Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Weight loss – Adam Woodyatt cut THIS from his diet before running the London marathon 2017 []

Weight loss – Adam Woodyatt cut THIS from his diet before running the London marathon 2017 []

The 48-year-old Eastenders actor tackled the London marathon with a number of other stars on Sunday. 

However, the impressive 26 mile run was not what caught the attention of eagled-eyed fans.

The soap star lost an impressive amount of weight before hitting the streets of London to raise money for charity. 

Pictures taken in 2012 at a charity football match show the actor looking a lot more portly with a rounded belly. 

On Sunday Adam ran the marathon with his 19-year-old son Sam in a bid to raise money for the Air Ambulance. 

And it seems all the training has not only benefitted the charity but the soap star’s frame.

Before the show he appeared on The One Show, and wowed viewers with his weight loss.

He told viewers that a low carb diet had been contributing to his shrinking frame. 

He told Matt Baker and Angela Scanlon that he hoped cutting out carbs would help him during the 26.2 mile run.

Twitter users wrote in to praise the Eastender’s star.

One wrote “Wow – Adam Woodyatt looks brilliant. Great weight loss Adam! Good look for your marathon on the weekend” and another said, “Well done Adam you look terrific”.

Adam and his son ran the marathon for the Air Ambulance after Sam was saved by them after he was hit by a car.

Adam is not the only celeb to have slimmed down recently. 

Steps star Claire Richards shrunk from a size 20 to a size eight for the pop group’s reunion.

Claire, 39, was the bubbly front-woman of pop band Steps with their catchy  tunes and infectious dance moves hitting the charts in 1997. 

Kim Kardashian has dropped half a stone just before the Met Ball gala in New York by doing this.

Let’s block ads! (Why?) Weight loss – Adam Woodyatt cut THIS from his diet before running the London marathon 2017

[]Weight loss – Adam Woodyatt cut THIS from his diet before running the London marathon 2017

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