mars.” The Trump administration’s fiscal year 2018 budget blueprint, released March 16, announced plans to cancel ARM.

Science programs will receive $5.76 billion in the spending bill, above both the requested $5.6 billion and lower levels in the House and Senate bills. Planetary science wins a large increase, to nearly $1.85 billion, well above the 2017 request of $1.52 billion and the $1.63 billion it received in 2016. That total includes $408 million for the Mars 2020 rover mission, including language directing NASA to add a small helicopter technology demonstration to the mission as long as it does not delay the mission’s launch.

That planetary science funding also includes $275 million for Europa missions, both the Europa Clipper multiple flyby spacecraft and a proposed lander. Language in the bill requires NASA to launch Europa Clipper no later than 2022 and the lander no later than 2024, although NASA officials have recently said they don’t expect the lander mission to be ready for launch until at least 2025. The Trump administration’s 2018 budget blueprint supported Europa Clipper but included no funding for a Europa lander.

NASA’s Earth science program, the subject of potential cuts, received $1.92 billion, the same as it received in 2016 but less than the $2.03 billion sought by the Obama administration. That funding includes $90 million for Pre-Aerosol, Clouds, and Ocean Ecosystem, or PACE, mission, which the Trump administration targeted for cancellation in its 2018 budget blueprint.

NASA’s space technology program receives $686.5 million in the bill, the same as it received in 2016 but less than $826.7 million requested by the Obama administration. Of that, $130 million is set aside for the Restore-L satellite servicing project, which the Trump administration said in its 2018 budget blueprint that it seeks to restructure, calling it “duplicative.”

Space operations, which includes the International Space Station and related projects, receives $4.95 billion in the bill, the same as the Senate offered in its bill but $125 million less than requested. Commercial crew, part of space operations, will receive $1.185 billion, the same amount as requested.

The bill also provides $100 million for NASA’s Office of Education, the same as the original request. The Trump administration, in its 2018 budget blueprint, seeks to close the office and focus NASA’s educational activities through programs in the science mission directorate.

The full omnibus appropriations bill, which funds other federal government agencies besides NASA, was released exactly seven months into the 2017 fiscal year. Those agencies had been operating under continuing resolutions (CRs) that funded programs at 2016 levels. The latest CR, passed April 28, provided a one-week extension until May 5 to give appropriators time to finalize the omnibus bill.

Account FY16 Omnibus FY17 Request FY17 Omnibus
SCIENCE $5,589.4 $5,600.5 $5,764.9
– Earth Science $1,921.0 $2,032.2 $1,921.0
– Planetary Science $1,631.0 $1,518.7 $1,846.0
– Astrophysics $730.6 $781.5 $750.0
– JWST $620.0 $569.4 $569.4
– Heliophysics $649.8 $698.7 $678.5
SPACE TECHNOLOGY $686.5 $826.7 $686.5
AERONAUTICS $640.0 $790.4 $660.0
EXPLORATION $4,030.0 $3,336.9 $4,324.0
– SLS $2,000.0 $1,310.3 $2,150.0
– Orion $1,270.0 $1,119.8 $1,350.0
– Ground Systems $410.0 $429.4 $429.0
– Exploration R&D $350.0 $477.3 $395.0
SPACE OPERATIONS $5,029.2 $5,075.8 $4,950.7
EDUCATION $115.0 $100.1 $100.0
SAFETY, SECURITY, AND MISSION SERVICES $2,768.6 $2,836.8 $2,768.6
CONSTRUCTION $388.9 $419.8 $360.7
INSPECTOR GENERAL $37.4 $38.1 $37.9
TOTAL $19,285.0 $19,025.1 $19,653.3

This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) NASA Receives More Than $19.6 Billion in 2017 Omnibus Spending Bill

[]NASA Receives More Than $19.6 Billion in 2017 Omnibus Spending Bill

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Weight loss – Girls shares three stone transformation after trying THIS body plan []

Weight loss – Girls shares three stone transformation after trying THIS body plan []

Posting a picture showing her three stages of transformation to Instagram, fitness enthusiast Ella Rose wrote: “On the far right, you’ll see me at my absolute worst.

“I was overweight, binge drinking and unhappy with my life. I weighed 174 pounds.”

Ella then explained how she started to lose the weight, and said: “In the middle you’ll see about three months after I learned how to count my calories.

“This was actually my before weight lifting photo and I weighed 149 pounds. I couldn’t believe what those 25 pounds did for me, if only I knew just how good I’d feel in another 30!”

To lose the final 30 pounds, Ella took up weight lifting to add to her calorie counting regime.

Explaining the final picture, Ella wrote: “The photo on the left was taken yesterday morning! I weigh 120 pounds now and am an avid weight lifter.

“If only my 174 pounds self knew what I would become!”

Ella has thousands of followers on Instagram, and she often posts pictures of herself doing complicated yoga moves too.

Ella uploaded her before and after pictures to Imgur and her post has had over one million views.

Commenters were impressed with her transformation, and one wrote: “You look awesome! Following your personal account and food diary Instagram! Your very aspiring! Keep up the awesome work!”

Another said: “Saw your post on Reddit. Bf keeps telling me to lose weight and showed me the photos. Im similar to your before. Good job!” (sic)

Ella shared her weight loss story at the same time it was revealed there could be one miracle ingredient for shedding the pounds.

There are many products which claim to be quick fixes when it comes to weight loss. 

Diet pills, fads and unrealistic fitness trends can suck you in only to fall flat in delivering on their one promise. 

