Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Most Amazing Space Photos This Week! []

The Most Amazing Space Photos This Week! []

An asteroid gave Earth a close shave on Sunday (April 15), just one day after astronomers discovered the object. The asteroid, designated 2018 GE3, made its closest approach to Earth at around 2:41 a.m. EDT (0641 GMT) at a distance of 119,400 miles (192,000 kilometers), according to NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies. Amateur astronomer Michael Jäger of Weißenkirchen, Austria, captured this video of asteroid 2018 GE3 zooming through the constellation Serpens on April 14 at 7:20 p.m. EDT (2320 GMT). [‘Tunguska’-Size Asteroid Makes Surprise Flyby of Earth ]

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[]The Most Amazing Space Photos This Week!

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