Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall weight loss: Chef lost half a stone in SIX days doing THIS []

Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall weight loss: Chef lost half a stone in SIX days doing THIS []

Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, 53, is a British celebrity chef best known for hosting the River Cottage television series.

Tonight his new series, Britain’s Fat Fight, starts on BBC One. But how did the chef lose weight himself?

It is clear from photographs that Hugh – who is married to Marie Derome, his wife since 2001 – has gone from somewhat chubby to slimmed down and sleek in recent years.

But how has he transformed his body, so that he now looks a whole new man?

He has previously said he followed an intermittent fasting regime to lose eight pounds in less than a week.

This is a regime, also known as the Fast Diet or 5 2 Diet, whereby slimmers eat less on two days of the week.

For instance, they eat normally for five days, but reduce their calories to 600 for a man (500 for a woman) on two days.

Hugh initially piled on the pounds during a tricky Christmas period, he told Daily Mail in 2013.

“At the turn of the year, like so many, I consumed way too much meat, cheese, cream, sugar and alcohol.

“And despite a garden bursting with brussel sprouts, kale and winter salads, and a weekly delivery of organic apples, oranges, clementines and bananas, I know I didn’t eat nearly enough fruit and veg to offset the gluttony.”

He found changing his body “exhilarating”, he told the publication.

“I’ve lost eight pounds already, and I find the whole thing rather exhilarating.

“I feel I might just be part of a health revolution,” he added.

On his new three part documentary, Britain’s Fat Fight, Hugh will be exploring Britain’s status at the most obese country in Western Europe.

He will investigate what is causing this obesity and the associated health problems.

Another celebrity chef who has lost a significant amount of weight is Gordon Ramsay’s weight loss.

Gordon Ramsay, 51, achieved a weight loss of more than four stone after tipping the scales at 18st in 2000.

The 6ft 2 British celebrity chef and author of Fit Food now weighs just 13st 10lb.

But how did Gordon lose the weight? He is said to have limited a common food group in order to do it.

Asked how he dropped the stones, he said: “No milk. Just because it’s sluggish.”

“Dropping milk and cheese has made a massive difference,” he said, speaking to the Daily Mail.

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[]Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall weight loss: Chef lost half a stone in SIX days doing THIS

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