But scientists have been investigating the effects of apple cider vinegar on weight loss in recent years and there has been consistently encouraging evidence of its beneficial effect on the body. 

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made from crushed apples combined with yeast and bacteria for fermentation.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss – Girls shares three stone transformation after trying THIS body plan

[]Weight loss – Girls shares three stone transformation after trying THIS body plan

Small Magellanic Cloud Seen in ‘Remarkable Detail’ | Video []

Paging Star-Lord! Hubble Spies Hundreds of Galaxies That Need Guarding []

Weight loss: Former party animal got RIPPED in just 15 weeks with THIS fitness plan []

Weight loss: Former party animal got RIPPED in just 15 weeks with THIS fitness plan []

Jay Pattinson, 23, starts his gruelling regime at 5am every morning and says it took 15 weeks to go from slim to shredded for his latest bodybuilding competition.

Describing his routine, he said: “I spend at least five hours training every day and skipped my birthday and Easter to stick to a strict, high protein diet.

“It’s hard work – and when I push myself I still wonder if I’m doing enough, and push myself even harder.”

The taxi driver from Walton, Liverpool, says he will continue to pile on the pressure for a sport that’s saved him from suicide.

Bad choices left Jay in the depths of depression and just two years ago he couldn’t see the point of carrying on.

He said: “I considered suicide plenty of times. I thought everyone was against me and ending stuff would be the best option.

“But the gym kept my brain and body active and stopped me from doing something silly. Without it I would have been lost.”

A former car mechanic, Jay loved the ‘party lifestyle’ but admits it got him in with the wrong crowd and he started taking and selling drugs.

He recalled: “I made a few foolish decisions when I was younger,” says Jay, who has ADHD, “and I got myself into trouble.

“The worst was in July 2015 when I went to the Tomorrowland music festival in Belgium and got arrested for drug possession. I ended up in jail in Antwerp for 17 days and it was hell on earth.

“Hardly anyone spoke English and I was surrounded by some intimidating characters. I kept myself to myself but I was frightened. I was told I would be spending the next two years in a jail cell and that was scary.

“My girlfriend had asked me not to go as it meant being away for her 18th birthday and, as it was, I ended up phoning her to wish her a happy birthday from jail and just bursting into tears. I was lucky because, as I had no previous criminal record, they spared me.”

The ordeal caused Jay to take stock of his life and sent him spiralling into depression: “I realised what I’d put my family and my girlfriend through because of my selfishness and stupidity. I suffered badly because of depression but then I realised I needed to do something to help myself get out of it and took up yoga.

“I put myself on the taxis last year and threw myself into fitness training, which is something I have always been good at, before deciding to have a go at competition. After six months I entered the UK Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation Championships and came 2nd out of 38 people. I didn’t place in my last competition at the weekend but I’m giving myself a couple of weeks off before getting back to training hard to hopefully compete at British level.

“My goal is to take part in the UKBFF British National Championships in October.”

To get him there Jay, who trains at Total Fitness in Aintree and six weeks ago started at a personal trainer at Tierpro in Crosby, will resume his punishing schedule.

He gets up at 5am so he can be in the gym for 6am for an hour of Abs circuit and cardio. Between 7-9am he gets in his taxi for work before breaking to eat (“an omelette, protein and fat”). He works as a personal trainer from about 10am to 1pm, then does his own weight-training until 4pm. Jay’s intense routine has got him a fantastic body – but if you want to get rid of moobs, you don’t need to go quite so far.

Jay is back on the taxis till 7pm and then does an hour’s cardio between about 7.30-8.30pm, with a long walk or hi-intensity sprints.
He described his day, and said: “I eat between four or five meals, or seven small ones, every two-three hours. Every Monday or Tuesday I spend about three hours preparing all my meals, cooking about 5kg of sweet potato, 3kg of chicken and 2-3kg of turkey mince. It makes about 30 meals for the week.

“To that I add omelettes or simple steak and fish which only takes 15 minutes to cook, and plenty of greens.

“It’s all entirely different to how I used to be and it’s totally transformed my lifestyle and my life.

“Mentally I am so much more positive and physically I’m in much better shape. Everyone says how well I’ve done, I just ask whether it’s good enough. I want to work harder – that’s the athlete in me.

“It takes a lot of effort, 15 weeks non-stop to get ready for competition, but I am pleased with the transformation

“I’m going to relax a bit now – I’ve spent the last few days celebrating my birthday which was April 27 and eating all the chocolate eggs I’d saved from Easter. Then it will be back to work, putting even more pressure on myself, but every bit of it worth it.

“It feels so much better to be where I am now than where I was, and I don’t intend to go back there.”

If you have been affected by suicide or depression, for confidential support call the Samaritans in the UK on 116 123 or visit a local Samaritans branch

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: Former party animal got RIPPED in just 15 weeks with THIS fitness plan

[]Weight loss: Former party animal got RIPPED in just 15 weeks with THIS fitness plan

Faint Features from Far Away Galaxy Cluster Resolved by Hubble | Video []

US Mint Launches Public Art Competition to Design Apollo 11 Moon Landing Coins []

Monday, September 25, 2017

Research Center a Hub for Origins of Life Studies []

Can Bill Nye — or Any Other Science Show — Really Save the World []

Astronaut Anna Fisher, First Mom in Space, Retires From NASA After 39 Years []

Weight loss: Why THIS popular healthy snack could be making you FAT []

Weight loss: Why THIS popular healthy snack could be making you FAT []

Yoghurt lovers have been warned the healthy snack might not be so good for you after all. 

There are many touted benefits of yoghurt, from boosting the immune system to aiding weight loss and strengthening bones. 

But new research has revealed the health food can simply be a “dessert in disguise”. 

The Heart Foundation and Cancer Council analysed almost 200 flavoured yoghurts and found some contain as much sugar as ice cream. 

Nearly half (44 per cent) of those examined contained more than three teaspoons (12g) of sugar per 100g, the upper limit of the recommended amount. 

The yoghurts – found in Australian supermarkets Coles and Woolworths – are popular choices for health conscious individuals on the go. 

Gippsland Dairy’s Choc Cherry Twist contained the highest sugar content, with a whopping 18.8g per 100g, or 30.1g per serve. 

That’s more than the content of some vanilla ice creams on the market.

Next highest in sugar was Gippsland Dairy Boysenberry Twist, followed by Tasmanian Tamar Valley Dairy Greek Style Raspberry. 

Soleil Fat Free Strawberry yoghurt performed the best of the lot, with just four grams (one teaspoon) per 100g. But the lighter option still contains artificial sweeteners. 

Alison McAleese, manager of the Livelighter public health campaign, said product labels can be misleading. 

She added: “Our research has found that some manufacturers are turning yoghurt – which is a healthy food – into a dessert by adding excessive amounts of sugar or cream. 

“Some yoghurts contain a whopping 7.5 teaspoons of sugar in just one small 160g tub, or 4.5 teaspoons of sugar per 100g, which is almost as much sugar as ice cream.

“Some labels use terms like ‘natural’, ‘high in probiotics’ and ‘low fat’, but these hide the high sugar content and can make it hard for shoppers to figure out which ones are genuinely good.” 

While yoghurt contains naturally occurring sugar in lactose, it’s the added sugar that consumers need to be wary of. 

There are usually around six grams of lactose sugar in 100g of yoghurt, so anything beyond that is necessary.

If you want to cut down your intake of sugar, one nutritionist has revealed 12 simple steps to help you do it.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: Why THIS popular healthy snack could be making you FAT

[]Weight loss: Why THIS popular healthy snack could be making you FAT

Planets, Constellations and Eta Aquarid Meteors In May 2017 Skywatching | Video []

SpaceX Breaks Up US Spy Satellite Launch Monopoly | Video []

Touchdown! SpaceX First Stage Lands After Launching Spy Satellite | Video []

Touchdown! SpaceX First Stage Lands After Launching Spy Satellite | Video []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

The Falcon 9 first stage landed on SpaceX’s landing zone 1 in Florida after it launched the National Reconnaissance Office satellite (designated NROL-76). Touchdown! SpaceX First Stage Lands After Launching Spy Satellite | Video

[]Touchdown! SpaceX First Stage Lands After Launching Spy Satellite | Video

The Late Heavy Bombardment: A Violent Assault on Young Earth []

The Late Heavy Bombardment: A Violent Assault on Young Earth []

Early Earth suffered constant threat of attack from leftover planet-building material. From about 4.5 to 3.8 billion years ago, failed planets and smaller asteroids slammed into larger worlds, scarring their surface. Near the end of the violence, during a period known as the Late Heavy Bombardment, impacts in the solar system may have increased. The increased activity most likely came from the movement of the giant planets, which sent debris raining down on the smaller rocky worlds.

Earth bears relatively few scars from its violent youth because weathering and plate tectonics have renewed its surface. But the three other rocky planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars), as well as the moon, still carry the signs of the increased collisions. 

By using crater counting methods to estimate ages on these scarred worlds, scientists have been able to estimate time frames for material slamming into their surface. Samples collected by Apollo moonwalkers also contain the chemical signatures from different meteorites. Together, the evidence indicates that impacts increased about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago, during the Late Heavy Bombardment, which is thought to have lasted between 20 million to 200 million years.

Even the asteroid belt may show some wear and tear, with traces of chemicals that bind tightly to iron found on their surface rather than beneath it. In addition to finding that the asteroids took longer to accrete than previously suspected, recent research revealed that “there also must have been lots of small or medium-sized bodies present in the solar system for these collisions to have occurred over a range of time scales,” Christopher Dale, a researcher at England’s Durham University, told previously.

The LHB may have been key to delivering water to Earth. Models show that when the planet formed, it was too hot to hold onto the life-giving liquid. Instead, water must have been delivered by other means.

In the past, comets were thought to be a significant source of the planet’s water. If something stirred up the debris in the outer solar system — and models suggest that the early motions of Uranus and Neptune could have flung material inward — the ice-rich comets could have deposited water on Earth’s surface, while the planet’s atmosphere kept it from evaporating.

However, studies of comets, including Halley’s Comet and Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, have revealed that most of them seem to carry a different concentration of heavy water. While a normal water molecule is made of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom, heavy water has a hydrogen atom with an extra neutron in its nucleus, called deuterium. If Earth’s water had come from comets, its deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio should be higher than it is today.

“This probably rules out Kuiper belt comets from bringing water to Earth,” Kathrin Altwegg, principle investigator of the ROSINA mass spectrometer on board the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission to Comet 67P/C-G, said at a 2014 press conference.

Asteroids currently are the most likely suspect for delivering water to the planet. The small rocky bodies could have carried water and organic material to the surface during the LHB as they slammed into the surface.

“Today’s asteroids have very little water — that’s clear,” Altwegg said. “But that was probably not always the case. During the Late Heavy Bombardment 3.8 billion years ago, at that time, asteroids could have had much more water than they could now.”

Those asteroids could have pounded the planets for even longer than originally believed. Although Earth’s scars have long since been covered, researchers can study millimeter- to centimeter-thick layers of rock droplets known as spherules.

“Spherule layers, if preserved in the geologic record, provide information about an impact even when the source crater cannot be found,” Brandon Johnson, of Purdue University, told Johnson led a study that used models to deduce the impact sizes based on the properties of spherule beds.

“Some of the asteroids that we infer were about 40 kilometers (24.8 miles) in diameter, much larger than the one that killed off the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago that was about 12 to 15 kilometers (7.4 to 9.3 miles),” said co-author Jay Melsoh at Purdue University.

But while giant impacts bring with them the idea of impending doom, other studies show that life could have still survived — or even flourished — in microbial form. Underground microbes would have flourished as their habitats increased thanks to the impacts.

“Even under the most extreme conditions we imposed, Earth would not have been completely sterilized by the bombardment,” said lead author Oleg Abramov, of the University of Colorado, Boulder.

But a new contender may be on the rise. Impact researcher William Bottke, of the Southwest Research Institute in Colorado, thinks failed planets may have played an important role.

“We have evidence for two early-bombardment populations and a time difference between them — a late one, plausibly made by escapees from the asteroid belt, and an early one from elsewhere,” Bottke said.

Bottke suspects that failed young planets, or planetesimals, may have contributed to the impacts on the back side of the moon. These planetesimals would have been far larger than the objects in the asteroid belt, and would have done significant damage as they crashed into the rocky inner solar system worlds.

If asteroids caused the LHB, the uptick in activity was most likely came from the movement of the giant planets. According to a recent model known as Grand Tack, Jupiter and Saturn moved into the inner solar system before tacking like a sail boat and returning to their final orbits farther out. Along the way, they would have scattered any debris found in an early asteroid belt, sending it flying toward Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Another model could explain the both incoming protoplanets and a handful of comets, which may have contributed organic material. Known as the Nice model, it calls for Neptune and Uranus to change places, sending the icy material that formed near them flying. Some of it would form the Kuiper Belt, the outer region of the solar system where Pluto orbits, while others would travel inward towards the rocky worlds.

The two models work well together, so both could explain the impacts that scarred early Earth.

Follow Nola Taylor Redd at @NolaTRedd, Facebook, or Google+. Follow us at @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) The Late Heavy Bombardment: A Violent Assault on Young Earth

[]The Late Heavy Bombardment: A Violent Assault on Young Earth

NASA Orion Spacecraft’s Abort System Motor Test-Fired | Video []

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Sarah Millican weight loss – comedian’s SECRET to slimming down revealed on Instagram []

Sarah Millican weight loss – comedian’s SECRET to slimming down revealed on Instagram []

The 41-year-old, squeaky voiced comedian’s latest stand-up tour, recorded live at the Brighton Dome, aired on Channel 4 last week. 

As well as speaking about the trials of trying to bond with her cat, filthy sex jokes and her struggles with irritable bowel syndrome, Sarah also touched on body image.

In the past, Sarah has revealed she doesn’t hold back when it comes to eating. 

During one show, she said: “I think the problem is just the fact that I eat whatever I like and I don’t give a s***.” 

On another occasion she joked: “I don’t like meals for one, though. No, it’s not that they make us feel lonely. I just don’t think they’re big enough.” 

But alongside a new brunette hairdo, Sarah’s slim down makes her appear almost unrecognisable. 

So what is the secret to the stand-up comedian’s image overhaul?

On her Instagram account, Sarah has been posting pictures of her “writing snacks”, which quite often consist of fruit – though she admits it’s a struggle to get them down her. 

In one post, she wrote: “Today’s writing snacks. That have been on my desk untouched for over an hour.” 

In another, she posted a picture of her breakfast – porridge with fruit. 

But Sarah hasn’t cut out comfort food and sugary snacks completely. 

Sometimes, her “writing snacks” are a bowl of onion ring crisps, and she doesn’t scrimp on desserts, posting pictures of brownies and Eton Mess. 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Sarah Millican weight loss – comedian's SECRET to slimming down revealed on Instagram

[]Sarah Millican weight loss – comedian’s SECRET to slimming down revealed on Instagram

Nigella Lawson weight loss – how you could lose up to THREE stone WITHOUT dieting []

Nigella Lawson weight loss – how you could lose up to THREE stone WITHOUT dieting []

The 57-year-old has always been pro self-indulgence, having once suggested taking a doughnut and making french toast with it. 

Back in 2015, she criticised obsessive diet culture and ’clean eating’ because, for her, life is all about balance. 

She told Good Housekeeping Magazine: “I wouldn’t want a life where I lived on chia seed pudding, just as I wouldn’t want to life where I lived on eggs Benedict or steak and chips. 

“I love kale and I’m an avocado obsessive. But life is about balance, it’s not about being smug. You don’t eat things because you think they’re good for you. 

“Also, you can guarantee that what people think will be good for you this year, they won’t next year.” 

So how did curvy Nigella get in such great shape? Surgery (but not the kind you might expect) apparently. 

According to the Telegraph in 2015, Nigella said: “I had a very glamorous operation – a double bunionisation. I couldn’t walk to the fridge afterwards and, actually, it’s quite a good diet. 

“Not because I stopped eating but because you can say to someone, ‘Can you get me a slice of cake?’ but it’s kind of embarrassing to say, ‘And now could you get me a second slice?’

“So I haven’t really eaten any different, but I had fewer opportunities to eat.”

The self-taught chef has also attributed keeping in shape over the years to yoga. 

She told Good Housekeeping: “It’s certainly true my weight went up – that happens in life sometimes. 

“I have never been on a diet to try to lose weight. I feel like I haven’t lost weight, but I’m possibly in better shape. I am doing a rather slow form of yoga now called lyengar. 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Nigella Lawson weight loss – how you could lose up to THREE stone WITHOUT dieting

[]Nigella Lawson weight loss – how you could lose up to THREE stone WITHOUT dieting

Watch SpaceX Launch a Military Spy Satellite for 1st Time Sunday []

Saturday, September 23, 2017

NASA and Trump: What Happened in Space in the 1st 100 Days | Video []

NASA and Trump: What Happened in Space in the 1st 100 Days | Video []

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NASA highlights some of their work and milestones during the first 100 days of the Trump administration. NASA and Trump: What Happened in Space in the 1st 100 Days | Video

[]NASA and Trump: What Happened in Space in the 1st 100 Days | Video

The First 100 Days: What Trump Has Done on Space So Far []

Weight loss: Martine McCutcheon flaunts impressive Cambridge weight plan waistline []

Weight loss: Martine McCutcheon flaunts impressive Cambridge weight plan waistline []

Martine McCutcheon, 40, made a name for herself as Tiffany in EastEnders and went on to star in Love Actually opposite Hugh Grant. 

The brunette star won legions of fans including a plethora of male admirers with her gorgeous smile and zest for life. 

Unfortunately Martine contracted Lyme disease and also suffers with M.E – a chronic fatigue condition. 

And yesterday she revealed she’s been trying out a new diet in order to get back to her healthiest-self.

She wrote on Instagram: “Heres my silly little head feeling all giddy and happy because I reached my 1 stone target today on the Cambridge weight plan I’m SO thrilled.”

The actress revealed the rate of weight loss was a slower than the average person but that she expected that. 

She explained: “Lyme disease and m.e can really play havoc with how your system works – plus my consultant Donna stressed that my health is the most important thing so I took things a little more slowly whilst feeling more energised and even with health issues…I’ve still managed to do it.”

The star revealed she’s been trying toe Cambridge weight plan for just over five weeks and her BMI is already in a much healthier range. 

What is the Cambridge weight plan? 

Martine’s new diet is made up of a “flexible six-step programme” the website reads. 

Step one is the Sole Source – products that are the dieter’s sole source of nutrition. That includes three Cambridge Weight Plan products and four pints of fluids over the course of the day. 

Step two is mixing the Cambridge Weight Plan meal replacement products with everyday food. That means three Cambridge Weight Plan products, one 200kcal meal and four pints of fluids. 

Step three again mixes the Cambridge Weight Plan meal replacement products with every day food comprising of two Cambridge Weight Plan products, a 150kcal breakfast, a salad lunch of green salad leaves such as rocket, spinach, lettuce, watercress, cucumber, radishes or celery one 400kcal dinner, 200ml skimmed milk and at least four pints of fluids. 

Step four adds again more food – this time a 400kcal dinner and a 100kcal bonus snack. Step five is the same again but with one less Cambridge Weight Plan product.

The final step is when dieters have reached their target weight: they are said to use this Step to maintain and enjoy their new shape and life.

On the website it claims: “Research suggests that customers who continue to use one meal replacement product each day, such as a Cambridge Weight Plan product, find it easier to maintain their weight.”

Martine told her followers: “On my step of the plan I love that I can still have my green juices, porridge and real food. Give me too much choice and it’s game over. 

“I’ve loved my choccie shakes and and mint chocolate bars and I whip them in my bag with my green juice and go!”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: Martine McCutcheon flaunts impressive Cambridge weight plan waistline

[]Weight loss: Martine McCutcheon flaunts impressive Cambridge weight plan waistline

Friday, September 22, 2017

Cassini Survived 1st Grand Finale Dive – Mission Control Celebrates | Video []

Watch Triton Orbit Neptune via Kepler Space Telescope | Video []

‘Giant Hurricane’ on Saturn: 1st Images Back from Cassini’s Epic Ring Dive []

Send Your DNA to Space and Back via New Service []

How to get rid of MOOBS – exercise and eating plan to tackle excess flab []

How to get rid of MOOBS – exercise and eating plan to tackle excess flab []

Changes to diet and targeted exercise will help the problem, but first it helps to know what moobs, also known as manboobs, actually are.

Their scientific name is gynecomastia, and they are indicative of a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Breast tissue in both men and women feeds off oestrogen, and typically, women have higher levels of oestrogen in the body causing them to grow breasts. Men, however, have more androgen hormones, such as testoserone, and moobs occur when a man’s oestrogen-to-androgen ratio is out of balance.

Research published in the International Journal of Andrology says this “may be the result of increased conversion of testosterone to oestradiol (potent oestrogenic hormone) in increased adipose tissue mass.”

In plain English, excess fat could be secreting female hormones, only increasing moobs.

To beat manboobs, the first thing to do is overhaul the diet, and alcohol is off the menu.

This isn’t just because of the high calorific content; Research published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Theraputics found “alcohol intake produces a suppression of plasma testosterone.”

Eating healthily is key – but don’t make the mistake of not eating enough as this won’t get rid of moobs faster. In fact, it will have the opposite effect.

Drastically restricting food intake has not only been shown to reduce testosterone levels but it can also induce a phenomenon known as “refeeding gynecomastia.”

This is temporary breast enlargement seen in males who have been starving, and was seen most notably in prisoners of World War II who resumed a normal diet after weeks of malnutrition. One student proved this point when he got in incredible shape by eating more than he did when he was overweight.

But diet alone won’t get rid of unwanted manboobs – targeted exercise is key.

The most important move is the bench press. This is because large, heavy compound movements will help shift the hormonal balance back in the right direction, according to research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology.

The researchers studied “acute hormonal response to heavy resistance exercise” and found “levels of testosterone significantly increased after heavy resistance training.”

As well as bench pressing, add some plyometric press ups into your routine. Research from the Department of Health and Exercise Science at the College of New Jersey, USA found explosive press ups coupled with the bench press increased strength in young, male athletes during an eight week period.

Make sure to do plenty of strength training overall, as this increases the rate at which you burn calories.

Whatever exercise you do, make sure you keep your hands in the best position – the wider your hands are apart the more you engage the muscles of your chest. The closer they are together, the more you engage the muscles of the triceps. So if you are trying to get rid of moobs, it may be best to keep hands apart.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) How to get rid of MOOBS – exercise and eating plan to tackle excess flab

[]How to get rid of MOOBS – exercise and eating plan to tackle excess flab

Alien Planet with Earth’s Mass Discovered … But It’s an ‘Iceball’ []

Tropical Storms Create Gamma-Ray Flashes | Video []

Tropical Storms Create Gamma-Ray Flashes | Video []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

When the conditions are just right, some tropical storms will fire off terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, which are some of the highest-energy light flashes naturally produced on Earth. Tropical Storms Create Gamma-Ray Flashes | Video

[]Tropical Storms Create Gamma-Ray Flashes | Video

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Historic NASA Mission Control Consoles to be Restored by the Cosmosphere []

Astronaut Peggy Whitson to Make 1st 4K Live Stream from Space Today: How to Watch []

Big Sun Storms and Little Solar Burps Have the Same Trigger []

Cassini’s Journey into the Unknown: NASA Engineer Talks Saturn Risks & Rewards (Video) []

Cassini Spacecraft’s Grand Finale Dives – Risk vs. Reward Explained by NASA | Video []

No Turning Back: Titan Flyby Assures Cassini’s Crash Into Saturn []

Binge-Watch Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’ on Twitch for Science Week []

Solar Eruptions Explained in ‘5 Steps’ by NASA | Video []

Mars Had Surprising 400-Million-Year Lull Between Giant-Impact Eras []

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

China’s Cargo Craft Docks with Space Lab []

Antarctica’s Growing Ice Shelf Crack Monitored From Space | Video []

Weight loss – girl shows the shocking TRUTH behind her impressive before and after picture []

Weight loss – girl shows the shocking TRUTH behind her impressive before and after picture []

Imgur user “issegal” shared two images of herself in a bikini which appear to show months of weight loss.

In the first picture, the girl can be seen standing in a red bikini which cuts in to her sides, causing a muffin top.

Her stomach protudes and does not appear to be flat at all.

In the second image – presumed to be an ‘after’ shot – the girl wears the same red bikini top with a pair of black bottoms.

Her muffin top has completely disappeared, and her stomach is now completely flat. Her thighs also appear slimmer too.

But the photos have not been taken months or even days apart – but were in fact taken with just 15 minutes between them.

Captioning the post, issegal explained: “Lose weight in only 15 minutes by changing your stance, hair, clothes, came zoom and filter.

The post has gone viral, with over 219,000 views and hundreds of comments.

One person joked: “Finally a 15 minute weight loss program that works.”

Another said: “Everything else I understand, but how did the dreaded muffin top disappear, just looser pants?”

One wrote: “Black underwear is also very slimming.”

One person noted: “If it’s stupid but it works then it’s not stupid.”

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss – girl shows the shocking TRUTH behind her impressive before and after picture

[]Weight loss – girl shows the shocking TRUTH behind her impressive before and after picture

Far-Out Films: NASA Footage to Star in Space Movie Competition []

Weight loss: Is THIS the miracle ingredient to transform YOUR body? []

Weight loss: Is THIS the miracle ingredient to transform YOUR body? []

There are many products which claim to be quick fixes when it comes to weight loss. 

Diet pills, fads and unrealistic fitness trends can suck you in only to fall flat in delivering on their one promise. 

But scientists have been investigating the effects of apple cider vinegar on weight loss in recent years and there has been consistently encouraging evidence of its beneficial effect on the body. 

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made from crushed apples combined with yeast and bacteria for fermentation.

The major active component of ACV is acetic avid, also known as ethanoic acid. 

This organic compound has a sour taste and strong smell. It also has powerful benefits for weight loss, according to research. 

A 2008 study on normal and diabetic rats found ACV lowered their LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides (blood fat), while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. 

This led researchers to conclude the vinegar may help to manage diabetes complications such as heart disease.

Another study in 2005 found intake of acetic acid in rats helped lower blood sugar levels, decrease insulin, improve metabolism, reduce fat storage, burn fat and suppress appetite.  

ACV is power packed with nutrients, including pectins, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. 

A 2005 study found a link between ACV and suppressed appetite, which led to decrease caloric intake. 

Those who took vinegar with a high-carb meal reported a 55 per cent drop in blood sugar response one hour later. 

They also consumed 200-275 few calories over the course of the day. 

A study from 2009 on adults proved even more promising. Average weight loss after consuming one tablespoon of ACV per day for 12 weeks totalled 2.6lbs. 

Consuming two tablespoons for the same length of time resulted in 3.7lbs average weight loss. 

While there is a lot of evidence to suggest ACV has incredible benefits when it comes to helping you lose weight, not all research has confirmed a definitive link. 

One study in 2011 found the vinegar actually increased both good and bad cholesterol in rats. 

Taking it over a long period of time has sometimes resulted in conditions like low potassium levels, but short term use is relatively low risk. 

Whether or not it actually aids the weight loss process, there are many other purported benefits of the substance. 

Research suggests ACV can be helpful with teeth cleaning and whitening, skin, hair and nails, coughs and sore throats and even as an all-purpose cleaner. 

Apple cider might also help to get rid of dandruff. 

It can be taken by the tablespoon, in juice or water or used directly on meals, in cooking or as salad dressing.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss: Is THIS the miracle ingredient to transform YOUR body?

[]Weight loss: Is THIS the miracle ingredient to transform YOUR body?

Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower 2017: When, Where & How to See It []

Weight loss – Adam Woodyatt cut THIS from his diet before running the London marathon 2017 []

Weight loss – Adam Woodyatt cut THIS from his diet before running the London marathon 2017 []

The 48-year-old Eastenders actor tackled the London marathon with a number of other stars on Sunday. 

However, the impressive 26 mile run was not what caught the attention of eagled-eyed fans.

The soap star lost an impressive amount of weight before hitting the streets of London to raise money for charity. 

Pictures taken in 2012 at a charity football match show the actor looking a lot more portly with a rounded belly. 

On Sunday Adam ran the marathon with his 19-year-old son Sam in a bid to raise money for the Air Ambulance. 

And it seems all the training has not only benefitted the charity but the soap star’s frame.

Before the show he appeared on The One Show, and wowed viewers with his weight loss.

He told viewers that a low carb diet had been contributing to his shrinking frame. 

He told Matt Baker and Angela Scanlon that he hoped cutting out carbs would help him during the 26.2 mile run.

Twitter users wrote in to praise the Eastender’s star.

One wrote “Wow – Adam Woodyatt looks brilliant. Great weight loss Adam! Good look for your marathon on the weekend” and another said, “Well done Adam you look terrific”.

Adam and his son ran the marathon for the Air Ambulance after Sam was saved by them after he was hit by a car.

Adam is not the only celeb to have slimmed down recently. 

Steps star Claire Richards shrunk from a size 20 to a size eight for the pop group’s reunion.

Claire, 39, was the bubbly front-woman of pop band Steps with their catchy  tunes and infectious dance moves hitting the charts in 1997. 

Kim Kardashian has dropped half a stone just before the Met Ball gala in New York by doing this.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss – Adam Woodyatt cut THIS from his diet before running the London marathon 2017

[]Weight loss – Adam Woodyatt cut THIS from his diet before running the London marathon 2017

Happy Birthday, Canadarm2! Spacecraft-Grabbing Robotic Arm Turns 16 []

3 Planet-Hunters Make Time’s List of 100 Most Influential People []

Proton Arc and Auroras Captured Above British Columbia | Time-Lapse Video []

Proton Arc and Auroras Captured Above British Columbia | Time-Lapse Video []

Vanexus Photography captured a stunning view of a proton arc (white/grey line seen on the left) and the northern lights above Porteau Cove Provincial Park on May 8, 2016. They captured over 600 images from different angles to deliver this time-lapse video. 

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Proton Arc and Auroras Captured Above British Columbia | Time-Lapse Video

[]Proton Arc and Auroras Captured Above British Columbia | Time-Lapse Video

Marching for Science with! | Video []

Marching for Science with! | Video []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Scientists and science-supporters gathered on April 22 in cities around the world, in a show of solidarity and respect for science. Marching for Science with! | Video

[]Marching for Science with! | Video

Our Discovery of a Minor Planet Beyond Neptune Shows There May Not Be ‘Planet Nine’ After All []

An Aurora Called ‘Steve’? Strange Sky Phenomenon Investigated []

‘Genius’: Albert Einstein’s Wild Side Stars in New Nat Geo Series []

‘Genius’: Albert Einstein’s Wild Side Stars in New Nat Geo Series []

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

“Genius,” an gripping new series about the life of Albert Einstein, makes its television debut tonight. The show delves into the more controversial aspects of Einstein’s life, with plenty of violence and debauchery right off the bat. 'Genius': Albert Einstein's Wild Side Stars in New Nat Geo Series

[]‘Genius’: Albert Einstein’s Wild Side Stars in New Nat Geo Series

Peggy Whitson’s Historic Records as a NASA Astronaut | Video []

Peggy Whitson Breaks US Record for Most Time in Space by an Astronaut []

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

President Trump to Call NASA Astronaut Peggy Whitson in Space Monday []

Top tips to prepare your superfood and make the most of what you eat []

New Off-Broadway Play Spotlights ‘Almost-First’ Woman in Space []

President Signs Commercial Satellite Weather Bill []

A Brief History of the Lyrid Meteor Shower, Which Peaks Tonight []

Celestial Photos: Hubble Space Telescope’s Latest Cosmic Views []

Celestial Photos: Hubble Space Telescope’s Latest Cosmic Views []

This image shows the top ten images entered into the Hubble’s Hidden Treasures image processing competition: Top row: NGC 1763 by Josh Lake, M 77 by Andre van der Hoeven, XZ Tauri by Judy Schmidt, Chamaeleon I by Renaud Houdinet, M 96 by Robert Gendler.Bottom row: SNR 0519-69 by Claude Cornen, PK 111-2.1 by Josh Barrington, NGC 1501 by kyokugaisha1, Abell 68 by Nick Rose, IC 10 by Nikolaus Sulzenauer. [Complete Hubble Hidden Treasures Gallery]

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Celestial Photos: Hubble Space Telescope's Latest Cosmic Views

[]Celestial Photos: Hubble Space Telescope’s Latest Cosmic Views

No Aliens Yet for $100 Million E.T. Hunt []

A Star Explosion Times 4: Supernova Image Quadrupled in Rare Sight []

In Photos: The Best Space Signs from the 2017 March for Science []

In Photos: The Best Space Signs from the 2017 March for Science []

Scientists and science allies are gathering today (April 22) in Washington, D.C., and in hundreds of cities around the world, for the 2017 March for Science. Check out some of the best space signs and more from the demonstrations.

This Photo: A science supporter dressed as Galileo (complete with telescope) is seen near the Washington Monument during the March for Science in Washington D.C. on April 22, 2017.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) In Photos: The Best Space Signs from the 2017 March for Science

[]In Photos: The Best Space Signs from the 2017 March for Science

Cygnus Cargo Ship S.S. John Glenn Arrives at Space Station []

You Can Still Catch an Earth Day Meteor Shower []

Cosmic Speck: See Earth Through Saturn’s Rings in Amazing Cassini Photo []

Earth As Seen From Saturn – Cassini Probe ‘Looks Back’ | Video []

Bizarre Superfluid with Negative Mass Created in a Lab []

Bizarre Superfluid with Negative Mass Created in a Lab []

Scientists have created a new superfluid that has a negative mass, meaning that if it’s pushed to the right, it accelerates to the left and vice versa.

The bizarre behavior may sound like a freakish violation of nature, but it is a phenomenon that physicists have seen hints of before. However, this is the first time that negative mass has been demonstrated without ambiguity in a lab, said Han Pu, a theoretical physicist at Rice University who was not involved in the new research.

The newly created material with negative mass is a type of Bose-Einstein condensate, in which individual atoms move as one object, the scientists wrote in the new study. [The 18 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics]

The new findings could hold clues to the behavior occurring in the heart of ultracold neutron stars, which also act as superfluids, said study co-author Michael Forbes, a physicist at Washington State University.

One of the first things that students learn in high school physics is that force is equal to mass times acceleration, or F= m*a. Called Newton’s second law of motion, the equation dictates what everyone experiences daily: If you push an object (barring other forces at play), it accelerates away from you.

Yet, for a long time, scientists have known that — theoretically, at least — there are certain conditions in which acceleration could be negative.

“These types of negative-mass conditions can arise in a variety of contexts,” Forbes told Live Science. “They don’t occur out in the middle of space, as far as we know.”

However, there have been hints of this behavior occurring spontaneously in systems where light is traveling through nonlinear materials with special electrical properties, as well as in certain types of crystals. However, in these systems, it was hard to control or predict where the negative mass occurred, so it was difficult to say whether the behavior was actually occurring, Forbes said.

In the new study, which was published April 10 in the journal Physical Review Letters, Forbes and his colleagues eliminated this uncertainty. They cooled rubidium atoms to near absolute zero (minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 273.15 degrees Celsius) while the atoms were squished inside a tiny horizontal tube. At these bone-chilling temperatures, the atoms move glacially slow, and their motion is correlated such that the material made up of the rubidium atoms acts more like a wave than a particle. In essence, it is as if the collection of supercool atoms behaves as one particle.

Then, the researchers shined lasers at the tube, which changed the state of the atoms inside. Based on the angle of the laser, it pushes the particles either one way or the other. Next, the researchers opened up the ends of the tube holding the atoms. Normally, the laser light would push the cloud of atoms to expand outward toward the ends of the tube. But in this instance, a shock wave built up on one side of the cloud, causing the cloud of atoms to contract away from the wave.

“If you try to push [the cloud of atoms] away, it’s effectively the lasers that are causing it to push backward,” Forbes said. “At a microscopic level, that’s what’s happening.”

Though the new demonstration may seem to violate the laws of physics, it actually doesn’t.

“I wouldn’t say it’s unexpected,” Pu told Live Science.

That’s because the effective negative mass of the system here is inertial mass, which dictates how an object accelerates in response to an applied force; in this instance the study simply means that in certain narrow, dynamic conditions, the sign on the mass term in the equation is flipped. But energy is still conserved and the gravitational mass of the system, meaning the amount of gravitational pull the atom cloud exerts and experiences, has not changed. So Newton’s law of universal gravitation, which describes the gravitational attraction between two masses, has not been violated. (This law is what dictates that, in a vacuum without air resistance, a feather and a lead ball will fall toward Earth at the same rate.)

Because the gravitational mass of the Bose-Einstein condensate is still positive,  the individual atoms in the material are still pulled together by gravity. So if the same experiment were flipped so it were in a vertical tube, the force of gravity could cause the atom cloud to fall toward the floor and expand, just as ordinary intuition would expect, Forbes added.

(If, somehow, an experiment created conditions in which gravitational mass turned negative, that would likely violate fundamental physics laws, and things would get weird — fast. For instance, if there were a negative gravitational mass particle and a positive mass particle in proximity, one would be attracted to the other, while the other would be repelled. So one particle would essentially chase the other one forever, reaching infinitely high speeds, Forbes said.)

The new findings are interesting from a purely theoretical point of view, but they could also help scientists understand what’s going on inside neutron stars, Forbes said. For instance, cold clouds of lithium atoms filled with fermions have almost identical energetic properties to neutron stars, so they could be used to create “experiments” that otherwise never could have been done on the massive interstellar objects in space, Forbes said.

Originally published on Live Science.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Bizarre Superfluid with Negative Mass Created in a Lab

[]Bizarre Superfluid with Negative Mass Created in a Lab